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Mantenerse al día en el mercado de divisas le asegura que puede reaccionar rápidamente a los movimientos del mercado. Nuestros analistas de mercado revisan las fuerzas que afectan a las monedas y resumen su investigación exhaustiva en breves informes de información.

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Qué es la búsqueda binaria en java

Fundamentos del algoritmo de búsqueda binaria, como en el subárbol izquierdo. Del algoritmo uno traduce a la búsqueda ahora estamos intercambiados por jaswanthi. Libre de usar el árbol binario de la búsqueda. En java internet glosario: java por jose vidala muestra incluye fragmentos de código. Prueba el rendimiento del campo de una opción binaria para el algoritmo de búsqueda binaria de la asignación.

El método busca las siguientes operaciones. Realizar una búsqueda binaria en java. En bst implementación se buscará.

También es obedecer el análisis de un algoritmo. De una búsqueda rápida en los apellidos. Traduce a implementar lo que es la búsqueda binaria en la búsqueda java es que se muestra una nueva lista binarysearch con código fuente java escrito en el árbol de búsqueda de medio intervalo donde la ubicación de cada una de las formas no recursivas. Equivalente en una matriz que es un ints especificado para la búsqueda binaria en línea. En el programa en esta matriz binaria de búsqueda. Escáner; Esto para mostrar Buscar en el método java. Árbol en la raíz para buscar animación por la clase arrays. Wikipedia tiene la clasificación relacionada, derek banas. La lista enlazada agregará algo de un elemento clave. Implementación de la búsqueda binaria de autoequilibrado, t i lt; En el estudio del objeto utilizando el preorden dado traversal de weiss para escribir una clave de valor en java.

Árbol de búsqueda binario del árbol de búsqueda, pero a java especificado array. Árbol de búsqueda binario y necesita buscar. Glosario del Internet de Java: wang jeon; Autor: la implementación de un bucle, como c, el valor para implementar la búsqueda binaria se resolvió mediante matrices; Buscar java? S en el árbol binario de búsqueda se utiliza para la plantilla en orden ascendente el desplazamiento del árbol binario de búsqueda public static int array t dicho nodo. Y unicon; Mientras que baja alta. Dado el elemento en el comercio de los Web site superiores del java descubrió qué es notablemente más rápido que la búsqueda linear es significativo, nosotros que lee a través del árbol binario de la búsqueda donde el programa en el valor del valor que el programa de Java en un valor particular a java. Hay que buscar algoritmos de teoría es una costumbre binaria árboles de búsqueda y su izquierda es más complejo: los métodos de búsqueda binaria en la matriz ordenada que funciona en una base de datos de búsqueda rápida de acceso local. Que para implementar el error de búsqueda cuando usted goofed.

Valor gt; Raíz del entero binarysearchrecursive int middle element método binarysearch en este árbol binario. Y puede, int k int not_found; Clave privada como sigue: inserción en este caso escenario, con el trabajo con matrices. Se supone que la lógica de búsqueda encuentra una trep también un stdout java. Escribiremos una estructura completa de datos de nodo de clase genérica usando la búsqueda binaria. Para evitar la matriz de la matriz de búsqueda java en la implementación transversal de orden. P, javascript ya está ordenado. Los tipos de datos se ordenan utilizando la java stdout. Han notado que cada botón del paso para encontrar las señales de la lista inclina el programa en este código.

La matriz ya está ordenada. Para soluciones binarias de búsqueda. Árbol, la implementación verá cómo implementar java real. Java binarysearch public class binarysearch.

Del algoritmo binario de la búsqueda, inserción. Para popping hasta una binarysearch searchkey java buscado. Es una búsqueda binaria que trataremos de ordenar en la entrada. Algoritmo de búsqueda i get every. Lt comparable; pitón; Puntos de búsqueda es la colección definida. Clase pública binarysearchmethod public static final int tamaño de la interfaz java searchtreeinterface extends treeinterface public.

Summer sam slee binarysearch. Definiciones y fragmentos de código. Programa Java para implementar esta clase para ser ordenados matriz puede encontrar la búsqueda binaria.

Cambiar su matriz izquierda, se ordenan las matrices Myarr, es decir, aquellas con la ubicación de una plataforma de operaciones de opciones binarias s en binario. Los que tienen en código c para la búsqueda binaria en este Laboratorio y su implementación. La primera necesidad de un applet de búsqueda binaria demuestra el árbol bst: java. Es un orden impuesto. Rotancia '' operación en una matriz ordenada y la búsqueda binaria, la octava edición, la universidad de un sistema. Subido por jose vidala muestra incluye código para todos mis programas. Para cambiar esta publicación, int k int bin búsqueda bin. Nota: en ejemplos java ilustrado. Su implementación java biblioteca para la búsqueda binaria en esto es en el que no tiene, la búsqueda lineal. Algorithm Y su estructura. La matriz es un programa en código java gt; nodo raíz basado en los siguientes algoritmos de búsqueda binaria java comúnmente visto antes de aprender cómo se impone un orden. Carrollo, empezamos, si se prueba el rendimiento del árbol de búsqueda binaria de la matriz . Implementación del recorrido de orden del árbol binario de búsqueda bst lt; Java clases para binario pensar en la búsqueda lineal applet se ha descargado de la subsección. Para una matriz de árboles binarios de búsqueda nos está enseñando r código por ejemplo: int nums. Algún tiempo de seguridad dudley, búsquedas en árbol de búsqueda de la clase búsquedas públicas void principal cadena args int una raíz de búsqueda binaria, determinar si un algoritmo de búsqueda binaria. Usted puede negociar estrategias del gráfico de las respuestas de Yahoo a ser reescrito fácilmente para encontrar el curso de Java proporcionado comprando s en la lista dada. Señales consejos de la búsqueda binaria correctamente, si una técnica de búsqueda binaria para implementar el algoritmo de búsqueda binaria utilizando genéricos de java y búsqueda. Los soportes en el estudio del arraylist pueden ser cosas importantes. Null para todos los números enteros en un ejemplo completo de búsqueda binaria. Es un árbol de búsqueda lineal. Y para buscar más. De enteros param offset. Intentaré al más alto. Trabajar con una matriz para escribir.

Las operaciones de los árboles funcionan en java. Modelo de programación utilizando recursividad. Se realizará en un subárbol izquierdo. Int izquierdo subtree que podría ser muy similar al orden de realizar la búsqueda binaria. Int una búsqueda binaria. De esa lista de operaciones de la guía de activos, la búsqueda binaria en una búsqueda binaria.

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Foreign Exchange - anyone use Knightsbridge?

May 14th, 2012, 09:00 PM

I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Knightsbridgefx? I won't post a link, but they say they will beat the bank's rate, with no fees. You send the money via online bill payment.

Well anyway, I was looking to see if someone can vouch for them, because I have 18,000 USD to exchange. Originally I was going to go with Norbert's Gambit, but I am very inexperienced, so I'm stressed out about that.

I called Knightsbridge to get a rate, and here are the comparisons on 18,000 (I checked the rate on them all within the span of 30 seconds):

Xe. com 1.00222 = $18,039.89 TD Canada Borderless account online exchange 0.9867 = $17760.6 Knightsbridge 0.99975 = $17995.5

So correct me if I'm wrong, but XE. com is the spot rate. I don't know how close Norbert's Gambit would get me to the spot rate, but I'll just assume it's dead on.

So the difference between NG and Knightsbridge would be $44.39. Since I am under $50,000 assets with TDW currently, I'd then have to pay $29.99 twice with the NG. (and worst case scenario running into a bad phone rep that charges me the phone trading fee).

So am I correct in thinking that Knightsbridge would be the way to go for me? I just don't want to be scammed, heh. But they seem legit with articles on globe and mail, toronto star, etc.

Let me know guys, thanks!


Join Date Dec 12th, 2009 Posts 174 THANKS 16 BST Rep 0 View Profile Private Message







Here's some more info:

Our minimum is US$5,000. We can only accept wire transfer or online bill payment if sending Canadian dollars. Bill payment is only with RBC, BMO, National Bank, and Desjardins and is under Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange.

Application Team | Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange T: 416-479-0834 | T: 1-877-355-KBFX (5239) | application@KnightsbridgeFX. com

100 King Street West, First Canadian Place | Suite 5700 | Toronto | Ontario | M5X 1C7 www. knightsbridgefx. com


Join Date Dec 10th, 2006 Posts 1,127 THANKS 76 BST Rep 1 (100%) View Profile Private Message

Jan 9th, 2013, 06:28 PM

OP, how did it go? Which one did you end up going with?


Join Date Apr 11th, 2010 Posts 1,209 THANKS 108 BST Rep 1 (100%) View Profile Private Message

Jan 9th, 2013, 06:46 PM

I ended up going with Xetrade. com, because Knightsbridge doesn't allow online bill payment from my bank - TD. Meaning I'd have a wire transfer fee. But if I was with RBC or BMO I probably would've went with Knightsbridge.

Xetrade. com went smoothly - took about a week to get the accounts linked. The rate improves as you trade larger amounts, but if it's only a smaller amount, say $5000 - then TD Borderless isn't much different. Last edited by LionheartMG; Jan 9th, 2013 at 06:54 PM.


Join Date Dec 12th, 2009 Posts 174 THANKS 16 BST Rep 0 View Profile Private Message

Jan 10th, 2013, 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by LionheartMG

I ended up going with Xetrade. com, because Knightsbridge doesn't allow online bill payment from my bank - TD. Meaning I'd have a wire transfer fee. But if I was with RBC or BMO I probably would've went with Knightsbridge.

Xetrade. com went smoothly - took about a week to get the accounts linked. The rate improves as you trade larger amounts, but if it's only a smaller amount, say $5000 - then TD Borderless isn't much different. Thanks for the update.


Join Date Apr 11th, 2010 Posts 1,209 THANKS 108 BST Rep 1 (100%) View Profile Private Message

Apr 16th, 2013, 05:12 PM

What was the reason KBFX can't be used with TD Bank?


Join Date Feb 11th, 2011 Posts 70 THANKS 7 BST Rep 0 View Profile Private Message

Apr 16th, 2013, 05:18 PM

Im not sure what the limitation is with TD. you can send money to them in 2 ways. either "paying a bill" using your online bank or sending them a wire transfer. I bank with National Bank and added them as a payee and had no issues. The first 2 times I used them, I sent the wire transfer to their BMO account, but later on decided to to the bill payment option. Great service, great rates. saved me a ton of money. used them to send over 350k overseas, so far.


Join Date Jul 17th, 2003 Location Toronto Posts 10,398 THANKS 1,457 BST Rep 17 (100%) View Profile Private Message

Apr 16th, 2013, 05:24 PM

I am not able to locate them in the TD bill pay system, but assume I can send them a wire. Maybe TD charges for wires, Ill have to check. It will still be a MASSIVE savings over the TD extortion fees.


Join Date Feb 11th, 2011 Posts 70 THANKS 7 BST Rep 0 View Profile Private Message

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I have plenty of time here in KL, it's been a week now since I've last stepped on Penang.

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It helps to pass my time faster here as I have no transport to go anywhere, my workplace and my house is like 2 floors away? Lol convenient much but just I feel bored at times.

Well I have been going to the gym quite frequent since I got nothing to do here.

I am seeing some results coming out slowly on my arms, shoulder, biceps etc.

One tip for sure, never ever skip leg day unless you wanna look like him.

You will look awfully weird with those skinny legs.

I think I am a lil bit off the hook as well because I am updating my blog in 5:08am in the morning. Like wtf am I doing up this late?

Ahhh an answer to that is that I'm streaming Naruto Shippuuden, episode 182 now. I know I am slow but it's because I do not like waiting for next episode to come out, so I drag and stream slowly, "stock piling" new episodes. Each new episode comes out once a week, and sometimes it is delayed like seriously -.-

Manga? Not a fan of reading, somemore it has no colours or sound effects, pretty bored although I know the manga is wayyyyyyyy ahead of the anime haha.

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I'm much lazy to actually manage a blog, sigh.

I've stopped blogging for quite some time already or should I say my previous blog don't have any readers anyways.

So I hope that I have readers for this newly created blog of mine. Teeeeheeeeeeee :D

I've just finished my last semester in Diploma In Mass Communications @ Kdu College Penang Campus and currently doing my interns in Advertlets Sdn Bhd in Kelana Jaya, KL.

It is quite though working here, get to online, blog, facebook, etc. as that's what the company I work for does haha! Life is great working and living here although it will be my first time leaving Penang for more than 10 days lol. Since it is my first post, I'm really sorry that it's kinda boring but take my word, I will "try" to improve my blogging skills and make my post much more. interesting to read. /

Okay I really do not know what to post already, so then tataaaa and buhbye :D

Owh yea I'm so looking forward to this!

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Currency Exchange Toronto

Essentially, the table above shows that banks charge more for currency exchange when buying or selling US dollars. I'm sure you are not surprised. If you multiply the difference in the exchange rates between the banks and a currency exchange provider by the amount of your transaction, then this is the estimated savings. Simply check the rate to buy US$1,000 with your bank and with a currency exchange provider and you will see the net savings to you. At this point, you can determine if its worth it to use your bank or not. For larger amounts, the savings become greater and it makes more sense. For small amounts of currency, simply use your bank.

It is important to remember that exchange rates fluctuate in real time and are constantly changing based on market events.

The Best Place To Buy or Sell US Dollars in Toronto

Large Currency Exchange Above US$5,000

If you do not need physical cash currency in dollar bills (for example, you have a US dollar account and can accept US dollar funds in your bank account or need funds sent to the USA) and need to buy or sell US dollars in amounts of $5,000 or more, give Toronto based Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange a call at 416-479-0834 or visit their website at www. knightsbridgefx. com. In a comparison (see above), they have easily beat the currency exchange rate of Toronto banks and others.

This will give you the best exchange rate and will save you the most amount of money. The savings estimate is 2%+ compared to your bank's currency exchange rate. They call the banks every morning and then ensure their exchange rates are better. Everything can be exchanged within a day. The larger your transaction, the better the exchange rate you will receive. You can get a no-obligation currency exchange quote by calling 416-479-0834 or 1-877-355-5239.

Cash Exchange and Amount Under $5,000 for US dollars, Euro's and British Pounds There are a number of places to exchange cash currency in Toronto. If you require physical cash currency, then you will need to find a place that handles physical cash exchange. Physical cash exchange is way more expensive than electronic cash exchange, so try to buy in larger amounts to take advantage of better exchange rates. If you need physical cash, you can find a few places close to you here .

You can also visit TD Toronto foreign exchange services is located in downtown Toronto and has physical cash for you to buy. They carry over 50 currencies in stock and ready to sell. You can also get this ordered to your closest branch. It is a very convenient option for currency exchange in Toronto.

You simply walk up to the counter and exchange your currency. You can also give them a call ahead of time to see if they have your currency on hand. However, the exchange rate at TD is a "cash rate" and this has a markup, which can be up to 2% or even more. If you want to save money, you can open a US dollar account with your bank (takes 15 minutes if you already have a Canadian account) and buy in increments of US$5,000 from KnightsbridgeFX. Once the funds are in your US dollar account at your bank, you can simply go to your branch and withdraw the funds in US dollar cash.

Currency Exchange Real Time Market Rates

Looking for the best currency exchange rates in Toronto that provide better than bank exchange rates? CallВ Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange Toronto (www. knightsbridgefx. com ) at 416-479-0834 for a no-obligation currency exchange quote.

You can see real time currency exchange rates above. The first row shows the market US dollar Canadian dollar currency exchange rate. It also shows the high and the low for the US dollar exchange rate for the day. Currency exchange rates are volatile and change every few seconds. If you are looking for the best place to exchange US dollars, you can definitely do a lot better than your bank if you have a sizeable amount to convert.

In Toronto, there are a few places where you can exchange currency. If you are looking for physical cash, then you need to go to a retail outlet or a bank. If you are looking for a large amount of currency, for example, over $5,000, then you should avoid the banks because the charge high fees. All you need to have is a Canadian or a US account as transfers are done bank to bank.

Toronto Currency Exchange Places

There are a number of currency exchange places in Toronto and many of them are located in the mall. These places cater more to tourists and often don't have the greatest exchange rates. They deal in small amounts of physical cash and focus more on convenience than rates. If you are converting a large amount, a retail place is not necessarily your best option in Toronto. If you need physical cash, you can find a few places close to you here .

Smaller cash outlets offer convenience but have high rent and fixed overhead costs. If you need physical cash, then you pretty much have to go to these places and you don't have much of a choice.

However, if you are in Toronto, and need to convert a large amount of Canadian dollars or US dollars, then consider KnightsbridgeFX.

Currency Exchange Tips For Beginners

No airports. В If you are buying physical cash, do not buy it at the airport. В Airport rent is expensive and so are the markups at the airport on currency exchange.

Ask them to lock in a rate for you. В A currency exchange company should be willing to lock in a rate for you so you know the price you are willing to pay and how much currency you will get. You should get written confirmation before you proceed otherwise you might find that the rate changes for you when you are in the store. Reputable places will provide you written confirmation in advance.

No service charges and commission. В Ask them what the service charges and commissions are before you go to the place to buy currency. Tell them to waive all currency exchange service charges or commissions.

When is the Best Time to Exchange Money?

I wish I could tell you. There is no perfect time of day or of week to exchange funds. В The currency exchange market is very efficient. If there was a perfect time of day then everyone would wait all day for this time and the rush of people buying at that time would push the price up.

The currency exchange market is based on a lot of factors, especially supply and demand and economic factors.

However, currency exchange rates typically all rise on the weekend due to lack of liquidity (supply).В Therefore, if you go to exchange currency, try not to do it on the weekend as markets are generally closed and currency exchange companies have to hold on to the currency over the weekend and take on risk that the currency exchange rates change against them.

How to Ensure You Are Getting a Better Exchange Rate than Your Bank?

The process is simple but takes some work. Call your bank and ask them what it costs to buy US$1,000.В Call a currency exchange company and ask what it costs to buy US$1,000.В Now you know the cost for both places. В Make sure your currency exchange company is cheaper than the bank! Don't forget to ask about any fees or commissions.

Currency Exchange for First Time Users

So you finally need to buy US dollars for the first time. В Most likely, you are buying US real estate, a car, or a boat, and you need to exchange Canadian dollars in to US dollars.


The first thing you need to know about using a currency exchange company is you will need to register with them. В Registering is free, but it requires you to fill out a form (typically very short).В The reason this is required is that the Government of Canada regulates the money exchange industry and all companies that exchange currency are required to validate the identity of customers. В You can learn more about this with FINTAC (http://www. fintrac-canafe. gc. ca/msb-esm/id/when-quand-eng. asp )

Do not use any company that does not require you to validate your identity.

Since you are not doing anything wrong, filling out a form should not be a problem. В It also ensures you are working with a company in good standing with the law and is following all currency exchange practices in Canada.

Choosing a company

You can look at the Yellow Pages or Google to find a currency exchange company. В You want to ensure they are registered with the BBB. You also want to see if they have a media presence as only good companies get coverage with the media.


If you need to purchase currency by a certain date, it is good practice to do it one day in advance. В This will give you additional time incase you need it. В Most currency exchange companies can do same day transfers but keep one day grace for yourself.

Questions to Ask a Currency Exchange Company

Here are some questions to ask a currency exchange company

Lock in an exchange rate. В Ask if a currency exchange company will lock in a rate for you AND if they will provide you written confirmation of the rate before you send funds. В This is important so the rate does not change on you. В Reputable companies will gladly provide you written confirmation of the exchange rate so you know exactly how much you are sending and how much you are getting in return.

Are they registered with the Better Business Bureau? В Currency exchange companies that are registered with the BBB have a good way of handling third party complaints and have a better reason to protect their reputation.

Are they 100% Canadian owned and operated? В You want to make sure you are working with a 100% Canadian currency exchange company. В You will feel better to know your company is based in Toronto rather than some other part of the world. Canadian companies work with Canadian banks.

Are they registered with FINTRAC? В All money exchange companies in Canada must be registered with FINTRAC. There are no circumstances in which you should work with a money exchange company if they are not registered with FINTRAC.

This is a good starting point list of questions you can ask a currency exchange company based in Toronto.

Which Bank has the Best Exchange Rate in Toronto?

If you live in Toronto, you will have access to all of the major big five Canadian banks for currency exchange. В The marketshare of the Canadian banks is fairly split between all of them so you should have a branch that is close by to you. В However, when it comes to currency exchange, some banks are better than others.

If you frequently need to exchange currency, you want to align yourself with a bank that offers the best exchange rates to buy us dollars. В Now most banks have fairly high markups, so if you really want to cut down on exchange rate costs, then you want to use a foreign exchange provider such as KnightsbridgeFX. В That being said, if you want to stick to using your bank, then the bank that offers the best exchange rate is HSBC bank.

This could be because they are an international bank or that they prefer to work with clients that have international exposure and therefore international currency exchange needs. В Most likely, it is because they are less greedy than the other Canadian banks.

HSBC offers better buy and sell rates on US dollars than the other major Canadian banks. В The problem with HSBC is there aren’t as many branches in Toronto of HSBC as some of the other big banks. В

RBC, BMO, and TD also offer fairly close currency exchange rates for US dollars. В Their rates are slightly higher than HSBC but if you are only buying small amounts of currency, then you are not actually paying too much more for the convenience of a close location and branch.

TD borderless exchange rates are better than the standard TD rates, so if you do a lot of cross border shopping, you may want to consider having a TD cross border account. В For example, the difference between a regular TD rate and TD borderless is 0.7% cheaper, but it still has a currency exchange spread of above 2% or so.

TD has branches in Canada and the USA and TD is becoming a choice for many Canadians that frequent the US. В However, BMO has HARRIS BANK in the USA and RBC also has RBC USA (although they recently got out of some parts of the USA).

How to Open a US Dollar Account in Canada for Currency Exchange if You Don’ Have One?

If you have decided you need to purchase a large sum of US dollars but you don’t want a cheque or draft in US dollars, you need to open a US dollar bank account.

This is easy to do nowadays.

Simply go to any of the big five banks or the current financial institution that you work with and tell them you want to open a US dollar account.

You will need one or two pieces of ID and you may need to deposit $1 in the account.

You will need to fill out some paperwork but it shouldn’t take more than 15 to 30 minutes to open a US dollar account.

Switching Banks for Currency Exchange

The answer is yes and no, well actually it depends. В It depends on the amount you are transacting. В If you transact a lot, such as you get paid in US dollars and you need to frequently convert it to Canadian dollars, then you want to consider using a bank that is going to give you the best exchange rates out of all the Canadian banks.

The problem with switching banks is convenience and hassle. В A good general rule of thumb is that if you have recurring requirements then you want to try to minimize your foreign exchange costs and it is worth it to switch to banks that have the best exchange rates because you will save on a recurring basis. В

If you do not have frequent currency exchange requirements, then it might not make sense to switch. There is hassle and paperwork involved plus regular fees.  Also if your dollar amount is large, then you will save more by switching.  If your dollar amount is less, then the savings won’t be that much.

A good rule of thumb is $10,000 annually. В If you transact more than that, then you want to get the best exchange rates. В Anything less than that and the savings might not be worth the hassle.

Lastly, banks are still quite expensive for currency exchange so you may want to consider a currency exchange company in Toronto that will allow you to save even more money with better than bank exchange rates AND will still allow you to keep your existing banking relationship. В Banks have all the marketshare so why should they give away currency exchange for free, they can practically charge whatever they want and get away with it. В

Most will allow you to do this so this is something you should consider if you are transacting a large amount.

How to do Physical Cash Currency Exchange at Each Bank

Almost all of the major big five banks will offer currency exchange at the branch level, mainly for US dollars. В For other currencies you need to contact your branch so they can order it for you.

TD has a specialized foreign exchange centre in downtown Toronto (near the TD tower located at 55 King St. West, Toronto, ON) and they focus exclusively on currency exchange and precious metals. В

You can give them a call at (416) 216-6868 to see if they have your currency in stock and how much they charge for it. В This is not a bad idea if you must have physical cash currency. В If you are buying USD of $5,000 or more, there are better options for you.

The process for physical cash exchange is at a TD foreign exchange centre is as follows:

Call TD at (416) 216-6868 and see if they have your currency

Find out their exchange rate

Tell them you are coming in to they can put the money aside for you (get a name of a TD representative so when you walk in you can speak to them directly)

Ask them if you can give them physical cash or a cheque or a draft

Their hours are Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm EST.

You will likely need to show a piece of ID for regulatory purposes.

If you have a small amount of foreign currency to buy, then TD is a really good option even if their rates are not the absolute best. В The reason is that TD is safe and will give you “good money” and you know where they are located, when they are open. В The excess cost you pay to TD to buy foreign currency on a small dollar amount can be really small. В Like if you need 100 Euros and TD is more expensive by 1% than another place, the savings is only $1 to go somewhere else so it’s not even worth it to go look anywhere else. В If you are buying 10,000 Euros, then you want to call around to see the savings.

Physical Cash Currency Exchange Requirements

Exchanging physical cash is more expensive than exchanging currency electronically. В This is because the place you are exchanging it with has to carry inventory and has higher overhead costs such as rent.

You will also need to provide ID when you exchange physical cash and explain where you got the money from and what you want to do with the currency. В Make sure you are going to a reputable place to exchange currency.

Steps for Ordering Currency at the Bank

The step by step instructions to ordering physical cash at your bank is as follows.

Call your branch and make sure you are not speaking to a call centre in Philippines or India. В Get transferred to your local branch!

Tell them how much foreign currency you need and when you need it by. В Ask if they can order it in by then.

Get a sample of their rates and compare it to online rates. В

Take down the name of the person you spoke to and order it. В They might ask you to pick it up from another branch.

Pick up the currency.

You will likely need to show a piece of ID.

Canadian Bank Currency Exchange Forecast 2015 and 2016

As you can see, the Canadian banks are all over the place when it comes to the Canadian dollar forecast. Some are forecasting the Canadian dollar to go higher, while others are forecasting the Canadian dollar to go lower.

Bank Currency Forecast

* Updated February 7, 2015

Most of the banks provide a Canadian dollar currency exchange forecast. However, take it with a grain of salt as they can be right just as often as they are wrong.

Why the banks charge so much for currency exchange in Toronto?

If you have contacted your bank for currency exchange in Toronto, you have probably realized that the bank exchange rates are terrible. Currency exchange places are better, but why? The first reason is that banks essentially have a monopoly (oligopoly) in the currency exchange market. Your money is already at the bank and they know this. You probably only bank with one or two banks. Therefore, what is the chance that you will even consider not using your bank for currency exchange? Probably more than 90% of people use the bank and most consumers will simply accept the exchange rate their bank provides them. Therefore, the banks don't really compete on price. In fact, if they increase their prices on exchange rates, consumers will likely still accept them. Secondly, the banks have high overhead costs and don't specialize in only foreign exchange. Bank processing costs are high, they go through several people, and the branches have high overhead.

The margins that the banks charge for currency exchange is very high, and this is the main reason currency exchange places can undercut the bank exchange rates - because their rates are so high!

Getting the Best Rates for Currency Exchange in Toronto

Individuals that need to convert currency should look for the best exchange rate in Toronto before they convert any funds. Currency is a commodity and there are a number of places that sell currency including the Canadian banks. Each service provider that sells currency is looking to sell it at a price that they can make a profit on, but some providers have higher costs than others.

Think of a large bank that has high overhead costs such as branches, advertising, and staff. These costs add up and banks need to add a substantial markup to ensure they are making money to cover these costs.

Many smaller and more nimble and specialized providers can deliver the same currency at a lower cost because they have much lower overhead. Secondly, banks have a large share of the market, with most Canadians using banks than non-bank providers to exchange currency. Therefore, why should Canadian banks provide the best exchange rates in Toronto if they know that most of their customers will exchange currency through them regardless of the price or mark-up they charge on currency exchange. Therefore, the banks will typically not provide the best exchange rates in Toronto.

The best exchange rates in Toronto are more likely to come from a non-bank provider. One such provider that provides the best exchange rates in Toronto is Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange (www. knightsbridgefx. com ), you can get their exchange rates by calling 416-479-0834 and obtain a no-obligation quote. Compare the quote to your bank and you will be able to see if they have better exchange rates than the bank. They can even help you compare their rate to your bank rate and see how it compares. You will save money because banks have a higher mark-up.

How to Save on Foreign Exchange Rates When Travelling?

As Canadians travel throughout the world, when they travel, they need to purchase currency of the local markets they travel. Exchanging cash at hotels and malls in local tourist markets is convenient but can be very expensive. The markup can be substantial at some of these places.

A credit card can charge a markup about 2.5% on top of the middle market exchange rate. This is reasonable but is also costly. However, it is convenient.

Before you exchange currency cash at a local outlet, compare the exchange rate you are getting with the interbank exchange rate and if the markup is a lot, then find another place. If the markups you are finding is greater than 2.5%, then you might want to just use your credit card to exchange currency.

You can also try to negotiate with different places to see if they can give you a deal. Knowledge is power.

Why Can't I Get The Bank of Canada Exchange Rate?

The Bank of Canada exchange rate is typically an interbank rate only available to financial institutions with large volumes (several millions of dollars). Canadian banks add a substantial markup to the exchange rate they offer to retail customers and that is how they make money for delivering the service.

This markup can be 2% to 5% depending on the currency. Banks have to pay for holding the cash and keeping the currency on hand. The tellers need to be paid and also rent has to be paid for space. That being said, the exchange rate markups they charge are quite high compared to other foreign exchange providers. The reason bank exchange rates are so high is because regardless of the markup, Canadians will continue to use the banks to exchange money.

There is no competitive pressure for the banks to reduce exchange rate fees. The same goes for currency kiosks at the airport, they have to pay for rent, and they offer a convenient service, and most people at that time pretty much need to convert currency to use it, so they will be willing to pay markups to exchange money there for convenience.

Therefore, do not expect to receive the Bank of Canada exchange rate when you convert your currency. However, you should get a better rate than the banks if you are transacting over $5,000 with a currency exchange provider.

How to Compare Exchange Rates?

The best way to compare currency exchange rates is to use the table above or call each bank directly.

Simply ask them if you wanted to buy US $1,000, how much in Canadian would you have to pay?

This will give you the amount in Canadian dollars. Divide the number of Canadian dollars needed to purchase $1,000 and this will give you the implied exchange rate.

Call up your bank and a currency exchange place and see which one offers a better rate. Go with the cheaper option.

Reasons You Should Use Your Bank to Exchange Currency

1. Convenience . If you are exchanging a small amount of currency, say $100 from Canadian to US dollars. The benefit of using a bank is convenience. The markup at the bank will be high, let's say 2-5%. However, the markup fee that the bank charges you only amounts to a couple of dollars in fees, such as $2 to $5. So for a small amount of savings, it doesn't make sense to use anyone other than your bank.

2. Location . Banks have many locations and if you need a small amount of currency then its easy to just go to your local branch and pickup some cash if they have it on hand. Just call them in advance.

3. No running around . If you use a currency exchange provider and if you need physical cash, then you will have to first go to your bank and get Canadian dollars. Then you go to the provider and give them Canadian and get US dollars. This is a lot of running around. If you don't have a large amount to exchange, simply use your bank and save your time.

Reasons You Should Not Use Your Bank to Exchange Currency

1. Savings . Did you look at the chart at the beginning? Did you see the outrageous rates that the banks provide? If so, why are you thinking of throwing your hard earned money away and exchanging currency at the banks? Use a currency exchange company and save money. The savings will be about 1% to 2%. On amounts of $10,000, this can be several hundreds of dollars. Spend this savings on yourself or your family, don't just give it away to the banks.

How to Choose a Foreign Currency Exchange Company in Toronto

In choosing a foreign exchange company, there are several things to consider. В Firstly, this will assume you want to buy US dollars and a large amount of US dollars. В For small amounts, just use your bank for currency exchange.

Here are some questions to ask:

Are they Canadian owned currency exchange company?

It’s important you deal with a Canadian company.  That is not to say non-Canadian companies are not good, but Canadian companies will use Canadian banks and will have employees in Canada.

Get a sample of their currency exchange rates

Call them and tell them you want to buy US$10,000 and get a sample of their exchange rates.

Then ask them that you want to know the currency exchange rate for US$100,000 and ask if it will be a better rate. В This is important because you should get a better rate for a larger dollar amount.

Ask if they will offer you a free wire transfer to the USA.

A lot of companies will charge you $15 for a wire transfer. В Ask them to waive this fee. Most currency exchange companies will give you a free wire transfer if you ask.

Ask if you can transact electronically with them.

Some places will make you first call in for a rate, then make you go to your bank, get a draft or cash, then go to the currency exchange place, get a draft in return, go back to your bank and deposit it. В This could take half of your day. В Your bank may put this draft on hold and this could be for 3 to 5 business days. В This is a lot of running around. В Also, from the time you call the place, the rate might have changed so if you need a specific amount of currency, then this could throw things off.

Imagine if you need US$10,000, they tell you it will cost $10,700 Canadian, you get a draft and at their location they tell you they need $10,800 Canadian and show you an in-house ATM. В This is not good and because you have made a draft to the company name there is nothing you can do and they know it. В

The new trend in currency exchange is transacting electronically by bank transfer, either online bill payment or wire transfer. В Essentially, you register with a company for regulatory purposes (Government requirement).В You call the foreign exchange company to book an exchange rate. В If you like it, they will lock it in for you and send you a receipt confirming the rate. В It is important you get a recipient confirming the rate so you know exactly how much to send and how much you will get. В You then go to your bank and transfer Canadian dollars to their trust account and they will send US dollars back to your USD account or directly to the USA for you. В The good thing about this is your rate is locked in initially before you send funds, you only go to your bank to transfer funds and there is no hold on the funds as bank transfers are cleared immediately.

Credit Card Exchange Rates

Most credit card companies will charge a fee to exchange currency. The fee is built in to the exchange rate. The fee's are outlined in the terms and conditions of the credit card agreement. Many believe that this credit card markup is about 2.5%. Using your credit card to pay for something in a foreign currency is convenient, but you do end up paying a markup to use your credit card. Often, there are few alternatives, so there is not much you can do.

Watch the Exchange Rate Service

If you have a bit of time before you need to buy US dollars, then you can watch the currency exchange rate to see if it moves in your favor. You can ask Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange to do this for you as well. Simply call them, ask them that you want to buy a certain currency if it reaches a certain rate and they will watch the exchange rate for you and convert it for you if it reaches your desired level.

The benefit of the rate watch service is that you can get them to watch the exchange rates for you without you having to waste time watching the rate. They watch the exchange rate regularly so might as well ask them to watch it for you instead of you having to waste time doing it yourself.

If you have some time before you need to exchange funds and believe you have a certain point at which you want to exchange currency, then this service may be useful for you.

However, it is important to note that, if the currency does not move in your favor and does not reach your desired level, the currency will not be bought. The currency may not always move in the direction you want it to go.

Factors impacting the Canadian Dollar Currency Exchange Rate

So far in 2014, the Canadian dollar exchange rate has been rangebound. It has been rangebound around the 1.10 USD/CAD exchange level. Pretty much moving about 1-2% around this exchange rate. The Canadian dollar seems quite content where it is and does not seem to be moving around too much.

The main factor that could be driving the change in the currency in the future is the economic performance of Canada vs. the US. A stronger economy could lead to a stronger currency. Right now, jobs data, GDP data, and inflation data are things to look at as factors that can influence the Canadian dollar and the US dollar.

The Canadian dollar can be volatile or range bound and there are a number of factors that influence the loonie. The Canadian dollar has been significantly below parity vs. the US dollar many years ago and recently has been above parity over the last few years at times. Some of the factors that the Canadian dollar is correlated to are the following:

Oil prices . The Canadian dollar is often called a petro currency. This is because the Canadian economy has a lot of oil and gas services. As oil prices move up, the Canadian dollar also moves higher at times.

Productos básicos. Similar to oil, Canada is filled with lots of natural resources. As commodity prices go up, the Canadian dollar can also move higher.

Stock Market . The Canadian dollar has recently been moving in the same direction as the stock market and is often called a risk-on currency. As investors take on more risk and invest in the stock market, the Canadian dollar also rises directionally at times. During a recession, the US dollar does well and rises.

Interest Rates . When the Bank of Canada raises interest rates, more money moves in to Canada as interest rates are higher. This attracts flows of funds to the Canadian dollar. Therefore, at times, when interest rates rise, the Canadian dollar can do well directionally.

Note, these are only some factors that can influence the Canadian dollar and these factors can change at any time. History is not always a predictor of the future.

Currency Exchange - History

The Canadian dollar is often known as the loonie and is often symbolized as "CAD" or "C$". The central bank that overseas the printing of the Canadian dollar is the Bank of Canada. Canadian dollar coins are produced by the Royal Canadian Mint. The Canadian dollar has switched from a fixed system to a floating system and back to a fixed system and now to a floating system.

The Canadian dollar history compared to the US dollar has been at both a premium and a discount to the US dollar. For over 30 years, the US dollar was more stronger than the Canadian dollar until 2007. Since then, the Canadian dollar has traded above and below parity, which means 1 USD = 1 CAD.

When is a not a good time to exchange currency?

The only time it is not good to exchange currency is on the weekend as the markets are closed and the markups can be higher at all places including banks.

What does currency exchange spread mean?

The spread for currency exchange is the difference between the buy and sell rates or the difference between the mid-market rate and the buy or sell rate. В The smaller the number the better.

Benefits and Pitfalls of Exchanging Currency with Online Currency Exchange Companies

In the beginning the banks were the main places to exchange currency. В However, since they charge so much for currency exchange, currency exchange houses started to pop up. В They were cheaper than the banks. В

Nowadays, online currency exchange companies have lower fixed overhead (less rent) and can use technology as an enabler to reduce costs. В The main benefit of online currency exchange companies is that they are cheaper.

Obviously, you need to do your research on these companies and see if they are part of the BBB and if others have used them. В You want to give them a call to learn more about them and once you call them, you will get a better sense of how you feel about working with them.

Looking for Currency Exchange Outside of Toronto, see other currency exchange locations :

Ukrainian banks working with Forex market

Ukrainian banks working with Forex market

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Inicio & # 187; Trending » Is Trump a lock for the nomination after Nevada?

Is Trump a lock for the nomination after Nevada?

February 24, 2016, 1:05 AM | Who are the voters who cast a ballot for Donald Trump at the Nevada Republican Caucuses? CBS News entrance poll results show their demographics and the issues and qualities in a candidate that they’re looking for. CBSN’s Elaine Quijano is joined by CBSN political contributor Leslie Sanchez, Roll Call columnist Jon Allen, Fmr. Senior Communications Advisor for the Huckabee Campaign Hogan Gidley and RealClearPolitics political reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns, to break it all down.

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Looking at the EURUSD, if there was a non-farm payroll news Mohey that had a certain bias to it, this would come in handy when you look at your trading plan for the future. In addition to observing the expiry time behavior of the trading platform you should also examine the behavior of the assets price movements during the contracts time frame.

The SECrsquos Office of Investor Education and Advocacy and the Commodity Futures Trading Commissionrsquos Office of Consumer Outreach (CFTC) are issuing Mkney Investor Alert to warn investors about fraudulent promotion schemes involving binary options and binary options trading platforms. Una volta che il mercato supera il secondo livello dove ГЁ presente laccumulo Hkw, was very fruitful.

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6 of 10 on the basis of 22864 Review

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rommark 25 Jul 2015

So this is a strategy I've been using for a good part of a month now. I would love everyones inputs and if works for them as well. I used it mostly on my DEMO account as I was working out the kinks and switched to my real account last week. i went 30-2 last week and this week I took a day off so I'm at 23-1. I've only had one legitimate loss the other 2 was the broker fudging the numbers a bit like we know they all do. So here it is:

You'll need 3 indicators:

3 day SIMPLE moving average

MACD - 12,26,9 exponential (I believe thats default)

-set the value line to green color

-set average line to red color

Stochastic 40, -40,3,5

-set SMI to green color

-set AVG SMI to red color

Here is what you'll be looking for in order of importance:

3 consecutive candles ( 3 bullish or 3 bearish/ green or red)

the 3 day MA to follow the direction of the candles(up if bull down if bear)

the stochastic SMI(green line) to be on top of red and inside of the 40,-40 lines (opposite for bear)

MACD Value line(green line) to be on top of the red

If you have all those conditions place a call trade as the third candle is about to close(or put if it's a bearish signal). The 4th candle will follow the first 3 so you'll have 4 bullish or 4 bearish candles.

I've traded both LSE and NYSE hours and worked fine, of course alway check news as it would make the candles act irregular to the strategy and I don't take any trades if it is trying to hit the HI/LOW for the day. I've used it on EUR/USD, USD/JPY and USD/CHF but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work on other pairs, and I have not tried different time frames. I use thinkorswim so I have no indicators for it but it should come standard with MT4/5.

Think you could make "thinkorswim share" link so people with TOS could easily setup your chart as-is . Muchas gracias!

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issa2015 25 Jul 2015

NO Spread trading is open!

Dear traders, we are pleased to inform you that we have introduced new trading opportunities for you on FOREX - currency pairs with zero spread !

The main feature of this type of contracts is that spread for these currency pairs is set to be ZERO. The commission for trading with these currency pairs will be charged. Commission is specified in the contract specifications. This innovation is aimed at optimizing some trading strategies as well as further expanding the range of trading opportunities offered by our company.

Currency pairs without spread available for all types of contracts, and have the suffix – nospr so you can find them in trading terminal.

We hope, that this innovation will help you to trade with us more comfortably and productively.

TRAINING participants BBMA Trading system organise by XBB UTARA (Mr. E-ONE joint venture with BBMA inventor and www. tradeforttrade. com representative (Mr. Oma Ally).- Location Dewan Inspin Alor Setar 1 Jun 2013

TRAINING participants BBMA Trading system organise by XBB KB (Mr. Fendy KB FX joint venture with BBMA inventor and www. tradeforttrade. com representative (Mr. Oma Ally).- Location Kota Baharu Kelantan 13 May 2013

The Organiser (Mr Fendy Kbfx &) Chief Trainer (Sifu Oma Ally)

TradeFort rewards profitable traders! Now all traders can make profits from their trades bigger. Since now if you close any profitable deal the bonus of 3% of a fixed profit a utomatically will be credited to your trading account. This bonus can be used for trading or can be withdrawn without any restrictions. Conditions of the +3% bonus action: The promotion is valid until 10.06.2013 Promotion is for all trading accounts types except “Flex Newbie Accounts” The maximum amount of every single bonus is limited to U. S. $ 50 or equivalent for every profitable deal. The minimum bonus is 1 USD cent for standard accounts, and 0.01 USD cents for cent accounts. Company reserves the right to cancel all bonuses and the promotion action in case of fraudulent activities. Register here http://www. tradefort-my. com/?cc476d5 MARGIN CALL NOTIFY SERVICE, OPTIMIZATION OF TERMINAL TRADEFORT, TERMINAL MAIL SUPPORT 16th APRIL 2013

Dear customers, we continue to improve our trading services, and especially for you introduced a new type of automatic notification in case your account will approach the Margin Call level. By default, this notification is connected to all customers, and you can control it from your Trader’s Room. To do so, select Edit trading account button, and then specify the desired level at which the notification should be sent, and where to send it: to or to your MT4 terminal or to your e-mail, or both. If you do not wish to receive such notices – you should deactivate both mailing options in your Trader Room.

We hope that this innovation will help you to manage your trading risks better to avoid Stop Out.

In addition, for clients trading CFD on futures, in a special section of our website there is a history of Expirations for these contracts .

We also wish to remind you that due to the introduction of many new contracts, there may be a local decrease in the responsiveness of the terminal. We recommend you to make steps that are listed on our site to optimizing the terminal .

The third innovation: now you can send an inquiry to technical support directly from the trading terminal using the tab "mailbox". In this tab, you need to right-click on the shortcut menu, select "New". Responses are sent back to the client directly to the trading terminal every day during office hours.

We wish you profits in your trading!

FLEX NEWBIE 29 March 2013 According to results we got from clients survey, we have launched a new type of account 'FLEX Newbie.' Now learning FOREX trading becomes safer! If your transaction is closed with a loss, in a few seconds you will be credited a compensation equal to 10% of the recorded loss. All customer transactions made on FLEX Newbie hedged by a TradeFort through aggregated net position placed on Market. That is why, this compensation is possible. You can learn more about all terms for Flex Newbie here: http://www. tradefort-my. com/my/clients/conditions/newbie?6921ee1



12 Ma rc h 2013

1. One Click Trading service now implemented! Now you can make a deal with one click directly from the charts in the terminal. This is a very handy feature that is in a high demand among large number of clients. We are pleased to announce that now it is available in TradeFort trading terminal.

Please note that to use this feature, you must update the terminal with the integrated Live Update, or download and install terminal again.

2. New types of contracts, it is CFD on Futures and ETF. Their basic idea is that the execution of the orders shall be strictly on market prices, which are absolutely unified and equal to the whole financial world and for every broker!

3. New service that separates symbols available in the platform in different groups depending on the industry. This service also allows you to move easily between these groups of symbols from different industries. Clients who work with a particular market, and with certain groups of instruments, now have opportunity to track the movements of a specific market comfortably and to switch between markets faster! All symbols of energy markets or currencies, metals market, or indexes, is now instantly displayed in the same group and are reflected in the terminal.

How to launch this new option and work with it:

* Click the right mouse button on the toolbar;

* In the drop-down menu, choose the "symbols set";

In the following window, the popup will reflect the group of symbols separated by industry sector.

Please note that in order to use this function you need to download and re-install the terminal again.

4. Please note that the U. S.A switched to summer time mode, and due to this fact the CFD ETF, CFD contracts on U. S. futures, U. S. stocks will work with the time of opening and closing sessions of 1 hour earlier.

5. We want to draw your attention that because TradeFort becomes very popular among traders worldwide, recently in Internet appeared a number of so-called "fake websites," which may look similar to TradeFort official websites. Be careful because these fake websites can be used for fraudulent purposes. Please be careful and check the domain name of the websites which you are working with. Official TradeFort websites are:

Thank you for your attention, and we wish you success and profits!

TRAINING participants 1st. 2nd dan 3rd session BBMA Trading system joint venture with www. tradeforttrading. com

9 March 2013

2nd session - 6pm

3rd session - 10pm - 1.00am

THE ORGANISER. CHIEF TRAINER (Oma Ally) AND www. tradeforttrading. com REPRESENTATIVE (Romzzbetras)


Faster execution, with ONE click trading. good news for Kek lapis and scalpers Dear traders! We are very grateful to you for being with us! Over the past few months, our company had been working to improve services and introduce new ones. So, we elaborated new contracts with FOREX liquidity providers. This gives now much faster order execution, reduced spreads for currency pairs for FLEX and PRO accounts types, and significantly reduced the SWAP valu es. In the nearest future we will equip our MT4 terminals with one-click-trading functions that will enable you to open and to close positions right on the screen of the charts and will save your time! Also we began to develop a special WEB trading platform, so you can trade without even installing MT4 from every browser and from any place with internet! We have many interesting and far-reaching plans to give you the very best financial service in FOREX industry.

And now we are pleased to present you the list of advanced trading contracts a - CFD for Futures and ETF to complement our FOREX, CFD on USA shares. Commodities and Metals trading. These contracts represent a completely new approach to trading through MT4 terminal! The basic idea is that the execution of the orders shall be strictly on market prices, which are absolutely unified and equal to the whole financial world and for every broker! For example, you can check prices of your orders execution at any other liquidity provider or in any other international information terminal (for example, eSignal, Reuters, etc.). In addition, the websites of the international Exchanges and other reliable information resources (for example, quote. com), can provide you with the entire history of prices: bid, ask and last, with which you trade in the trading terminals of our company!

Please note that in accordance with the requirements of liquidity providers and market regulators, demo accounts have artificial delay for the Quotes for CFD on futures. Quotes on real accounts, of course, come without delay, in real time mode.

We prepared for you a video lesson, which will teach you how to open and close positions with CFD on Futures! Soon we will prepare for you a great amount of learning material, which reveals all the nuances of how the foreign exchange market and the futures market work and how to make smart tradings on these markets! Follow the company’s news! We wish you great profits and high achievements on financial markets with us!

Also some additional information was added in client agreements concerning the new types of trading symbols.

Now in the terminal there are considerable number of new symbols. So, we put your attention to the fact, that these can locally affect its operation. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to look through the instruction, how to optimize the work of the terminal. Be sure to read it, because the terminal is the main tool in the trader's work, that's why it is important to speed up it's productivity.

Results of the Survey

28 February 2013

Name three factors that play a key role in your choice of a Forex broker?

For this question, we have received many interesting answers! Analyzed and grouped the most common answers, we have identified the following needs of our customers:

To expand the list of contracts to trade, the introduction of commodity and financial futures contracts. We have already begun to prepare the launching of futures contracts trading and plan to start the official trade over the next few days. Follow the Company’s news and announcements!

To provide better analytics and recommendations on trade, including technical and fundamental analysis of the market. This desire is taken into account and now you can read the updated analysis in the appropriate section of our site!

To run contests for traders. We have already begun working on the traders contests. Follow the Company’s news and announcements!

To run "accounts for beginners". We have already begun working to launch this type of account. Follow the Company’s news and announcements!

We wish you prosperity and good luck in your trading! TradeFort Team

7 February 2013 Assalam & Good day, semua pelanggan TRADEFORT di Malaysia diwajibkan apply payoneer Master debit card sebagai option urusan withdrawal untuk cara selamat dan pantas. kad percuma walaupun tanpa perlu deposit ke ekaun masing masing. Caranya > Login ke TRADER cabinet (SINI) > tekan withdrawal > Tekan Gambar Kad Payoneer master > isi borang online > selesai > tunggu kad sampai kedepan tangga rumah anda dlm masa 3 ke 4 mgu Apply Sekarang

5 February 2013 Assalammualikum & buen día. sessi ngeteh, kelas bidang terjun di Hotel Sri Senawang dan serapan subuh bersama trader trader dan TRADEFORT. Mantapp semua sifoooo. rakan rakan dan pelanggan pelanggan setia terima kasih dari kami

25 January 2013 Assalammualaikum & buen día. sessi ngeteh, kelas bidang terjun di Keramat Permai di kedai Tuan Haji Abdul Halim, sifoo jemputan MASTER salleh dan Pelanggan di TRADEFORT. Mantapp semua terima kasih dari kami

Over the past three years, the number of our customers is rapidly growing every day.

As TradeFort team, we want to express our gratitude for your trust and being with us!

We strive to make our customer service better, more responsive and faster.

Today, we want to set up a new benchmark and to make our service even more convenient and flexible for you.

In order to do so, we need to know your opinion about our work.

That is why, we invite you to fill out a short survey, which will help us to get a deeper understanding of your preferences. We hope to receive honest and sincere answers.

TradeFort team appreciates your time, and as a reward for your effort, we will provide you with a 5 dollar bonus, once you complete the survey. Your trading account will be credited automatically.

Please note, that you can take part in this survey only before 7th of February 2013.

The results of the survey will be processed and posted on the company’s website soon.

Click here to fill up survey. http://ow. ly/hdiVw

By popular demand, and due to the introduction of new services, this weekend, on January 26, 2013 we will move the server time 1 hour ahead from the current GMT+1 to GMT+2.

This change will primarily be reflected in the charts: they will have now 5 daily bars a week, and will be displayed correctly in the remaining frames. FOREX will be quoted from 00:00 server time on Monday to 23:00 server time on Friday, without interruption.

CFD on american shares will be quoted from 15:30 to 23:00 server time. In fact, the trading won’t change. It’s just a formal mapping in the terminal to make it more comfortable and familiar. Please, pay attention on this information during your work with terminal.

The schedule of trading on the period of Christmas and New Year's holidays.

21 December 2012

​ ​Dear customers!

We offer You to look throught the schedule of trading on the period of Christmas and New Year's holidays below:

24.12.2012 - Forex, Spot metals, Commodities, Indexes and CFD Shares - close at 22:00 GMT.

25.12.2012 - All trading is closed (Catholic Christmas).

26.12.2012 - Forex, Spot metals, Commodities, Indexes and CFD Shares - open at 15:00 GMT.

31.12.2012 - Forex, Spot metals, Commodities, Indexes and CFD Shares - close at 22:00 GMT.

01.01.2013 - All trading is closed (New Year).

02.01.2013 - Forex, Spot metals, Commodities, Indexes and CFD Shares - open at 15:00 GMT. The rest of the markets will work according of the sessions schedule.

We pay Your attention, that during the Christmas and New Year's holidays, there may be some changes in trading conditions and margin requirements because of the low market liquidity. Some contracts may stop to be traded before the deadline because of the working shedule of the counterparty banks.


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Q&A: Which Party Is Better for Stocks?

February 10th, 2012

Query by J. P. . Which Celebration Is Better for Stocks? During the final 120 a long time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose. seven% on the day following a Republican victory in the presidential elections although it has fallen .5% the day after a Democrat captured the White House

Nonetheless, a closer look tells a far diverse story. Over that very same 120 year period, the common annual stock market place return has totaled only 8.25% beneath Republican rule, whilst it has returned 10.85% with Democrats in power.

Over the previous 60 years, this trend has been more pronounced. The Democrats have held the presidency only 41% of that time, but below their rule the typical annual return has been 15.26%, a lot more than six percentage factors increased than the 9.01% return under Republicans.

Returns in the course of the last two administrations assistance these conclusions. The return on the market place below the Clinton administration (1992-2000) was 19% per 12 months, the highest of any president given that Calvin Coolidge led the nation in the mid 1920s.

On the contrary, the actual return so far underneath G. W. Bush has been a measly .22%, and an even worse minus two.69% return when inflation is subtracted. This return is the 2nd worst of the postwar period, exceeded only by the unfavorable 7% genuine return under the Nixon administration. In fact the Nixon and Bush Republican administrations have been the only two periods given that The Fantastic Depression when shareholders suffered immediately after-inflation losses in the stock market place.

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September 23rd, 2011

Question by MISES. ORG . What Induced Liquidity Crunch? Can come about in 2007? take a look 😕 What Triggered the Liquidity Crunch?

Last week the Dow Jones industrial regular fell four.2%, the steepest drop since March 2003. Economic shares took a beating on growing proof that issues in the sub-prime mortgage marketplace are spreading, making financing the corporate purchase-outs that drove the market’s rally a lot more tough. Numerous monetary market place participants are of the view that there is a definite deterioration in credit circumstances, which indicates less liquidity for private equity, stock purchase-backs, and company expansion. Fed officials, however, have downplayed this claim. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal on July 24 the president of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Plosser, mentioned that the present slump in the housing marketplace is not going to trigger a liquidity crunch and a consequent common financial recession. The reason for this is that banks are unlikely to curtail lending since their stability sheets are in good shape. Plosser attributes this to economic innovations (financial engineering) in the final ten to 20 years that have enabled banks to distribute significantly of the danger. Plosser adds: Does that say nothing negative can come about? Por supuesto no. But it implies I’m a tiny more sanguine that that entire view of a credit crunch is most likely not as applicable now as it might have been 10 or 20 years ago…. Banks in this district are rather nutritious …. Their greatest complaint is not housing mortgage defaults and credit crunch, it is the yield curve. They’ve got funds to lend.[one] (Banks as a rule lend at lengthy-term rates and raise funds at short-term rates. Therefore they prefer an upward sloping yield curve — when extended-term rates are higher than brief-term rates. At present the yield curve is comparatively flat, which undermines income from lending.) Fed officials like Plosser present the latest housing slump as the outcome of irresponsible lending by mortgage brokers and several other mysterious forces. On this logic it is the part of the Fed to monitor the situation in the housing industry and, if required, to interfere in order to stop the housing slump from spilling more than to the rest of the economy. We propose that what we are presently observing in the housing industry is the deflation of the housing bubble, which could be a precursor to a broadly spread liquidity crunch. The deflation of the bubble is the outcome of the Fed’s boom-bust monetary policies. Aquí está el porqué. We define a bubble as activity that has emerged on the back of the loose monetary policy of the central bank. In the absence of monetary pumping this form of activity would not have emerged. Since bubble actions are not self-funded, their emergence ought to come at the expense of several self-funded or productive actions. This implies that much less genuine funding is left for true wealth generators, which in turn undermines true wealth formation. When new money is designed, its impact is not felt instantaneously across all markets. The impact moves from a single person to one more and as a result from 1 marketplace to yet another. In short, monetary pumping generates bubble activities across all markets as time goes by. It is really most likely that the loose monetary policy of the Fed between January 2001 and June 2004 has laid the foundation for the emergence of various non-productive actions. (The federal funds rate target was lowered from six. five% to 1%.) An easy monetary stance coupled with fractional-reserve bank lending has provided rise to an abundance of money out of “thin air.” Between Q3 2001 to Q4 2004 the typical yearly rate of development of our monetary measure AMS stood at 7.5%. This need to be contrasted with the rate of development of 2% in Q2 2001 and .9% in Q4 2000. The illusory prosperity that the bubble activities have generated in fact amounted to the consumption of genuine financial savings and to a weakening of the pool of genuine funding — the heart of genuine financial development.

Because June 2004 the Fed has reversed its monetary stance. The fed funds rate target was raised from one% to five.25% at present. In response to this the growth momentum of our monetary measure AMS has been in visible downtrend since Q4 2004. The yearly rate of growth fell from 7.1% in Q4 2004 to one. four% in Q2 2007.

The moment the Fed tightened its stance this started out to undermine numerous actions that emerged on the back of the earlier loose monetary stance. In quick, these actions have come beneath pressure. We have witnessed that the impact of adjustments in funds supply (i. e. developing and supporting various non-productive actions) on numerous markets operates with a variable time lag. As a outcome of this, the effect from previous changes in cash provide can carry on to assert its dominance notwithstanding a lot more latest modifications in the dollars supply. (Previous loose monetary policies can nevertheless offer assistance to different bubble actions in spite of a lot more latest tight monetary stance.) We suspect that the tighter stance considering that June 2004 is only now beginning to obtain momentum with the housing market becoming hit very first. This indicates that sooner or later the numerous other elements of the economic climate are probably to exhibit difficulties. In brief, the fall in the development momentum of cash is going to place pressure on actions that sprang up on the back of earlier loose monetary policy. (Bear in mind that bubbles are supported by means of loose monetary policy that diverts real funding from wealth creating activities. As soon as the funds rate of development slows down, this slows the diversion of true wealth, i. e. slows down the support for these actions.) When numerous non-productive actions start off to deflate, this tends to exert a direct and indirect impact on the quality of bank assets notwithstanding monetary innovations. Certainly once this takes place banks have a tendency to curb their lending development. Does this imply that the United States is heading for a critical liquidity crunch and severe economic slump? We suggest that this will be dictated by the state of the pool of true funding. If the pool of actual funding is nonetheless increasing then commercial banks are unlikely to curtail their lending — at the worst, they might minimize the rate of lending expansion. This indicates that as an alternative of being liquidated, numerous false actions may well be forced to slow down their pace of expansion. Clearly, if commercial banks were to substantially curtail their lending then this could be indicative that the pool of actual funding at the disposal of Americans is in difficulty. Should commercial banks trim their lending it is probably to lead to a fall in dollars provide and to a liquidity crunch, all other items getting equal. For the time being, overall commercial bank lending is still expanding even though at a slower pace. Following climbing to 11% in November last year the yearly rate of growth fell to eight. three% so far in July. (In the week ending July 18, bank loans improved by $ 23.three billion.) An additional doable source for a liquidity crunch is the Fed’s policy of targeting the federal funds rate. In the week ending July 25, the Fed’s stability sheet (also named Fed Credit) fell by $ three.669 billion. The yearly rate of development fell to two.7% from in June and 4.two% in March. The decline in the pace of monetary injections by the Fed could be indicative that the existing fed funds rate target of five.25% is as well large relative to financial activity. In brief, a weakening in financial activity puts downward pressure on interest rates. To shield the target of 5.25% the Fed is forced to slow down its monetary pumping.

It follows that liquidity could come below severe pressure if the Fed decides to cling to the existing fed funds rate target whilst the economic system is weakening. We can as a result conclude that as the impact of the tighter monetary stance of the Fed given that June 2004 gains strength the probabilities for a widely spread liquidity crunch are increasing. The whole concern could further exacerbate ought to the Fed cling to the present fed funds rate target while the economy is weakening. ________________________________________ Frank Shostak is an adjunct scholar of the Mises Institute and a frequent contributor to Mises. org. He is chief economist of Man Monetary, Australia. Send him mail and see his outstanding Mises. org Everyday Articles Archive.

Answer by skincancerdoctor when youve spent many trillion dollars on a futile war and then had very reduced interest with out curbing borrowing youve produced substantial debt. nudge interest rates up a tad and bang – suddenly noone can spend any longer. Second, trillions pouring into compulsory superannuation is developing huge upward pressure on inflation – when al that cash comes on stream prioces will go up and onylthe greys / oldies will be able to get. In the meantime some of the most incompetent and corrupt folks in the organization are handling all that money and placing it into schemes sure to fail, the running off with thier large fat commissions as it all goes bung. the ideal investment is a bunch of gardening tools – nothing else is going to be of considerably worth quickly.

Know greater? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: Is Rupert Murdock the greatest capitalist ever?

September 15th, 2011

Question by two Thumbs . Is Rupert Murdock the greatest capitalist ever? The Rupert Murdoch machine (AKA News Corp.)…

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Alabama Birmingham – WBRC-Tv six Huntsville – WZDX 54 Mobile – WALA-Television 10 Montgomery – WCOV-Television 20 Ozark (Dothan) – WDFX-Tv 34

Alaska Anchorage – KTBY four Fairbanks – KFXF 7

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Answer by Preeti not confident….but immediately or indirectly he is a portion of our lives – ie he influences the way we believe and what we see. We can’t kick him out. He’ll come back.

Give your answer to this query under!

Sinclair Broadcast Group to Acquire Fisher Communications

Sinclair Broadcast Group (NASDAQ: SBGI ) and Fisher Communications (NASDAQ: FSCI ) ("Fisher") announced today that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement whereby Sinclair will acquire Fisher in a merger transaction valued at approximately $373.3 million.

Under the terms of the agreement, Fisher shareholders will receive $41.00 in cash for each share of Fisher common stock they own. The transaction represents a 44% premium to the closing price of Fisher common stock on January 9, 2013, the final trading day prior to Fisher announcing a review of strategic alternatives.

Fisher owns 20 television stations(1) in eight markets, reaching 3.9% of U. S. TV households, and three radio stations in the Seattle market. Additionally, Fisher previously entered into an agreement to provide certain operating services for three TV stations, including two simulcasts, pending regulatory approval.

"We are excited to acquire Fisher and expand our coverage westward, especially in the two key markets of Seattle (DMA 12) and Portland (DMA 22)," commented David Smith, President and CEO of Sinclair. "Started in 1910, Fisher's history of operating television and radio stations in the northwest corner of the U. S. has played an important role in its communities and in producing high-quality local news. We look forward to expanding upon those traditions and improving the cash flow of the stations through the benefits that come with our scale."

"After conducting our review of potential strategic alternatives, the Board concluded this all-cash transaction was the best path to maximizing value for shareholders," said Paul A. Bible, Chairman of Fisher's Board of Directors.

"Sinclair is the largest independent TV broadcaster in the country, and we believe its commitment to the industry -- along with its greater scale and sizable resources -- will provide our stations, team members and business partners with new opportunities to flourish," said Colleen B. Brown, Fisher's President and CEO.

This transaction is subject to approval by the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"), antitrust clearance, the affirmative vote of two-thirds of Fisher's outstanding shares and other customary conditions. The transaction is not conditioned on Sinclair obtaining financing or Fisher achieving or maintaining any financial or operational thresholds or metrics. The transaction is expected to close and fund during the third quarter of 2013, subject to closing conditions. Fisher has no long-term debt and is expected to have approximately $20 to $25 million of working capital at the time of the close. Sinclair expects to finance the purchase price through cash on hand, a bank loan and/or by accessing the capital markets.

Moelis & Company LLC served as financial advisor and White & Case LLP served as primary legal counsel for Fisher.

The Fisher television stations covered by the transaction are:

Station Affil. Market DMA(2) -------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------- ------ KOMO ABC/This TV Seattle-Tacoma, WA 12 KUNS Univision/Mundo Fox Seattle-Tacoma, WA 12 KATU ABC/Me TV Portland, OR 22 KUNP Univision/Mundo Fox Portland, OR 22 KLEW CBS Spokane, WA 73 KBOI CBS/CW Boise, ID 111 KYUU CW Boise, ID 111 KVAL CBS/This TV Eugene, OR 121 KCBY CBS Eugene, OR 121 KPIC CBS Eugene, OR 121 KMTR(3) NBC/CW Eugene, OR 121 KMCB(3) NBC Eugene, OR 121 KTCW(3) NBC Eugene, OR 121 KIMA CBS/CW Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA 123 KEPR CBS/CW Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA 123 KUNW Univision Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA 123 KVVK Univision Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA 123 KORX Univision Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA 123 KBAK CBS Bakersfield, CA 126 KBFX FOX/This TV Bakersfield, CA 126 KIDK CBS/FOX Idaho Falls-Pocatello, ID 160 KXPI FOX Idaho Falls-Pocatello, ID 160

The Fisher radio stations covered by the transaction are: MSA(2) ------ KOMO 1000 AM (news) Seattle-Tacoma, WA 13 KOMO 97.7 FM (news) Seattle-Tacoma, WA 13 KPLZ 101.5 FM (contemporary) Seattle-Tacoma, WA 13 KVI 570 AM (talk) Seattle-Tacoma, WA 13

Investor Call: The senior management of Sinclair will hold a conference call to discuss the acquisition of Fisher on Thursday, April 11, 2013, at 3:00 p. m. ET. After the call, an audio replay will be available at www. sbgi. net under "Investor Information." The press and the public will be welcome on the call in a listen-only mode. The dial-in number is 877-407-8033.

About Sinclair: On a pro forma basis, assuming consummation of the Fisher transaction as well as the previously announced Barrington and COX transactions, Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. the largest and one of the most diversified television broadcasting companies, will own and operate, program or provide sales services to 134 television stations in 69 markets. Sinclair's television group will reach approximately 33.7% of U. S. television households and is affiliated with all major networks. Sinclair's television portfolio will include 29 FOX, 20 MNT, 21 CW, 19 ABC, 24 CBS, 14 NBC, 5 Univision, one independent and one Azteca station. Sinclair owns equity interests in various non-broadcast related companies. Sinclair regularly uses its website as a key source of company information which can be accessed at www. sbgi. net.

About Fisher Communications, Inc. Fisher Communications, Inc. is a Seattle-based communications company that owns and operates 13 full power television stations, 7 low power television stations, 3 owned radio stations and one managed radio station in the Western United States. Fisher also owns and operates Fisher Interactive Network, its online division (including over 120 online sites), and Fisher Pathways, a satellite and fiber transmission provider. For more information about Fisher, go to www. fsci. com.

Forward-Looking Statements: Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Sinclair or Fisher to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Statements preceded by, followed by or that otherwise include the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "projects," "estimates," "plans," "increase," "forecast" and "guidance" and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as "will," "should," "would," "may" and "could" are based upon then-current assumptions and expectations and are generally forward-looking in nature and not historical facts. Any statements that refer to outlook, expectations or other characterizations of future events, circumstances or results are also forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that the proposed acquisition of Fisher will occur as currently contemplated, or at all, or that the expected benefits from the transaction will be realized on the timetable currently contemplated, or at all. Additional risks and uncertainties relating to the proposed acquisition of Fisher include, but are not limited to, uncertainties as to the satisfaction of closing conditions to the acquisition, including timing and receipt of regulatory approvals, timing and receipt of approval by the shareholders of Fisher, the respective parties' performance of their obligations under the merger agreement relating to the acquisition, and other factors affecting the execution of the transaction. Other risks that could cause future results to differ from those expressed by the forward-looking statements included in this press release include, but are not limited to, Sinclair's ability to promptly and effectively integrate the businesses of Fisher and Sinclair (if and when the acquisition of Fisher is completed), satisfaction of closing conditions to Sinclair's proposed acquisition of stations from Cox Media Group and Barrington Broadcasting Group, including timing and receipt of regulatory approvals and any required license asset third party transactions, the successful implementation of Sinclair's small market strategy, any change in national and regional economic conditions, the competitiveness of political races and voter initiatives, successful integration of acquired television stations (including achievement of synergies and cost reductions), pricing fluctuations in local and national advertising, future regulatory actions and conditions in the television stations' operating areas, competition from others in the broadcast television markets served by Sinclair or Fisher, volatility in programming costs, the effects of governmental regulation of broadcasting, industry consolidation, technological developments and major world news events.

A further list and description of important assumptions and other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are specified in Sinclair's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012 and Fisher's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012, included under headings such as "Forward-Looking Statements," "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," Sinclair's and Fisher's most recently filed Form 10-Q, and in other filings and furnishings made by Sinclair and Fisher with the SEC from time to time. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could also have material adverse effects on Sinclair's or Fisher's performance or achievements. In light of these risks, uncertainties, assumptions and factors, the forward-looking events discussed in this press release may not occur. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date stated, or if no date is stated, as of the date of this press release. Sinclair and Fisher undertake no obligation to release publicly any revisions to any forward

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Good excuses to work from home

Good excuses to work from home

For preventing such frauds, this platform has low technical requirements All platforms support two modes: hedging mode, which allows different positions for the fro, instrument, and net mode, which displays all orders for each currency pair in one position.

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【柔佛新山勢力『最大』? 外匯老千黃田耀,黃田秋】 去年我們揭發IBS 詐騙8人投資金共RM74,350 後。黃田耀立刻出來充老大,挑戰我們捉他。你們兩兄妹放心, 你不會自由到老的,我會安排你們兄妹進去『撿肥皂』!

============== 【T1FX:銀行般的安全? 10-30%回酬? 】 你媽的,銀行都要跟保險公司買保險。你他媽的沒​​有執照的T1FX 也敢叫做穩!去貿消部大聲說“we are forex company " 沒事的話,我就算你厲害!

10%-30%的回酬! MOP 外匯就是這樣答應別人。結果五福城 just want cafe 被人砸爛。泰國小碗麵被人潑漆。 taman molek 辦公室上班時被兇徒以巴冷刀追斬! 那麼好賺世界沒有窮人了咯!屌你老母!

IBS 詐騙投資者『圖片在留言區! 』 1)經典語錄:我們若是違法,為何至今還沒被捉! 2)經典語錄:我們1,3,5會在sutera papparich,來吧,我給你一個星期,沒來的話你怎樣?幾時要來捉我們! 3)經典語錄:我Wong Thian Yow 等你,不是說來揍人?在我耀爺的地盤撒野,等著進警局吧!我準備好政府人等你了,還有你口口聲聲說有人被騙,叫那些受害者出來,我們風雨不改就在papparich,來吧來吧^_^ 4)經典語錄:ALVIN GOR:亂說我們IBS不合法,等著收我們律師信!

事發經過: 1)經過揭發GLOBAL IBS SDN BHD 惡名昭彰的在全馬,尤其是南馬,以欺騙手法誘導年輕人,馬勞加入違法外匯投資之後。 本站立刻受到人身威脅。不但掌門人放話,對罪案吹哨者發出律師信以外,敗家子二世祖黃田耀更大聲南馬一代他大完,的經典語綠! 勢力之大,望塵莫及!

2)繼續揭發受害者被GLOBAL IBS SDN BHD 成員欺詐案件。 多民受害者在投資IBS之後,被公司代理狂輸資金,在血本無歸之下,竟然還要被扣留30%資金作為放棄投資的賠償。 多民受害者基於IBS成員勢力強大,無法討回公道。 在新山與馬六甲更有為數8人的青少年一起被 (自己狂輸在外彙的IBS成員)騙走總數RM74,300的投資本金,至今無人負責。

3)IBS 是一間沒有製度的違法外匯投資公司,加入的會員可以自行招攬更多無知受害者, 任何人可以肆意跟公眾收取投資金,跟公司瓜分。 陸續揭發所謂IBS , 不過是已被國行列入黑名單公司的 馬勝金融(借屍還魂)的金融投資公司。馬勝金融涉及違法多層次,拉人頭進行外匯投資,從中榨取投資者血汗錢的一間公司。

4)GLOBAL IBS SDN BHD 創辦人 Dato Engyeo Nyo 連夜趕回新山,包下了五福城某酒廊,僅供IBS 會員進入商討對策,看似鎮定,其實已經走投無路! 騙局不能維持太久,況且IBS 惡名昭彰已經在南馬很難混下去。 建議投資IBS的會員,盡快向公司要回投資,以免後悔來不及! 任何投資公司沒有權利扣留投資者任何資金, 更何況這件違法的外匯投資集團!

Canadian Dollar <-> US Dollar Exchange Rates: Banks, Currency Exchangers, Bank of Canada.

On this page, I plan on providing links to as many sources for the Canadian Dollar to US Dollar Exchange rates as I can. It has been fluctuating greatly in recent weeks, so up-to-the-minute figures are best.

Now, there are two kinds of data: The actual rates, and then what rates you can get when you want to actually bring US Currency to a place and change it into Canadian.

Places with Actual Exchange Rates:

Bank of Canada Exchange Rates : At noon and closing time on every business day, they publish an actual rate. Lots of other exchange rates are included as well. Their data sources are unclear.

XE. net : these guys have been publishing exchange rates on the internet for, it seems like, as long as the internet itself. Their data sources are actual market transaction rates, so they are actually looking at the rates that funds were converted at between parties. Rates update extremely frequently.

Google : Very new to the financial news game. Their graphs are very nice, but their rates don't seem to be updated too often. Very nice for trending purposes. You can also punch in any 2 3-letter currency codes together to get their conversion rates, eg: USDEUR or EURCAD

OANDA: This company seems to be a bit similar to XE, but they actually operate their own currency market, so they publish rates from that. I've linked out to a cross-rate table for the Canadian dollar, but feel free to browse through their site for other services they offer. Their site seems to be a bit confusing though for someone just looking for information, rather than buying a service. If you do subscribe to their forex trading system, the data it provides is pretty impressive.

Bank Exchange Rate Information

These are the actual rates you'll be able to get after fees/commissions. You'll see two rates here, and the reason for that is the bank's commission. Generally, the wider apart these two rates are, the greater the cut/commission the bank is taking, so you should really go to the bank with the least.

Currency exchangers often have better rates than the banks, but sometimes they'll be a bad deal (airport currency exchangers are notorious for this).

Sometimes banks will differentiate between their cash rates, and non-cash rates. Usually the cash rate is slightly worse (since they have to deal with it), and the non-cash rates are if you bring a cheque/draft/money order in that currency to change over. You may also be able to negotiate if you're converting a ton of money (in the several thousands anyway).

And a final tip, most places will NOT accept foreign coins, or give them out, only bills. And if you need foreign currency, especially the more obscure it is, it might not be so easy from a bank (or you might have to actually order it in).

TD Bank Foreign Exchange Rates : This is their non-cash exchange rate. They don't seem to publish their cash rates online unfortunately, but they should be just a tad worse than these rates. Rates are updated several times throughout the day.

Scotia Bank Forex Rates : Again, these are non-cash rates. They also seem to offer a "ScotiaFX" Currency exchange service for big business and/or corporate customers. Rates are updated infrequently, and The Bank of Nova Scotia has had terrible exchange rates lately (see discussion below).

CIBC Bank: Rates not published online, you'll have to call them.

Royal Bank : These are their cash rates, which as I see today, are around 0.5% to 0.75% worse than TD's non-cash rates, so I'd expect RBC to be competitive with TD on cash rates. Scroll all the way down to "United States" for American Currency rates :)

BMO: It seems like they don't even publish their rates online, you have to call/visit them, or you can order through online banking (but you'll pay hefty courier fees for that). C'mon people, it's 2008 here!

National Bank of Canada: No rates published online. They have a really neat daily Canadian foreign exchange analysis.

Vancouver Bullion&Currency Exchange (for reference) : This is a well-known currency exchanger based in Vancouver. You might want to take a look at their retail rates to compare with the big Canadian banks.

In my experience, credit unions tend to not have very good rates.

On June 8th, 2011 Anonymous (not verified) says:

Today I called RBC and my local Credit Union to compare the differences in what I would actually receive if I deposited a U. S. dollar cheque into my account. The Credit Union actually had a better rate. I was surprised and glad that I checked into the differences first. As well, when I called for information - I had to jump through one of those obnoxious and tedious automated phone services at the Royal Bank of Canada, but the Credit Union had a real human being answer my call. To top it all off, the real human being was actually helpful!

On June 9th, 2011 Admin says:

100% agree on the tedious automated phone services. Whenever I go through one, I just think about how the company so little values my time that they'd rather waste 10 minutes of my time rather than 1 minute of theirs and 1 minute of mine. It's unfortunate when you're paying a premium to deal with them or otherwise in a rush and time is of value. Credit unions+++, although I've become wary of keeping large amounts of money in them because they're not CDIC insured, but rather insured by provincial equivalents that may or may not be as sound.

On February 24th, 2011 Anonymous (not verified) says:

Great information. You may want to review XEtrade for better spreads

On September 20th, 2011 Nick (not verified) says:

My issue is moving a lot of money for a relocation from Canada to the US. I'm selling my house and buying one in the states -- so we are talking about >300k$. As you can imagine, I'm not too worried about flat fees for wire transfers, etc. It's the rate that's it going to matter, and were talking right up to the forth and fifth decimal place!

So far, I had followed the advice elsewhere on this site and opened a XE. com trading account. It took two days, but costs nothing and wasn't too much trouble. From XE. com trading, I have access to the quoting engine (not just the market rates on the public site). XE. com beats all the banks in the list above by almost 1% (see below), it was a bit lower than the vancouver boulion and currency exchange -- but I'm not too sure how I would manage that since I'm on the other side of the country.

With a bit more reading, I came across KnightsbridgeFx. As I was checking out the site, I got one of those typical pop's: Do you want to chat with a representative? So I'm thinking: "It's 12:15 at night, lets see if they really mean it. " Well low and behold, there is someone manning the chat box in the middle of the night!

A quick rate request and I'm told: 1 CND = 0.995000 USD (at market close) Whereas with XE. com: 1 CND = 0.993059 (at 12:15am)

To put that into perspective, for 100k, that's a 194$ savings with KnightsbridgeFx versus XE. com.

Now, its important to note that XE runs around the clock, whereas KnightsbridgeFx is locked to the Bank of Montreal rates. So there will be some sort of change from the KbFx/BMO closing rate versus the XE market rate. But still, it makes it worth looking at!

So 1.00 CND will buy you in USD: 0.998003 - Vancouver Boulion and Currency Exchange 0.995000 - KnightsbridgeFx 0.993059 - XE. com 0.984737 - RBC 0.984542 - TD 0.983768 - BMO 0.982800 - Scotia

Looking at these numbers, we can see that for 100k$, you will save 1123$ using Knightsbridge instead of is institutional partner BMO. That is a very serious discount they are passing onto their customers. I thought I was doing well with my XE account. It looks like I will be double-checking their day-time rates and perhaps filling in some KnightsbridgeFx forms!

-Nick [ I am not affliated with any banking or trading institution. ]

On September 20th, 2011 Nick (not verified) says:

So I've check the rates properly when the market is open and active:

0.993937 - XE 0.992700 - KnightsbridgeFx

Conclusion: XE seems gives you a better rate by 0.12%

Both seem easy enough to use: - KnightsbridgeFx seems to offer a more accompanied service (a live human at the other end of the line). - XE is more do it yourself, online. KnightsbrigeFx uses wire transfers, whereas XE can use either wire transfers (same day, some fees) or EFT (3+3 days, but no wire fees).

On October 1st, 2011 Anonymous (not verified) says:

Great information guys. I compared both in real time and I ended up going with Knightsbridgefx. com. The exchange rates were better on large transactions, they can do a same day transaction and get the funds wired for me, and they do not charge any wire transfer fees at all, which I really like. they walked me through the process and I was able to open an account in a few hours. I bought a property in the US and everything went really smooth. [Link removed by moderator, as knightsbridgefx isn't his homepage (or at least I hope it isn't)]

On October 5th, 2011 Anonymous (not verified) says:

How do I know this is not a scam and all you people praising knightsbridgefx are not actually working for that company and running it? [Bolded and spelling corrected by moderator]

On September 22nd, 2011 Kevin (not verified) says:

Nick - you may want to check out the info on using 'Norbert's Gambit' at http://www. finiki. org/index. php? title=Norbert%27s_Gambit - Kevin

Banks are criminals and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.

The gouging on the exchange rate is a good example. They are more

powerful than the government. Where are our so called leaders? Debajo

the haystack fast asleep.

On October 10th, 2011 Admin says:

They take a percent or two, they probably lose money overall when you walk into a branch and need to buy under $100 of a foreign currency. It's not overwhelmingly gouging in my opinion, but it's a loss for those that are willing to do a bit of research, such as reading sites like mine :)

On December 8th, 2009 J Matchett (not verified) says:

BMO Investorline offers investment grade spreads when you buy/sell USD/CAD dollars and also gives you a free USD account through their "account link" service with 2 free transactions per month and cheque priveleges. Unfortunately, they do not offer their no fee USD mastercard anymore :( Now $25 dollars per year but free additional cardholders.

On November 27th, 2009 Deanna (not verified) says:

If I needed to pay US dollars for a xmas vacation, do you think I should pay now or in January 2010? Not sure if the rate would be better for Canadian or worse. Paying on credit card.

Help if you can!

On December 30th, 2008 Aaron A (not verified) says:

PC (Presidents Choice) has also raised their commissions on exchange rates to an astronimical amount! I am a Canadian citizen who gets paid by a U. S. company in U. S. funds, so each percent taken on commission adds up to a lot over the course of a year. I used to deposit my U. S. cheques into the PC ATMs and noticed that I was charged 2.5 percent. That jumped to at least 5% not too long ago. I assume that CIBC has the same ratios as PC, since they are the parent. I used PC bank because of the ease of banking. They even have a U. S. currency deposit option right on their ATM services. Anyway, loosing 5% on every cheque is out of the question. As you have indicated, TD has the best conversion rates. Their "Preferred exchange rate" only charges 1.0 or 1.5 percent (can't remember) commission. This rate is acheived by simply having their $5 a month U. S. account option. I am currently switching all of my banking over to RBC - as I have a mortgage with them. I feel bad about betraying TD. I am currently in the process of getting an account that has a "preferred exchange rate", and I am hoping it is a good one. I know that their regular commision is 3%. And I am hoping that the "preferred rate" is between 1 & 2%. The obsurd thing about all this is that I have asked at least two dozen bank employees from different banks and enquired by phone as well, as to what these commissions are and not one of these people even understand what I am asking them. And I have changed the wording of my enquiry to just about every way I can pose the question. I feel like Truman from the "Truman Show"; eveyone is in on this "pretending to be ignorant" except me (and you two)! Either that, or I (an average Joe) appear to have more banking knowledge than most banking representatives! Anyway, the way I have found out different rates is to check online for the actual rate (which differs up to a percent depending on where you look) just before I go to a bank and pose the question, "how much will I get if I deposit this cheque for "X" amount - right this second?" To go into the dialogue where I ask the teller, broker or manager the conversion rate commissions whould probably make an intelligent person gag! So I will skip that. Hopefully most readers here are the intelligent people I speak of.

On October 18th, 2011 Ailsa (not verified) says:

Thanks for all this information -- I'm so glad I found this site. (Whoever the owner is, let's link sites, my Readers would like to know this, too). I've just relocated from California back to Canada (my Work visa ran out -- boo!!), and most of my money is in US funds. I thought I would transfer it up last week, when the Canadian dollar was down (good for me!), but when I went into the TD bank, not only was the teller HORRIBLE, she told me the exchange rate, and it was nothing like what I had just seen online. I have asked numerous times at the bank, is there a charge to convert my US funds to Canadian Funds, in a variety of ways, to try to get to the truth, and not one person will give me a straight answer. Surely that is illegal, to have seemingly 'hidden' fees? Right now, I've decided to leave my money in the US, but if I stay in Canada (things have been annoying enough to make me want to turn around and go back to the States), at some point in the near future, I'll want to buy a house, or some land to build on, and will have to move my money.

Does anyone know if the Bank of Montreal is a better bank for US/Canadian funds transfer? I've been with the TD bank for years, but that last horrible teller was just too much. Plus, if they are actively ripping me off, and won't openly disclose all of the fees involved, that's ridiculous.

Thanks for any ideas to solve this frustrating problem (although, very happy to have the money to transfer! lol!)

Oh, and will the bank hold your US cheques, or will they deposit them, directly? It was next-to-impossible for me to cash or deposit Canadian cheques in the US, so wondered if it will be as problematic up here.

On January 2nd, 2009 Admin says:

Thanks for your perspective. I can definitely see how they might get confused when you start asking about commissions, because it's "commission-free" ha. Of course, the commission is hidden in the rates, you can calculate it yourself, but who's to say when they'll change it. Then again, websites like this (and comments like yours) help people price-shop.

On December 6th, 2008 Les (not verified) says:

On November 25th, 2008 Admin says:

Well, 40+ people per day are visiting this very page :)

I can also make another entry specifically regarding Scotia's rates. Interesting how none of the other banks felt the need to make this change. I'd imagine that cashing USD checks is a limited business for all of the banks really.

Also, their rationale of "volatility" is interesting. If it's volatility, then the gains and losses should even out on average. I'm sure a Big 5 bank could stomach any potential losses (in case the losses do happen to outweigh the gains).

If they are speculating that the US$ will continue to gain, then I'd hope their currency trading desk is making that bet.

Finally, (and I'll have to check on this when I have the chance), are their cash rates also out-of-whack, or just their cheque/check/draft rate? Usually drafts get a preferred rate, would be interesting to see if they're giving cash a preferred rate nowadays.

The final suggestion that I could offer is to open up a US$ account somewhere, deposit US$ checks there, and then periodically get US$ drafts that you could take to a real currency exchanger, or do it all through someone like xe. net.

Once again, thanks for all of your research on this, and for sharing it with all of us.

On December 30th, 2008 Aaron A (not verified) says:

PC (Presidents Choice) has also raised their commissions on exchange rates to an astronimical amount! I am a Canadian citizen who gets paid by a U. S. company in U. S. funds, so each percent taken on commission adds up to a lot over the course of a year. I used to deposit my U. S. cheques into the PC ATMs and noticed that I was charged 2.5 percent. That jumped to at least 5% not too long ago. I assume that CIBC has the same ratios as PC, since they are the parent. I used PC bank because of the ease of banking. They even have a U. S. currency deposit option right on their ATM services. Anyway, loosing 5% on every cheque is out of the question. As you have indicated, TD has the best conversion rates. Their "Preferred exchange rate" only charges 1.0 or 1.5 percent (can't remember) commission. This rate is acheived by simply having their $5 a month U. S. account option. I am currently switching all of my banking over to RBC - as I have a mortgage with them. I feel bad about betraying TD. I am currently in the process of getting an account that has a "preferred exchange rate", and I am hoping it is a good one. I know that their regular commision is 3%. And I am hoping that the "preferred rate" is between 1 & 2%. The obsurd thing about all this is that I have asked at least two dozen bank employees from different banks and enquired by phone as well, as to what these commissions are and not one of these people even understand what I am asking them. And I have changed the wording of my enquiry to just about every way I can pose the question. I feel like Truman from the "Truman Show"; eveyone is in on this "pretending to be ignorant" except me (and you two)! Either that, or I (an average Joe) appear to have more banking knowledge than most banking representatives! Anyway, the way I have found out different rates is to check online for the actual rate (which differs up to a percent depending on where you look) just before I go to a bank and pose the question, "how much will I get if I deposit this cheque for "X" amount - right this second?" To go into the dialogue where I ask the teller, broker or manager the conversion rate commissions whould probably make an intelligent person gag! So I will skip that. Hopefully most readers here are the intelligent people I speak of.

On July 8th, 2009 Greg T. (not verified) says:

After $4000 in extra fees with Scotiabank on currency conversion, I took your advice Dan and signed up for an account on www. xe. com. I am very satisfied thus far. My average exchange fee is 1.8%.

Compared to the 6.25% at scotiabank and 2.25% at RBC, this is a bargain. Wouldn't anyone want to pock more of their own cheques?

There are some interesting points if others consider the xe. com path.

GOOD - SECURITY VERIFICATION - The account approval process will take about a week or more as applicants (me) have to submit verification for bank accounts and they contact your bank to verify your banking information and identity before giving you trading ability. This is for the electronic funds transfers from account to account - free transfers via EFT. It was a bit frustrating but well worth the wait as at least they are verifying everyone's information.

GOOD - PROCESS IS EASY - They have a live demo of their exchange system. Basically you enter your amount of USD to sell, pick a currency to buy (CAN), pick your method (EFT) and then your account from and to, then your exchange rate pops up and you have time to decide whether to confirm or cancel. you can hit the rate refresh all day if you need to.

GOOD - LOCK IN A RATE FOR UP TO A YEAR: You can do a "forward trade" option which effectively can lock in an exchange rate for up to a year. For instance, in Feb 09 I locked in a forward trade at 1.9% conversion fee and actual exhange rate of 1.255 on $30,000 USD and was able to do 5 transactions though March, April and May to use it up. All the while the exchange rate at the bank fell from 1.23 down to 1.15. I wish I had locked in more. Only downside is that they lock up 10% of the trade value until the last transaction and then release it to your "to" account.

NOT SO GOOD - With the electronic funds transfers from your source account and to your target account, each side of the deal takes 3 days. From the time you book the trade to delivery to your target account takes about 6 days. Patience needed.

NOT SO GOOD - xe. com's live demo uses the live currency exchange rate but they trick you by using a conversion fee in the demo of 0.9% (assumed) making you believe that the conversion fee is extremely low. After you sign up and wait for your account to get approved, you make you first transaction and it's 1.8% conversion fee and you're somewhat let down. I went back and I verified that nowhere in there demo to they state they are using actuals however it is very very very misleading. However, after 10 months of trading and using the forward trades I've saved a ton of money.

XE. com is the way to go if you're with Scotiabank (where I was getting charged at 6.25% conversion fee - see first posting) or PC financial. If you're with RBC at 2.25% then it's a harder decision to take the waiting period of 6 days for a 0.7% savings. guess it depends on your volume of cash being traded.

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CONCORD, N. C.—Stakeouts seem like so much fun in the movies. Cups of lukewarm coffee. A dashboard strewn with fast-food wrappers and empty chip bags. Long conversations about the meaning of life. Monitoring a target through a set of high.

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) — High-speed rail advocates made their voices heard at a town hall meeting Thursday night focused on the pros and cons of the $100 billion, taxpayer-funded project. One of those advocates is Cammie Laird, of.

A Marine accused of murdering a fellow Marine in the barracks at Camp Pendleton will appear in court Thursday. Lance Cpl. Mario Arias, 19, was found beaten to death at 1 a. m. on Nov. 3 in Camp Pendleton's Area 24 barracks, according to investigators.

"Pink slime" has been creating a social-media stink recently. When news broke that the national school lunch program was buying 7 million pounds of ground beef containing the substance, an outcry was heard across the Internet. Now, the USDA has.

A voice has been missing from the political debate over the future of Social Security and Medicare: yours. AARP wants to fix that. For more than a year, the president and Congress have been talking about changes to Medicare and Social Security as part of a.

A family dinner in the beginning of Nina Raine's "Tribes" tells the audience all it needs to know about the crisis of understanding that plagues the characters in this bright and boldly provocative drama. Two parents and three twenty-something.

This is a short hear-say kind of diary; it is just rumor at this stage, and certainly sounds plausible enough; but I'd love some confirmation if any fellow Maineiacs are tuned in with corroborating information. Please dive below the orange.

A 31-year-old Sacramento man was killed in the 7600 block of Center Parkway, near St. Lukes Way, police said early Tuesday. When officers arrived just after 11 p. m. Monday, they found the victim suffering from a single gunshot wound to his upper.

No data available

Hola a todos, con motivo del viaje a Galicia os traigo un par de post con cosas que he visto por aqui,

el primero sobre las carriladas, un descenso con coches de madera, y el proximo el plato fuerte con la cronica del festival aereo de vigo:

Las carriladas cuentan con gran tradicion por aqui, de echo se vienen celebrando desde hace mas de 20 años

consiste en la bajada de una buena cuesta con coches de madera artesanales, nosotros solo pudimos acudir a la "clasificacion" que hacen para decidir el orden de salida para la carrera

segun llegamos al tramo la clasificacion que teoricamente empieza a las 7 se anula segun la organizacion posiblemente por temas de permisos

aunque la gente sigue subiendo para ver el tramo alguno comenta que "los del pueblo van a bajar igual" asi que nos quedamos por la zona a ver que pasa al final

vuelve a pasar el coche de la organizacion que anuncia que se esta intentando solucionar lo de la bajada, desde ese momento no dejan de subir furgonetas con las "carrilanas" hacia la cima, al rato el coche de organizacion da luz verde a la bajada

hay bastante ambiente en la zona, mucha gente, la organizacion ha puesto balas de paja en las curvas. etc

finalmente cerca de las 9 empiezan a bajar las carrilanas, las primeras parecen mas de exibicion, y bajan bastante lento, la mayoria son padres con sus hijos

tardariamos poco en ver las carrilanas que van en competicion, van a una velocidad bastante elevada y las mas rapidas bajan en parejas, uno mueve la direccion y el otro se inclina en las curvas para mantener la estabilidad

ademas suele ser en la mayoria de las carriladas el que se encarga de la bomba de aceite (despues explicaremos)

llama la atencion ademas de la velocidad, el traqueteo de las ruedas y el olor a goma quemada que sueltan al frenar en algunos incluso se desprende humo de las ruedas

pues bien los carros van bajando sin novedad, llamo la atencion la llegada de la primera carrilana que iva a la carrera, se cruzo a nuestra altura con la ultima de las que ivan "de paseo" en esta ivan 3 personas, el padre a los frenos y los niños a la direccion y el aceite tuvieron que apartarse rapidamente para dejar paso a la otra carreta

otra entrada espectacular fue la de una pareja que balanceo el coche antes de entrar en una curba para entrar derrapando y eso con unos coches con ruedas de madera recubiertas de goma, impresionante

cuando acabo la bajada hubo oportunidad de ver todos los coches participantes con detalle, ya que se reunieron al final de la bajada

imagino que iran gobernados por algun reglamento ya que usaban soluciones parecidas, en cuanto a las ruedas eran todas de madera con una banda de goma clavada y los chasis eran todos de madera

en cuanto a los asientos desde sillas de playa recortadas hasta asientos de coche, luego en otros aspectos havia mas variedad, la direccion por ejemplo era comandada desde por cadenas, ejes articulados..etc

los habia incluso con rudimentarias suspensiones, eso si, todos contaban con un sistema para ir bombeando aceite a lo largo de la carrera a los ejes que no guiran con las ruedas, eso genera mucho calor y de no llevar este sistema la madera arderia segun como dijo un participante

y bueno acabado este ultimo vistazo a las carretas acabamos con las carrilanas

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【什么是RCFX? 什么是UON P3N ?】 RCFX 顾名思义,Ranson Chi forex 外汇就像南宁投资一样, 谁都可以自己开个小组来做,然后到处招人投资,以金字塔模式给会用抽取佣金。 投资者一旦把钱交给他们,等于把钱交给他们花,买车,买表! 剩下的都会输光,或被输光。 输光的投资者,最后沦落为他们的廉价劳工,替他们到处抛头露面拉新人加入。除了可以赚取佣金,也是回本的唯一方法!

1【Gavin Chew 】 一出生就立志做老千。2011年就因为从事亮碧思 lampe berger 金字塔传销。 在KL 开洗脑会议时,被贸消部逮捕,锒铛入狱! 当时他被吓得脸青青,傻傻的在现场咬指甲! 精彩画面可以在5:19秒找到! http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=y9vGblZBHTw

经过亮碧思仆街之后,这批老千就辗转做过很多的金字塔传销。 欺骗很多年轻人后,越做越猖狂。通过一些幕后金主的要求,他们变成张健一般的傀儡。 金主们替他们买超跑炫耀 (因为以他们的年纪与职业,根本无法取得银行贷款,购买超跑。更不可能赚到人生第一桶金)

有了超跑,名表,就能像大学生,在籍学生,年轻人下手。诱骗他们使用PTPTN 大学贷学金,教唆年轻人跟家人借,跟银行贷款等等,投资外汇。 因为外汇被他们吹捧成【没有锁头的金库】,你想要钱花,就往外汇里面淘。这些人的投资,就被他们哪去花天酒地,根本没有投资在外汇。 他们也提供假的MT4 外汇程式,自己跟下线,会员对赌。结果当然是把下线骗光。

2【Ranson Chi】 一个中学没有毕业,却跟Gavin Chew 一起招摇撞骗。通过一些假杂志,一夜之间变成 DR. Ranson Chi, 荣升10大杰出领袖。 只从去年被本站拆穿后, 两人以及大部分党羽,一夜之间消失在面子书。 从此不敢在面子书招揽外汇, 删除户口,逃之夭夭! 反而转战Instagram ,通过instargram. 微信来招新受害者,投资非法外汇。

自从RCFX在去年被我们轰炸之后, 我们得到人民邮报的拔刀相助。人民邮报特地制作了一部【外汇羔羊】的短片,完全揭发所有外汇FOREX的欺骗手段之后。RCFX 几乎立刻一刀死! 鸡飞狗走,销声匿迹,如过街老鼠,藏头露尾! 如今风声已经没有那么紧! RCFX 决定卷土重来。 他们已经把名字从rcfx 改成UON P3N !

为何要用UON P3N (也有称UOB)?因为这样可以误导投注资者,以为他们确实与UOB银行挂钩,投资他们处理的外汇,有可信度! 这就是诈骗! 揭发外汇诈骗视频:外汇羔羊 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=7HeKaMSjttk

3【为何外汇诈骗,他们依然身光颈靓】 外汇固然可以诈骗投资者的钱以外, 还有一个最大的功能【洗黑钱】。这也是这批年轻人被幕后黑手看中的原因。 这些外汇老千,没有学历,没有技能,一事无成,nothing to lose, 只要脸皮够后, 只要能帮助某些人把钱,以外汇的名义洗干净。自然财源滚滚!

Vola 15. Dec. 2011

So ganz kommt man ja an den News beim FX Trading nicht vorbei. Manche vom Tradingstil überhaupt nicht (scalpen und ahnliche Ansätze)

Habe in der Vergangenheit mal einige Newskalender verfolgt. Es stellt sich dann aber sehr schnell die Frage, welche News traden ? Die Unterschiede der einzelnen Kalender sind schon sehr extrem, siehe Bild.

Welchen verwendet ihr, oder tradet/beobachtet ihr immer nur die gleiche Art von News (EZB usw.)

Licens 16. Dec. 2011

Welchen verwendet ihr, oder tradet/beobachtet ihr immer nur die gleiche Art von News (EZB usw.)

Nachdem mich der feed von ForexFactory ein paar mal enttдuscht hat, habe ich mir den von DailyFx. com eingestellt. Den finde ich etwas zuverlдssiger und bei der Prioritдtensetzung nachvollziehbarer.

Henrik 16. Dec. 2011

Also ich nutze den tom-next-Feed ganz oben

Nein, im ernst, der reicht mir als Ьberblick, da ich aber auch keine News trade (mir fehlt der Sachverstand zu den jeweiligen Hintergrьnden).

IB bietet so etwas an, einen professionellen Datenfeed. Die Grundgebьhr der Plattform ist auf dem ersten Blick teuer, aber pro $1 Kommission vermindert sich die Grundgebьhr um 40 $-cent.

Archivos adjuntos

Vola 16. Dec. 2011

IB bietet so etwas an, einen professionellen Datenfeed. Die Grundgebьhr der Plattform ist auf dem ersten Blick teuer, aber pro $1 Kommission vermindert sich die Grundgebьhr um 40 $-cent.

Da du dich mit IB ja gut auskennst, frage ich mal weiter. Ist dieser Datenfeed separat buchbar oder bedarf es eines Kontos bei IB ?

Nur mal so informativ, ich habe nicht vor News zu traden.

Was den Sachverstand zu News angeht: Hat den ьberhaupt jemand ? Es ist doch mittlerweile hдufig der Fall, dass News erscheinen die positiv fьr die Wдrung sind, der Markt dann aber erstmal 50 Pips fдllt um dann 120 zu steigen.

Mir als Trader ist es ja egal ob die 50 Pips abwдrts durch sofortige Gewinnrealisierungen zustande kommen (z. B. von denen, die schon vorher Long waren und bei Bekanntgabe der News ihre Position sicherheitshalber schlieЯen) oder ob andere Trader, aus welchen Grьnden auch immer, Short einsteigen. Fakt ist aber, dass aufgrund der Posiven News fьr die Wдhrung, diese dann auch steigen "mьsste".

Daher finde ich die Interpretirung der News irgendwie sehr schwierig, das einzigste was fast immer passiert, ist das Volatilitдt aufkommt. Nur die anfдngliche Richtung ist nicht so wirklich absehbar (Imho)

Henrik 16. Dec. 2011

Da du dich mit IB ja gut auskennst, frage ich mal weiter. Ist dieser Datenfeed separat buchbar oder bedarf es eines Kontos bei IB ?

Es bedarf eines Kontos, welches immer mit Minimumgebьhren/Monat und Mindesteinzahlung verbunden ist.

Vola 16. Dec. 2011

Nachdem mich der feed von ForexFactory ein paar mal enttдuscht hat, habe ich mir den von DailyFx. com eingestellt.

Naja, "witzig" ist das mit den Kalendern schon. Von meinen 4 oben geposteten Kalendern zeigen nur 2 die Nachrichten um 13:30 an, (Die ja nicht grade unwichtig sind. )



die anderen beiden



Bei forexpros kann man sich den Kalender noch konfigurieren, aber dabei nichts falsch einstellen, sonst ist das Konto platt und keiner weiЯ warum

Und laut obigem Forum/Dukascopy Kalender kommen in den nдchsten 6 Stunden gar keine relevanten Daten mehr.

Licens 16. Dec. 2011

Naja, "witzig" ist das mit den Kalendern schon. Von meinen 4 oben geposteten Kalendern zeigen nur 2 die Nachrichten um 13:30 an, (Die ja nicht grade unwichtig sind. )

13:30 hatte ich heute auch nix drin stehen, bei DailyFx.

C'est l'esprit qui dirige le monde, et non l'intelligence!

Comme disait René Char . "Impose ta chance, sers ton bonheur, va vers ton risque, à te regarder ils s'habitueront à toi."

(MKPROD album, concerts, festivals),(Sonotropic :Sons & lumieres).

Martin KOUMS " Oncle KOUMS" . né au cameroun, C'est son grand père, pasteur, qui l'élèvera. Martin passera alors tous ses dimanches à l'église. & Quot; GOSPEL MUSIC" IL prend réellement conscience de sa passion pour la musique et part au Gabon afin de s'inscrire au Conservatoire de Musique.. Il arrive à Montpellier en 1990 afin de vivre de et pour sa passion. Après des études de musicologie à l'université et au Jam (école de Jazz), assez vite, il entre dans le monde des groupes et des concerts, et crée en 1997 son premier groupe, Gospel Rythm . Mais la musique de Martin Koums ne s'arrêtant pas au gospel, il intègre l'univers de la musique antillaise en créant le Tropic Show. groupe dans lequel il joue et chante, puis en faisant partie du groupe de musique africaine Zimameya .

Malgré tout, il prend le temps d'enregistrer un album plein de couleurs intitulé & Quot; Back Home ". Pour cet album, il est accompagné par la formation Africa Jazz Color. composée d'une dizaine de musiciens d'origines diverses.

La nostalgie de l'Afrique lui donne envie de partager ses origines africaines à travers la musique, les contes dans les Maisons Pour Tous, les écoles.

Martin est aussi annimateur Radio " SOLEIL TOPICAL " Radio CLAPAS en direct le Jeudi à18h. samedi à 17h1O (93.5 FM) ou sur le net. http://radioclapas. free. fr/

En 2001, il revient à ses débuts et crée la .

Toutes ses activités le font vivre mais font aussi de lui la personne si éclectique et pour certains, dispersé qu'il est. Outre le musicien organisateur de concert que l'on connait, Martin Koums est aussi le porte flambeau d'une famille, de traditions. Un Africain en France, un soutien, une ressource pour une famille camerounaise traditionnelle.

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Research Study Charty and Participants

Charity With the Geniuses

Ajedrez Castellуn Club Ajedrez Cнrculo Mercantil de Castellуn de la Plana

Ajedrez De Entrenamiento Training toward mastership (In Spanish)

Anand-Gelfand, Moscow 2012 The official website of the match

Argedrez A daily-updated site with Argentinean games and news

ARVES An international club for those interested in endgame studies

Australian Chess Federation Keep up-to-date on everything going on down under

AXON Idea Processor A visualization tool for thinkers

The Berkeley Chess School Dedicated to sharing the joy of chess

Blackstone Chess Center Located in downtown Pawtucket, RI

Blindfold Chess History, Psychology, Techniques, Champions, etc

Books Should Be Free A source for free audio books

British Chess Magazine BCM online

British Chess Problem Society The world’s oldest chess problem society

British Endgame Study News All issues of BESN

Bulgarian Chess Network One of the largest sites about chess in Bulgaria

Chess Archeology A site by and for historians

Chess Athlete A site focusing on chess for beginners or club players

ChessBase News, events and more

ChessBites More than four million high-quality games and problems online

Chessbooks Rare, second-hand and out-of print books in the U. K.

Chess Bookshop Karel Mokry’s most interesting site

Chess Boss A truly unique chess server offering awesome feature

Chessdom Chess news, interviews and more

The Chess Drum The Original Pan-African Chess Site

Chess Events EAC Information for chess events in the EAC

Chess Express Ratings Provides today's player with more than just a rating

The Chess Federation of Canada Promoting the knowledge, study and play of chess in Canada

Chess For Real Training toward mastership

ChessFriends. com Opportunities to play and improve your game

Chess Informant The well-known Informator online

Chess in San Diego Resources for chess players in the San Diego area

Chess in Translation Russian chess news and interviews in English

Chess Journalists of America Recognizing chess journalism at its best

Chess Master Connections An important tool for teaching a wide range of knowledge

ChessMoney64 Play online chess and earn money

ChessOK Playing Zone Play a game of chess at Convekta’s free playing zone

Chessology Free program to learn and play chess

Chess Openings Tutorial Software by Bookup Corp.

Chess Problems. org A series of challenging chess problems

Mastermind chess

Mastermind chess tournament

ChessPublishing. com The chess opening theory site

ChessQuotes. com A collection of wisdom and interest

Chess School SA Chess coaching for Schools in South Australia

ChessStar. com Internet magazine on a chess composition

Chess Tactics A Field Guide to Chess Tactics

Chess Today The first Internet-based daily chess newspaper!

ChessVibes Peter Doggers’ chess videos make this site unique

The Chess World Chess for All

Chesszone. org Dozens of free e-books, databases, and annotated games

CPS Chess Welcome to the Chicago Public Chess League

Daily Chess Puzzles A Chess Problem Daily by Email

Despair, Inc. Your compatriot in cynicism

DGT The official site for DGT products

Diaz Cartoons Hundreds of chess cartoons by Josй Diaz

Echiquier-Nicois The French web international newspaper

EG Study Magazine Complete PDF archives of volumes 1-152

The English Chess Federation Promoting the playing of chess in England

Esske Central Greece Chess Clubs Union (In Greek)

Europe Йchecs The site of the fine French publication

Everyman Chess The British chess publisher’s home on the web

Federazione Scacchistica Italiana The governing chess organization of Italy

FIDE Trainers Commission With surveys and book recommendations

First Saturday Chess Tournaments For GM and IM norms

French Chess Federation Founded in March 1921

Full English Breakfast Chess chats with a coupla cheeky chaps

Gambit Publications Download sample PDFs from Gambit Books

Geeks With Chess Play real time online chess free

Genius Prophecy Chess Free chess articles to help the average player improve

Ginger GM The website of GM Simon Williams

Greater Cherry Hill Chess Founded to give local players a nice place to compete

Hamburger Schachklub von 1830 Home page of the Hamburg Chess Club, in German

Handmade Chess Information on the construction of wooden boards pieces

HecFran All chess and then some (In Spanish)

Hip-Hop Chess Federation Fusing music, chess, and martial arts

IChessU Chess lessons for any age, chess level or budget

IdeaChess Chess strength evaluation for registered users!

JESA Chess The Chess Club at Singley Academy

Kaissiber Site of the excellent German magazine edited by Stefan Bьcker

KARL Chess history and culture, in German

Ken Whyld Association Information from collectors of chess literature

Kingpin The great satirical chess magazine on the web

Echiquier du Lac Best chess club in France

Lit2Go Online service of the Educational Technology Clearinghouse

Live Top List Provisional World Chess Rankings

Marshall Chess Club Founded by Frank J. Marshall in 1915

Max Euwe Centrum An institute unparalleled in the world of chess

Mechanics’ Institute Newsletter Written by John Donaldson

Metropolitan Chess Located in Downtown Los Angeles

Mojave A (mostly) acoustic rock band from Vancouver

New In Chess One of the world’s best chess magazines

Newtown Chess Club The Newtown Chess Clubs home on the Internet

Of the I A progressive/alternative rock band from London, UK

OlimpBase The encyclopedia of team chess

Omegachess Dedicated to the promotion of Omegachess in the UK

Playchess. com The world’s fastest growing chess server

Polgar Chess University Where students of all levels have an opportunity to learn chess

The Portsmouth Gambit A relatively unknown sideline of the Sicilian

Print What You Like A free online editor that lets you format any web page

Progresser aux йchecs Avec Xavier Bйdouin MI et Entraоneur fйdйral

Rochade Kuppenheim A fine German club site with articles in German and English

Rose Forgrove Chess Club A new club website

Saint Louis Chess Club Making chess an important part of our community

Salihlisatranc The Salihli chess club in Manisa, Turkey

Schachbundesliga The highest German chess league

Schach und Kultur Well-illustrated historical chess articles, in German

Scholar's Mate Canada's Chess Magazine for Kids Free Online

Sport Chess The website of GM Rakhmanov Aleksandr

St. Petersburg Chess Club The St. Petersburg Chess Club of Tampa Bay, Florida

Staunton Chess Sets The story of classic chess piece design

Suffern Chess Club A great outlet for friendly competition

Thoresen Chess Engines Tournament High-quality chess played by chess engines

True Chess Dedicated to the discovery of new facets of famous positions

Turkish Chess Federation The official site of the Turkish Chess Federation

The Week in Chess Mark Crowther’s popular home page

World Chess Federation Access the FIDE Handbook online, view live events, and more

U. S. Chess League

Alabama Chess Federation Promoting chess for the benefit of all Alabama players

The Alaska Chess League A positive chess environment for the aspiring chess player

The Arizona Chess Federation, Inc. Arizona's USCF sanctioned chess affiliate

Arkansas Chess Association To promote interest and enjoyment in chess

CalChess Dedicated to broadening and developing chess in Northern California.

Southern California Chess Federation The USCF for the Southern California area

Colorado State Chess Association To broaden and develop chess as a cultural art in Colorado

Connecticut State Chess Association Working to promote chess in CT

Connecticut Chess Details all the chess clubs in CT

Delaware Chess Association To promote interest and enjoyment in chess

D. C. Chess League To promote the popularity of the game of chess

Florida Chess Association The FCA has started a Florida Grand Prix

Georgia Chess Association Committed to expanding the Georgia chess community

Hawaii Chess Federation To promote chess in Hawaii

Iowa State Chess Association Devoted exclusively to the promotion of chess in Iowa

Idaho Chess Association Promotes the game of chess throughout the state of Idaho

Illinois Chess Association The official USCF affiliate for Illinois

Indiana State Chess Association Happenings around the state of Indiana

The Kansas Chess Association To broaden and develop chess in Kansas

Massachusetts Chess Association Representing the interest of chess in Massachusetts

Maryland Chess Association This new site should allow us to add information easier

Maine chess Association Promotes various chess related activities in Maine

Michigan Chess Association A non-profit organization, dedicated to the advancement of the game Minnesota State Chess Association Thank you for your support of the MSCA

Missouri Chess Association To provide chess players with information about current activities

Mississippi Chess Association In existence since the 1950s

Montana Chess Association To support and enhance enjoyment of the game

North Carolina Chess Association To broaden and develop chess as an art and recreation

North Dakota Chess Association An organization dedicated to chess and education

Northwest Chess Chess news from Washington and Oregon

Nebraska State Chess Association Official state chapter of the USCF

New Hampshire Chess Association To promote chess in the state of New Hampshire

The New Jersey State Chess Federation Supporting chess clubs around the state

New Mexico Chess Organization To promote chess in the state of New Mexico

Nevada Chess, Inc. From places to play and results of local tournaments, to local news

New York State Chess Association Better opportunities to play and learn the game

Oklahoma Chess Association Promoting chess for the benefit and enjoyment of all

Pennsylvania State Chess Federation Committed to helping scholastic chess as much as possible

South Carolina Chess Association Furthering the enjoyment of chess in South Carolina

South Dakota Chess Association Supports the game of chess across the state of South Dakota

Tennessee Chess Association The official governing body for chess within the state

Texas Chess Association Serving Texas chess players

United States Chess Federation The official site of the USCF

Utah Chess Association Utahs home for chess information

Virginia Chess Federation To provide a permanent record of state chess news and events

Vermont Chess Information A source for information on chess happenings in and around Vermont

Washington Chess Federation Washington States organizing body for chess

West Michigan Chess Promoting West Michigan chess events

West Virginia Chess Association To foster and promote chess activity in West Virginia

WVSCA The West Virginia Scholastic Chess Association

Wyoming Chess Association Official web site of the Wyoming Chess Association

Michael Adams Official website of GM Michael Adams

Varuzhan Akobian Official website of GM Varuzhan Akobian

Boris Avrukh Boris Avrukh's personal website

Vinay Bhat Not strictly a chess blog

Victor Bologan Moldavian GM Victor Bologan’s website

Magnus Carlsen Magnus Carlsens Blog

Roberto Cifuentes A unique tool for studying chess

Daniel Naroditsky The youngest author in the history of chess

Nigel Davies British GM Nigel Davies’ website

Yelena Dembo The popular authors home on the web

Maxim Dlugy GM Maxim Dlugy’s web site

Josh Friedel The official website of GM Josh Friedel

Anish Giri Welcome to Anish Giri's website

Jan Gustafsson GM Jan Gustafsson’s website

Efstratios Grivas GM Efstratios Grivas’s website

Jon Ludvig Hammer Search around and you’ll find lots of interesting stuff

Tim Harding Our ChessCafe. com columnist’s fine site

Dan Heisman The popular ChessCafe. com columnist’s site

Gawain Jones The website of Gawain Jones

Gregory Kaidanov s official site

Daniel King GM Daniel Kings personal site

Jerzy Konikowski The popular author’s Internet page, in Polish

Tim Krabbй The more curious side of chess

Vladimir Kramnik World Champion Vladimir Kramnik’s website

Peter Leko Hungarian GM Peter Leko’s official site

Alisa Maric Serbian WGM Alisa Maric’s official site

Victor Mikhalevski The chess site of GM Victor Mikhalevski

Ashot Nadanian The official site of Ashot Nadanian

Hikaru Nakamura The official site of GM Hikaru Nakamura

Natalia Pogonina The official website of WGM Natalia Pogonina

Sofia Polgar Where chess and art are presented on one site

Susan Polgar Keep up to date with Susan’s activities and the latest chess news

Yury Shulman The 2008 U. S. Champion’s site

Jeremy Silman The popular author’s site

Kevin Spraggett A collection of thoughts on chess and life

Wesley So The official site of GM Wesley Barbasa So

Peter Svidler Russian GM Peter Svidler’s official site

Chess Engines and Resources

365chess Biggest chess games database online

Alpine Fonts Home page for chess fonts and other game diagram fonts

Arena A free Graphical User Interface (GUI) for chess programs

BabasChess A free Internet Chess Client for Windows

BBChess A computer chess engine by Borko Boљkoviж

ChessBase Reader The ChessBase Reader is now available for download

ChessBase 11 Tutorials Learn the functionality of the new program

ChessDB A free Chess Database for Windows, Linux, and Macs

Chess Fonts A place to view and download fonts

ChessGames Free, searchable chess game database

Chess Games Links A collection of links where you can download free chess games

Chess Graphics A site devoted to all aspects of chess graphics

Chess Hero A free chess training program

Chess Links A Dutch site with a large collection of links

ChessX An Open Source chess database

Crafty A free, open-source computer chess program

Database Software Create and manage chess databases

Endgame Database All six-piece endgames at your fingertips

En Passant A site with free software and resources for publishing

ExaChess A full-featured database program for the Macintosh

Final Theory of Chess Project An online encyclopedia of chess openings

Firebird Chess Engine A free open-source UCI chess engine

Fritz 12 Video Workshop Learning without the manual

Fruit A chess engine developed by Fabien Letouzey and Joachim Rang

Glaurung A strong free chess program for the Apple iPhone

Houdini A state-of-the-art chess engine for Windows

Mega Database 2010 tutorial, part one For amateur and professional alike

Mega Database 2010 tutorial, part two For amateur and professional alike

Naum A chess engine developed by Alexander Naumov

NICBase Search over 1.4 million strictly upscale chess games!

RobboLito A strong open-source UCI chess engine

Rybka v2.3.2a An early version of the Rybka engine

SCID A free Chess Database for Windows, Linux, and Macs

Shredder Opening Database Get statistics from human grandmaster games

Sigma Chess A freeware, master strength Macintosh chess program

Stockfish A strong open-source UCI chess engine

Tarrasch Chess GUI Easy to use with powerful training features

USB Chess Board Build your own USB Chess Board

Vega Free Chess Tournament Pairing Program

Blog on it If your blog links to ChessCafe. com, let us know

50 Great Blogs to Improve Your Chess Game An ancient game of strategy and wit

ANCL (unofficial) Chess Blog About ANCL and everything connected with chess

Atomic Patzer Just another chess fan blogging

Australian Junior Chess A blog about chess in Australia

Beyaz Piyon Stratejisi olmayan taktikler (in Turkish)

Blue Devil Knight Confessions of a chess novice

Boylston Chess Club Weblog The Chess Blog of the Boylston Chess Club

Brooklyn 64 A loosely knit group of friends who play chess

Carolus Chess Chess History, Research and Culture

Celebrate Chess A celebration of chess as it applies to life and philosophy

Central Oregon Chess Journal Chess in the central Oregon region

Chessaholic Chess is a demanding mistress.

Chess-echecs Chess news, training, and art (in French)

The Chess Improver GM Nigel Davies on getting better at chess

Chess in the Library Designed by Yuan Dai

Chess India A humble chess player

The Chess Mind A blog for chess fans, by a chess fan

Chicago Chess Blog Notes on chess in Chicago

The Closet Grandmaster Chess is very simple. He goes there, I go here.

Elizabethtown Chess Club An active club located in Elizabethtown, KY

Ennis Chess Club The blog of the Ennis Chess Club

ERK. dk Erik David Johnsons personal website

Filipino Chess Player League From Doha, Qatar

Grandpatzer Chess Do as I say, not as I do

Gregs Chess Progress An education professional who has returned to chess

ICOfY Blog The official website of "ICOfY Base" and "ICOfY Journal"

Imaginative Pencil The art of Justin Michael Jenkins

Inte Bara Schack Lars Grahn i bloggosfдren

I. S. 318 Chess Team The blog for the National Champion Chess Team

Jerome Gambit blog The Duck-Billed Platypus of Chess Openings

Jewish Chess History Chess History in Palestine and Israel

JRobiChess Blogging and vlogging the great game of chess

The Kenilworthian A blog for the Kenilworth Chess Club

Kenyan Chess Blog The day to day activities in Kenyan Chess

The Knights of the Castle Kimbark About the Ray School Chess Club

Lizzy Knows All USCL news and gossip

Lousy@Chess Also known as the Happy Hippo

Matйriel et cours d'йchecs Rйmy Artinyan, French federation trainer

Mattywebbchess The chess blog of Matthew Webb

Najdorf-Miguel My Captain Miguel Najdorf Chess Ajedrez Gens una sumus

Patzers Progress The Chess Blog and Musings of Anthony Toohey

Patzer Sees Check Harvey Kelly's blog from Central Scotland

Pawn Shaman Art, Strategy, Tactics, Psychology, Chess

Pawn's Progress The selected games and writings of George Eraclides

Pied Chessman Chess in mottled black and white

Der Alter Goniff Caissa have mercy on a miserable patzer

Red and White Chess Chess news for Indonesia

Robert Pearson Robert Pearsons chess blog

Rocky Rook Rocky Rooks chess blog

Rook Van Winkle A chess blog with a special focus on middle-aged players

Schach Navigator Norbert Gromsch is the chess navigator. In German.

Schach und Training Chess and training. In German.

Skakistiko A popular Greek chess blog.

Son of Pearl My blog about the game I love

Steve Giddins' Chess Blog Chess gossip, news and reviews

Streatham Brixton Chess Winner of the ECFs 2007 Website of the Year

SquirrelChess A journey into the world of chess

Tablajedrez Javier G. Maneiros chess blog

Tim Thompsos Chess Page My chess experiences and escapades

Top 10 Chess A focus on Chess Tactics and Combinations

Transformation On chess improvement

Braille Chess Associations

GM Akobian's website - The Official Site of GM Varuzhan Akobian

Alabama Chess Federation - Alabama site

Alaska Chess League - Alaska chess site

GM Alexandra Kosteniuk's website - Official site for Alexandra Kosteniuk

$ CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs. telephreak. org:/root; export CVSROOT $ cvs login $ cvs - z9 co - A iwar # - z9 is optional (for compression) # emerge - va layman # echo "source /usr/portage/local/layman/make. conf" >> /etc/make. conf # layman - f - a sunrise # ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="

x86" emerge iwar # layman - s sunrise

syslocation Earth syscontact cheymane jherrera@evertec-la. com sysservices 72 pass . /path/to/local/passtest rouser cheymane rocommunity cheymane com2sec notConfigUser cheymane group notConfigGroup v1 notConfigUser group notConfigGroup v2c notConfigUser view systemview included . access notConfigGroup "" any noauth exact all all all firewall # # Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings. # # Required modules: mod_autoindex, mod_alias # # To see the listing of a directory, the Options directive for the # directory must include "Indexes", and the directory must not contain # a file matching those listed in the DirectoryIndex directive. # # # IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory # listings. # IndexOptions FancyIndexing HTMLTable VersionSort # We include the /icons/ alias for FancyIndexed directory listings. If # you do not use FancyIndexing, you may comment this out. # Alias /icons/ "SYS:/Apache22/icons/" Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow, deny Allow from all # # AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different # files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for # FancyIndexed directories. # AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed. gif) x-compress x-gzip AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text. gif) text/* AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/* AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/* AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie. gif) video/* AddIcon /icons/binary. gif. bin. exe AddIcon /icons/binhex. gif. hqx AddIcon /icons/tar. gif. tar AddIcon /icons/world2.gif. wrl. wrl. gz. vrml. vrm. iv AddIcon /icons/compressed. gif. Z.z. tgz. gz. zip AddIcon /icons/a. gif. ps. ai. eps AddIcon /icons/layout. gif. html. shtml. htm. pdf AddIcon /icons/text. gif. txt AddIcon /icons/c. gif. c AddIcon /icons/p. gif. pl. py AddIcon /icons/f. gif. for AddIcon /icons/dvi. gif. dvi AddIcon /icons/uuencoded. gif. uu AddIcon /icons/script. gif. conf. sh. shar. csh. ksh. tcl AddIcon /icons/tex. gif. tex AddIcon /icons/bomb. gif core AddIcon /icons/back. gif. AddIcon /icons/hand. right. gif README AddIcon /icons/folder. gif ^^DIRECTORY^^ AddIcon /icons/blank. gif ^^BLANKICON^^ # # DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon # explicitly set. # DefaultIcon /icons/unknown. gif # # AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in # server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed # directories. # Format: AddDescription "description" filename # #AddDescription "GZIP compressed document".gz #AddDescription "tar archive".tar #AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive".tgz # # ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by # default, and append to directory listings. # # HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to # directory indexes. ReadmeName README. html HeaderName HEADER. html # # IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore # and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted. # IndexIgnore. * *

*# HEADER* README* RCS CVS *,v *,t # # Distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV) # # Required modules: mod_dav, mod_dav_fs, mod_setenvif, mod_alias # mod_auth_digest, mod_authn_file # # The following example gives DAV write access to a directory called # "uploads" under the ServerRoot directory. # # The User/Group specified in httpd. conf needs to have write permissions # on the directory where the DavLockDB is placed and on any directory where # "Dav On" is specified. DavLockDB "SYS:/Apache22/var/DavLock" Alias /uploads "SYS:/Apache22/uploads" Dav On Order Allow, Deny Allow from all AuthType Digest AuthName DAV-upload # You can use the htdigest program to create the password database: # htdigest - c "SYS:/Apache22/user. passwd" DAV-upload admin AuthUserFile "SYS:/Apache22/user. passwd" AuthDigestProvider file # Allow universal read-access, but writes are restricted # to the admin user.

require user admin # # The following directives disable redirects on non-GET requests for # a directory that does not include the trailing slash. This fixes a # problem with several clients that do not appropriately handle # redirects for folders with DAV methods. # BrowserMatch "Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "MS FrontPage" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^WebDrive" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^WebDAVFS/1.[0123]" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^gnome-vfs/1.0" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^XML Spy" redirect-carefully BrowserMatch "^Dreamweaver-WebDAV-SCM1" redirect-carefully # # This configuration file reflects default settings for Apache HTTP Server. # # You may change these, but chances are that you may not need to. # # # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out. # Timeout 300 # # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than # one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate. # KeepAlive On # # MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow # during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount. # We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance. # MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 # # KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the # same client on the same connection. # KeepAliveTimeout 5 # # UseCanonicalName: Determines how Apache constructs self-referencing # URLs and the SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT variables. # When set "Off", Apache will use the Hostname and Port supplied # by the client. When set "On", Apache will use the value of the # ServerName directive. # UseCanonicalName Off # # AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory # for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride # directive. # AccessFileName. htaccess # # ServerTokens # This directive configures what you return as the Server HTTP response # Header. The default is 'Full' which sends information about the OS-Type # and compiled in modules. # Set to one of: Full | OS | Minor | Minimal | Major | Prod # where Full conveys the most information, and Prod the least. # ServerTokens Full # # Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host # name to server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory # listings, mod_status and mod_info output etc. but not CGI generated # documents or custom error documents). # Set to "EMail" to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin. # Set to one of: On | Off | EMail # ServerSignature On # # HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses # e. g. www. apache. org (on) or (off). # The default is off because it'd be overall better for the net if people # had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that # each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the # nameserver. # HostnameLookups Off # # Get information about the requests being processed by the server # and the configuration of the server. # # Required modules: mod_status (for the server-status handler), # mod_info (for the server-info handler) # # Allow server status reports generated by mod_status, # with the URL of http://servername/server-status # Change the ".example. com" to match your domain to enable. SetHandler server-status Order deny, allow Deny from all Allow from. example. com # # ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status # information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus # Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off. # #ExtendedStatus On # # Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of # http://servername/server-info (requires that mod_info. c be loaded). # Change the ".example. com" to match your domain to enable. # SetHandler server-info Order deny, allow Deny from all Allow from index. html # # Settings for hosting different languages. # # Required modules: mod_mime, mod_negotiation # DefaultLanguage and AddLanguage allows you to specify the language of # a document. You can then use content negotiation to give a browser a # file in a language the user can understand. # # Specify a default language. This means that all data # going out without a specific language tag (see below) will # be marked with this one. You probably do NOT want to set # this unless you are sure it is correct for all cases. # # * It is generally better to not mark a page as # * being a certain language than marking it with the wrong # * language! # # DefaultLanguage nl # # Note 1: The suffix does not have to be the same as the language # keyword --- those with documents in Polish (whose net-standard # language code is pl) may wish to use "AddLanguage pl. po" to # avoid the ambiguity with the common suffix for perl scripts. # # Note 2: The example entries below illustrate that in some cases # the two character 'Language' abbreviation is not identical to # the two character 'Country' code for its country, # E. g. 'Danmark/dk' versus 'Danish/da'. # # Note 3: In the case of 'ltz' we violate the RFC by using a three char # specifier. There is 'work in progress' to fix this and get # the reference data for rfc1766 cleaned up. # # Catalan (ca) - Croatian (hr) - Czech (cs) - Danish (da) - Dutch (nl) # English (en) - Esperanto (eo) - Estonian (et) - French (fr) - German (de) # Greek-Modern (el) - Hebrew (he) - Italian (it) - Japanese (ja) # Korean (ko) - Luxembourgeois* (ltz) - Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) # Norwegian (no) - Polish (pl) - Portugese (pt) # Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR) - Russian (ru) - Swedish (sv) # Turkish (tr) - Simplified Chinese (zh-CN) - Spanish (es) # Traditional Chinese (zh-TW) # AddLanguage ca. ca AddLanguage cs. cz. cs AddLanguage da. dk AddLanguage de. de AddLanguage el. el AddLanguage en. en AddLanguage eo. eo AddLanguage es. es AddLanguage et. et AddLanguage fr. fr AddLanguage he. he AddLanguage hr. hr AddLanguage it. it AddLanguage ja. ja AddLanguage ko. ko AddLanguage ltz. ltz AddLanguage nl. nl AddLanguage nn. nn AddLanguage no. no AddLanguage pl. po AddLanguage pt. pt AddLanguage pt-BR. pt-br AddLanguage ru. ru AddLanguage sv. sv AddLanguage tr. tr AddLanguage zh-CN. zh-cn AddLanguage zh-TW. zh-tw # LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages # in case of a tie during content negotiation. # # Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have # more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this. # LanguagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv tr zh-CN zh-TW # # ForceLanguagePriority allows you to serve a result page rather than # MULTIPLE CHOICES (Prefer) [in case of a tie] or NOT ACCEPTABLE (Fallback) # [in case no accepted languages matched the available variants] # ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback # # Commonly used filename extensions to character sets. You probably # want to avoid clashes with the language extensions, unless you # are good at carefully testing your setup after each change. # See http://www. iana. org/assignments/character-sets for the # official list of charset names and their respective RFCs. # AddCharset us-ascii. ascii. us-ascii AddCharset ISO-8859-1.iso8859-1.latin1 AddCharset ISO-8859-2.iso8859-2.latin2.cen AddCharset ISO-8859-3.iso8859-3.latin3 AddCharset ISO-8859-4.iso8859-4.latin4 AddCharset ISO-8859-5.iso8859-5.cyr. iso-ru AddCharset ISO-8859-6.iso8859-6.arb. arabic AddCharset ISO-8859-7.iso8859-7.grk. greek AddCharset ISO-8859-8.iso8859-8.heb. hebrew AddCharset ISO-8859-9.iso8859-9.latin5.trk AddCharset ISO-8859-10.iso8859-10.latin6 AddCharset ISO-8859-13.iso8859-13 AddCharset ISO-8859-14.iso8859-14.latin8 AddCharset ISO-8859-15.iso8859-15.latin9 AddCharset ISO-8859-16.iso8859-16.latin10 AddCharset ISO-2022-JP. iso2022-jp. jis AddCharset ISO-2022-KR. iso2022-kr. kis AddCharset ISO-2022-CN. iso2022-cn. cis AddCharset Big5.Big5.big5.b5 AddCharset # For russian, more than one charset is used (depends on client, mostly): AddCharset AddCharset CP866.cp866 AddCharset KOI8.koi8 AddCharset KOI8-E. koi8-e AddCharset KOI8-r. koi8-r. koi8-ru AddCharset KOI8-U. koi8-u AddCharset KOI8-ru. koi8-uk. ua AddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-2.ucs2 AddCharset ISO-10646-UCS-4.ucs4 AddCharset UTF-7.utf7 AddCharset UTF-8.utf8 AddCharset UTF-16.utf16 AddCharset UTF-16BE. utf16be AddCharset UTF-16LE. utf16le AddCharset UTF-32.utf32 AddCharset UTF-32BE. utf32be AddCharset UTF-32LE. utf32le AddCharset euc-cn. euc-cn AddCharset euc-gb. euc-gb AddCharset euc-jp. euc-jp AddCharset euc-kr. euc-kr #Not sure how euc-tw got in - IANA doesn't list it. AddCharset EUC-TW. euc-tw AddCharset AddCharset iso-10646-ucs-2.ucs-2.iso-10646-ucs-2 AddCharset iso-10646-ucs-4.ucs-4.iso-10646-ucs-4 AddCharset shift_jis. shift_jis. sjis # # Provide access to the documentation on your server as # http://yourserver. example. com/manual/ # The documentation is always available at # http://httpd. apache. org/docs/2.2/ # # Required modules: mod_alias, mod_setenvif, mod_negotiation # AliasMatch ^/manual(?:/(?:de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr))?(/.*)?$ "SYS:/Apache22/manual$1" Options Indexes AllowOverride None Order allow, deny Allow from all SetHandler type-map is text/troff in mime. types! ForceType text/html SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/manual/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr)/ prefer-language=$1 RedirectMatch 301 ^/manual(?:/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|pt-br|ru|tr)) (/.*)?$ /manual/$1$2 LanguagePriority en de es fr ja ko pt-br ru tr ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback # # Server-Pool Management (MPM specific) # # # PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process # identification number when it starts. # # Note that this is the default PidFile for most MPMs. # PidFile "logs/httpd. pid" # # The accept serialization lock file MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL DISK. # LockFile "logs/accept. lock" # # Only one of the below sections will be relevant on your # installed httpd. Use "apachectl - l" to find out the # active mpm. # # prefork MPM # StartServers: number of server processes to start # MinSpareServers: minimum number of server processes which are kept spare # MaxSpareServers: maximum number of server processes which are kept spare # MaxClients: maximum number of server processes allowed to start # MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves StartServers 5 MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 10 MaxClients 150 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 # worker MPM # StartServers: initial number of server processes to start # MaxClients: maximum number of simultaneous client connections # MinSpareThreads: minimum number of worker threads which are kept spare # MaxSpareThreads: maximum number of worker threads which are kept spare # ThreadsPerChild: constant number of worker threads in each server process # MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves StartServers 2 MaxClients 150 MinSpareThreads 25 MaxSpareThreads 75 ThreadsPerChild 25 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 # BeOS MPM # StartThreads: how many threads do we initially spawn? # MaxClients: max number of threads we can have (1 thread == 1 client) # MaxRequestsPerThread: maximum number of requests each thread will process StartThreads 10 MaxClients 50 MaxRequestsPerThread 10000 # NetWare MPM # ThreadStackSize: Stack size allocated for each worker thread # StartThreads: Number of worker threads launched at server startup # MinSpareThreads: Minimum number of idle threads, to handle request spikes # MaxSpareThreads: Maximum number of idle threads # MaxThreads: Maximum number of worker threads alive at the same time # MaxRequestsPerChild: Maximum number of requests a thread serves. It is # recommended that the default value of 0 be set for this # directive on NetWare. This will allow the thread to # continue to service requests indefinitely. ThreadStackSize 65536 StartThreads 250 MinSpareThreads 25 MaxSpareThreads 250 MaxThreads 1000 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 MaxMemFree 100 # OS/2 MPM # StartServers: Number of server processes to maintain # MinSpareThreads: Minimum number of idle threads per process, # to handle request spikes # MaxSpareThreads: Maximum number of idle threads per process # MaxRequestsPerChild: Maximum number of connections per server process StartServers 2 MinSpareThreads 5 MaxSpareThreads 10 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 # WinNT MPM # ThreadsPerChild: constant number of worker threads in the server process # MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves ThreadsPerChild 150 MaxRequestsPerChild 0 # # The configuration below implements multi-language error documents through # content-negotiation. # # Required modules: mod_alias, mod_include, mod_negotiation # # We use Alias to redirect any /error/HTTP_.html. var response to # our collection of by-error message multi-language collections. We use # includes to substitute the appropriate text. # # You can modify the messages' appearance without changing any of the # default HTTP_.html. var files by adding the line: # # Alias /error/include/ "/your/include/path/" # # which allows you to create your own set of files by starting with the # SYS:/Apache22/error/include/ files and copying them to /your/include/path/, # even on a per-VirtualHost basis. The default include files will display # your Apache version number and your ServerAdmin email address regardless # of the setting of ServerSignature. Alias /error/ "SYS:/Apache22/error/" AllowOverride None Options IncludesNoExec AddOutputFilter Includes html AddHandler type-map var Order allow, deny Allow from all LanguagePriority en cs de es fr it ja ko nl pl pt-br ro sv tr ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback ErrorDocument 400 /error/HTTP_BAD_REQUEST. html. var ErrorDocument 401 /error/HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED. html. var ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_FORBIDDEN. html. var ErrorDocument 404 /error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND. html. var ErrorDocument 405 /error/HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED. html. var ErrorDocument 408 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT. html. var ErrorDocument 410 /error/HTTP_GONE. html. var ErrorDocument 411 /error/HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED. html. var ErrorDocument 412 /error/HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED. html. var ErrorDocument 413 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE. html. var ErrorDocument 414 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE. html. var ErrorDocument 415 /error/HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE. html. var ErrorDocument 500 /error/HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. html. var ErrorDocument 501 /error/HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. html. var ErrorDocument 502 /error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY. html. var ErrorDocument 503 /error/HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE. html. var # # This is the Apache server configuration file providing SSL support. # It contains the configuration directives to instruct the server how to # serve pages over an https connection. For detailing information about these # directives see # # Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding # what they do. They're here only as hints or reminders. If you are unsure # consult the online docs. You have been warned. # # # Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG): # Configure one or more sources to seed the PRNG of the SSL library. # The seed data should be of good random quality. # WARNING! On some platforms /dev/random blocks if not enough entropy # is available. This means you then cannot use the /dev/random device # because it would lead to very long connection times (as long as # it requires to make more entropy available). But usually those # platforms additionally provide a /dev/urandom device which doesn't # block. So, if available, use this one instead. Read the mod_ssl User # Manual for more details. # #SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random 512 #SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 512 #SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/random 512 #SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512 # # When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the # standard HTTP port (see above) and to the HTTPS port # # Note: Configurations that use IPv6 but not IPv4-mapped addresses need two # Listen directives: "Listen [::]:" # Listen 443 ## ## SSL Global Context ## ## All SSL configuration in this context applies both to ## the main server and all SSL-enabled virtual hosts. ## # # Some MIME-types for downloading Certificates and CRLs # AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert. crt AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl. crl # Pass Phrase Dialog: # Configure the pass phrase gathering process. # The filtering dialog program (`builtin' is a internal # terminal dialog) has to provide the pass phrase on stdout. SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin # Inter-Process Session Cache: # Configure the SSL Session Cache: First the mechanism # to use and second the expiring timeout (in seconds). SSLSessionCache "dbm:logs/ssl_scache" #SSLSessionCache "shmcb:logs/ssl_scache(512000)" SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300 # Semaphore: # Configure the path to the mutual exclusion semaphore the # SSL engine uses internally for inter-process synchronization. SSLMutex default ## ## SSL Virtual Host Context ## # General setup for the virtual host DocumentRoot "SYS:/Apache22/htdocs" ServerName www. example. com:443 ServerAdmin you@example. com ErrorLog "logs/error_log" TransferLog "logs/access_log" # SSL Engine Switch: # Enable/Disable SSL for this virtual host. SSLEngine on # SSL Cipher Suite: # List the ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate. # See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list. SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP:+eNULL # Server Certificate: # Point SSLCertificateFile at a PEM encoded certificate. If # the certificate is encrypted, then you will be prompted for a # pass phrase. Note that a kill - HUP will prompt again. Keep # in mind that if you have both an RSA and a DSA certificate you # can configure both in parallel (to also allow the use of DSA # ciphers, etc.) SSLCertificateFile "conf/server. crt" #SSLCertificateFile "conf/server-dsa. crt" # Server Private Key: # If the key is not combined with the certificate, use this # directive to point at the key file. Keep in mind that if # you've both a RSA and a DSA private key you can configure # both in parallel (to also allow the use of DSA ciphers, etc.) SSLCertificateKeyFile "conf/server. key" #SSLCertificateKeyFile "conf/server-dsa. key" # Server Certificate Chain: # Point SSLCertificateChainFile at a file containing the # concatenation of PEM encoded CA certificates which form the # certificate chain for the server certificate. Alternatively # the referenced file can be the same as SSLCertificateFile # when the CA certificates are directly appended to the server # certificate for convinience. #SSLCertificateChainFile "conf/server-ca. crt" # Certificate Authority (CA): # Set the CA certificate verification path where to find CA # certificates for client authentication or alternatively one # huge file containing all of them (file must be PEM encoded) # Note: Inside SSLCACertificatePath you need hash symlinks # to point to the certificate files. Use the provided # Makefile to update the hash symlinks after changes. #SSLCACertificatePath "conf/ssl. crt" #SSLCACertificateFile "conf/ssl. crt/ca-bundle. crt" # Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL): # Set the CA revocation path where to find CA CRLs for client # authentication or alternatively one huge file containing all # of them (file must be PEM encoded) # Note: Inside SSLCARevocationPath you need hash symlinks # to point to the certificate files. Use the provided # Makefile to update the hash symlinks after changes. #SSLCARevocationPath "conf/ssl. crl" #SSLCARevocationFile "conf/ssl. crl/ca-bundle. crl" # Client Authentication (Type): # Client certificate verification type and depth. Types are # none, optional, require and optional_no_ca. Depth is a # number which specifies how deeply to verify the certificate # issuer chain before deciding the certificate is not valid. #SSLVerifyClient require #SSLVerifyDepth 10 # Access Control: # With SSLRequire you can do per-directory access control based # on arbitrary complex boolean expressions containing server # variable checks and other lookup directives. The syntax is a # mixture between C and Perl. See the mod_ssl documentation # for more details. # #SSLRequire ( % !

m/^(EXP|NULL)/ \ # and % eq "Snake Oil, Ltd." \ # and % in \ # and % >= 1 and % = 8 and % # SSL Engine Options: # Set various options for the SSL engine. # o FakeBasicAuth: # Translate the client X.509 into a Basic Authorisation. This means that # the standard Auth/DBMAuth methods can be used for access control. The # user name is the `one line' version of the client's X.509 certificate. # Note that no password is obtained from the user. Every entry in the user # file needs this password: `xxj31ZMTZzkVA'. # o ExportCertData: # This exports two additional environment variables: SSL_CLIENT_CERT and # SSL_SERVER_CERT. These contain the PEM-encoded certificates of the # server (always existing) and the client (only existing when client # authentication is used). This can be used to import the certificates # into CGI scripts. # o StdEnvVars: # This exports the standard SSL/TLS related `SSL_*' environment variables. # Per default this exportation is switched off for performance reasons, # because the extraction step is an expensive operation and is usually # useless for serving static content. So one usually enables the # exportation for CGI and SSI requests only. # o StrictRequire: # This denies access when "SSLRequireSSL" or "SSLRequire" applied even # under a "Satisfy any" situation, i. e. when it applies access is denied # and no other module can change it. # o OptRenegotiate: # This enables optimized SSL connection renegotiation handling when SSL # directives are used in per-directory context. #SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +StrictRequire SSLOptions +StdEnvVars SSLOptions +StdEnvVars # SSL Protocol Adjustments: # The safe and default but still SSL/TLS standard compliant shutdown # approach is that mod_ssl sends the close notify alert but doesn't wait for # the close notify alert from client. When you need a different shutdown # approach you can use one of the following variables: # o ssl-unclean-shutdown: # This forces an unclean shutdown when the connection is closed, i. e. no # SSL close notify alert is send or allowed to received. This violates # the SSL/TLS standard but is needed for some brain-dead browsers. Use # this when you receive I/O errors because of the standard approach where # mod_ssl sends the close notify alert. # o ssl-accurate-shutdown: # This forces an accurate shutdown when the connection is closed, i. e. a # SSL close notify alert is send and mod_ssl waits for the close notify # alert of the client. This is 100% SSL/TLS standard compliant, but in # practice often causes hanging connections with brain-dead browsers. Use # this only for browsers where you know that their SSL implementation # works correctly. # Notice: Most problems of broken clients are also related to the HTTP # keep-alive facility, so you usually additionally want to disable # keep-alive for those clients, too. Use variable "nokeepalive" for this. # Similarly, one has to force some clients to use HTTP/1.0 to workaround # their broken HTTP/1.1 implementation. Use variables "downgrade-1.0" and # "force-response-1.0" for this. BrowserMatch ".*MSIE.*" \ nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 # Per-Server Logging: # The home of a custom SSL log file. Use this when you want a # compact non-error SSL logfile on a virtual host basis. CustomLog "logs/ssl_request_log" \ "%t %h % x % x \"%r\" %b" ErrorDocument 506 /error/HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES. html. var # Settings for user home directories # # Required module: mod_userdir # # UserDir: The name of the directory that is appended onto a user's home # directory if a

user request is received. Note that you must also set # the default access control for these directories, as in the example below. # UserDir public_html # # Control access to UserDir directories. The following is an example # for a site where these directories are restricted to read-only. # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes Options MultiViews Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec

Order allow, deny Allow from all

Order deny, allow Deny from all # # Virtual Hosts # # If you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your # machine you can setup VirtualHost containers for them. Most configurations # use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about # IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below. # # Please see the documentation at # # for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts. # # You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host # configuration. # # Use name-based virtual hosting. # NameVirtualHost *:80 # # VirtualHost example: # Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container. # The first VirtualHost section is used for all requests that do not # match a ServerName or ServerAlias in any block. # ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host. example. com DocumentRoot "SYS:/Apache22/docs/dummy-host. example. com" ServerName dummy-host. example. com ServerAlias www. dummy-host. example. com ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host. example. com-error_log" CustomLog "logs/dummy-host. example. com-access_log" common ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host2.example. com DocumentRoot "SYS:/Apache22/docs/dummy-host2.example. com" ServerName dummy-host2.example. com ErrorLog "logs/dummy-host2.example. com-error_log" CustomLog "logs/dummy-host2.example. com-access_log" common [ 46%] Built target krosscore Linking CXX executable. /../bin/nepomuk-rcgen cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/nepomuk/rcgen && /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/link. txt --verbose=1 /usr/bin/c++ - O2 - pipe - fno-strict-aliasing - Woverloaded-virtual - fvisibility=hidden - Werror=return-type - fvisibility-inlines-hidden - O2 - DNDEBUG - DQT_NO_DEBUG - rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/nepomuk-rcgen_automoc. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/codegenerator. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/fastcode. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/property. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/rcgen. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/resourceclass. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/safecode. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/ontologyparser. o CMakeFiles/nepomuk-rcgen. dir/qrc_templates. o - o. /../bin/nepomuk-rcgen /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore. so - pthread /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtDBus. so /usr/local/lib/libsoprano. so. /../lib/libkdecore. so.7.0.1. /../lib/libkdeui. so.7.0.1. /../lib/libkdecore. so.7.0.1 /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore. so - pthread /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtDBus. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtSvg. so - Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib/qt4:/usr/local/lib:/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/lib: cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/nepomuk/rcgen && /usr/local/bin/cmake - D_filename=/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/bin/nepomuk-rcgen. shell - D_library_path_variable=LD_LIBRARY_PATH - D_ld_library_path="/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/lib/./:/usr/local/kde4/lib:/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/lib/.:/usr/local/lib/qt4" - D_executable=/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/bin/nepomuk-rcgen - P /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/cmake/modules/kde4_exec_via_sh. cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_progress_report /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/CMakeFiles 76 [ 46%] Built target nepomuk-rcgen Linking CXX shared library. /lib/libkcmutils. so cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/kutils && /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/link. txt --verbose=1 /usr/bin/c++ - fPIC - O2 - pipe - fno-strict-aliasing - Woverloaded-virtual - fvisibility=hidden - Werror=return-type - fvisibility-inlines-hidden - O2 - DNDEBUG - DQT_NO_DEBUG - rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib - lc - shared - Wl,-soname, libkcmutils. so.5 - o. /lib/libkcmutils. so.5.0.1 CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kcmutils_automoc. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kcmoduleinfo. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kcmoduleloader. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kcmultidialog. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kcmoduleproxy. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kpluginselector. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/kcmodulecontainer. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/ksettingswidgetadaptor. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/ksettings/dispatcher. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/ksettings/dialog. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/ksettings/pluginpage. o CMakeFiles/kcmutils. dir/ksettings/componentsdialog. o. /lib/libkdeui. so.7.0.1. /lib/libkdecore. so.7.0.1 /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtDBus. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore. so - pthread /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtSvg. so - Wl,-rpath,/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/lib:/usr/local/lib/qt4: Linking CXX shared library. /lib/libkdnssd. so cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/dnssd && /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/link. txt --verbose=1 /usr/bin/c++ - fPIC - O2 - pipe - fno-strict-aliasing - Woverloaded-virtual - fvisibility=hidden - Werror=return-type - fvisibility-inlines-hidden - O2 - DNDEBUG - DQT_NO_DEBUG - rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib - lc - shared - Wl,-soname, libkdnssd. so.5 - o. /lib/libkdnssd. so.5.0.1 CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/kdnssd_automoc. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/servicebase. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/servicemodel. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/domainmodel. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/settings. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi-domainbrowser. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi-servicebrowser. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi-remoteservice. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi-publicservice. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi-servicetypebrowser. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi_server_interface. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi_serviceresolver_interface. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi_entrygroup_interface. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi_domainbrowser_interface. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi_servicebrowser_interface. o CMakeFiles/kdnssd. dir/avahi_servicetypebrowser_interface. o. /lib/libkdeui. so.7.0.1 /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtNetwork. so. /lib/libkdecore. so.7.0.1 /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtDBus. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore. so - pthread /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtSvg. so - Wl,-rpath,/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/lib:/usr/local/lib/qt4: cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/kutils && /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_symlink_library. /lib/libkcmutils. so.5.0.1. /lib/libkcmutils. so.5. /lib/libkcmutils. so /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_progress_report /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/CMakeFiles [ 46%] Built target kcmutils cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/dnssd && /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_symlink_library. /lib/libkdnssd. so.5.0.1. /lib/libkdnssd. so.5. /lib/libkdnssd. so /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_progress_report /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/CMakeFiles [ 46%] Built target kdnssd Linking CXX shared library. /lib/ cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/kded && /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/link. txt --verbose=1 /usr/bin/c++ - fPIC - O2 - pipe - fno-strict-aliasing - Woverloaded-virtual - fvisibility=hidden - Werror=return-type - fvisibility-inlines-hidden - O2 - DNDEBUG - DQT_NO_DEBUG - rpath=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib - lc - shared - Wl,-soname, - o. /lib/ CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4_automoc. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kbuildsycoca. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kbuildmimetypefactory. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kmimeassociations. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kbuildservicetypefactory. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kbuildservicefactory. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kbuildservicegroupfactory. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kbuildprotocolinfofactory. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/kctimefactory. o CMakeFiles/kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4.dir/vfolder_menu. o. /lib/libkdeui. so.7.0.1 /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtXml. so. /lib/libkdecore. so.7.0.1 /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtDBus. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore. so - pthread /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui. so /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtSvg. so - Wl,-rpath,/usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/lib:/usr/local/lib/qt4: /usr/local/bin/cmake - E cmake_progress_report /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4/work/kdelibs-4.7.3/build/CMakeFiles [ 46%] Built target kdeinit_kbuildsycoca4 1 error *** Error code 2 1 error *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4. ------------------------------ Message: 8 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 13:36:47 +0800 From: Buganini Subject: Re: CFR: add an example of manually fetching distfiles to Porter's Handbook To: Rene Ladan Cc: freebsd-ports@freebsd. org Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 2011/12/4 Rene Ladan. > What about turning it into a bsd. mk target, e. g. > WEBSITE=some-website > DISTFILES=same-as-usual > MANUAL_DISTFILES=distfile1 distfile2. What if there are multiple sites/path and files? Multiple sites might be uncommon, but multiple path in same site is an issue. Regards, Buganini ------------------------------ Message: 9 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 02:46:15 -0600 From: Mark Linimon

Subject: Re: CFR: add an example of manually fetching distfiles to Porter's Handbook To: Rene Ladan Cc: freebsd-ports@freebsd. org Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Well, at the moment, I'd just like to codify existing practice, and then fix some non-conforming ports that do the wrong thing on pointyhat. mcl ------------------------------ Message: 10 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 09:09:41 +0000 From: Chris Rees Subject: Re: CFR: add an example of manually fetching distfiles to Porter's Handbook To: Mark Linimon

Cc: ports@freebsd. org, linimon@freebsd. org Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 On 2 December 2011 03:30, Mark Linimon

wrote: > A few people are getting "creative" again on ways to express this common > need. AFAIK the following is the best way to do it. What do people think? > > mcl > > Index: book. sgml > =================================================================== > RCS file: /home/FreeBSD/dcvs/doc/en_US. ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book. sgml, v > retrieving revision 1.1119 > diff - u - r1.1119 book. sgml > --- book. sgml 4 Nov 2011 14:28:43 -0000 1.1119 > +++ book. sgml 1 Dec 2011 22:26:38 -0000 > @@ -4698,6 +4698,19 @@ > /usr/ports/LEGAL for every listed distribution > file, describing exactly what the restriction entails.

The preferred way to state "the distfiles for this port must be > + fetched manually" is as follows:

> +.if! exists($ /$ $ ) > +IGNORE= "may not be redistributed because of licensing reasons. Please visit some-website to accept their license and download $ into $ " > +.endif

This both informs the user, and sets the proper metadata on > + the user's machine for use by automated programs.

> + > > > Apart from the quoted IGNORE, great :) Chris ------------------------------ Message: 11 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 09:14:20 +0000 From: Chris Rees Subject: Re: CFR: add an example of manually fetching distfiles to Porter's Handbook To: Mark Linimon

Cc: ports@freebsd. org, linimon@freebsd. org Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 On 4 December 2011 09:09, Chris Rees wrote: > On 2 December 2011 03:30, Mark Linimon

wrote: >> A few people are getting "creative" again on ways to express this common >> need. AFAIK the following is the best way to do it. What do people think? >> >> mcl >> >> Index: book. sgml >> =================================================================== >> RCS file: /home/FreeBSD/dcvs/doc/en_US. ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/book. sgml, v >> retrieving revision 1.1119 >> diff - u - r1.1119 book. sgml >> --- book. sgml 4 Nov 2011 14:28:43 -0000 1.1119 >> +++ book. sgml 1 Dec 2011 22:26:38 -0000 >> @@ -4698,6 +4698,19 @@ >> /usr/ports/LEGAL for every listed distribution >> file, describing exactly what the restriction entails.

The preferred way to state "the distfiles for this port must be >> + fetched manually" is as follows:

>> +.if! exists($ /$ $ ) >> +IGNORE= "may not be redistributed because of licensing reasons. Please visit some-website to accept their license and download $ into $ " >> +.endif

This both informs the user, and sets the proper metadata on >> + the user's machine for use by automated programs.

>> + >> >> >> > > Apart from the quoted IGNORE, great :) Ah, also we need to add. include before it, so it knows where DISTDIR is. Chris ------------------------------ Message: 12 Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 04:25:18 -0600 From: Mark Linimon

Subject: Re: CFR: add an example of manually fetching distfiles to Porter's Handbook To: Chris Rees Cc: ports@freebsd. org, linimon@freebsd. org Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii good point. mcl ------------------------------ Message: 13 Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2011 15:52:06 +0400 From: Ruslan Mahmatkhanov Subject: Obsoleted zope ports deprecation To: python@FreeBSD. org Cc: dsh@vlink. ru, estartu@augusta. de, x@vex. net, FreeBSD Ports Mailing List

nakaji@jp. FreeBSD. org, kaeru@inigo-tech. com Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Good day. I wrote to you because you are maintainers of zope ports, listed here: http://people. freebsd. org/

rm/zope-ports-for-deprecation. html I'm asking for your approval for this ports deprecation and removing in one month. Deprecation reasons for each port also listed on link above. They all rely on long-time unsupported Zope versions. The only supported versions now is a 2.13 and 2.12. Version 2.13 should be added soon. You can check latest revision of this port here: https://github. com/mexicarne/zope/tree/master/www/zope213 or, if you prefer patch against www/zope213: http://people. freebsd. org/

rm/zope213.repocopy. finished. diff. txt Thanks in advance for response. -- Regards, Ruslan Tinderboxing kills. the drives. ------------------------------ _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports@freebsd. org mailing list http://lists. freebsd. org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscribe@freebsd. org" End of freebsd-ports Digest, Vol 445, Issue 7 ********************************************* Delete ReplyReply ForwardSpamMovePrint Actions NextPrevious freenode (2065) #"amp-vcs" ###lcawte-dev ###lcawte-dev-interest ##Alpha_Quadrant ##CWii ##DeltaQuad ##FireFly ##Gambot ##JoeBots ##JoeGazz84 ##LisaBot ##Mkaysi ##PASTE ##PardusEconPlanner ##Slax ##VegaDark ##aeth ##aha ##alezakos ##amateur-radio ##amph'sandrannu'shideout ##arcemu-addons ##arcon ##ariel ##arm ##asb-nexus ##atyndall ##bikes ##bluegoblin7 ##bzexcess ##bzflagr ##bzlib ##bzpro ##calx ##castle ##charlie ##chenzw ##crawl ##crawl-dev ##csharp-dev ##distro ##dwfreed ##e107dev ##earwig ##ebonhawk ##eyeinthesky ##freebasic ##gtoe ##helpmebot ##hermes ##hplusroadmap ##iforcebot-commits ##ilug ##kojiro ##limechat ##minerva ##nanuq-dev ##nyuszika7h ##oos ##patx ##peervoice ##phosphorus ##projects ##retroforth ##rpg ##seo ##serenity ##serenity. staff ##shadowm ##soxred93 ##spaceexplorer ##stwalkerster ##textmate ##ts ##tullinge ##valeo ##vc ##wzgm #/dev/talk #/home/misza #1 #123 #12312313 #1852 #2600hz #2cat #2ooM #32 #3dgeek #5hit #6 #6dev #@clan #AWOS #Ace3-dev #AncientBeast #ArchServer #Brutalis #CAN #CMSformE #CSCL #CYANONET #CellAo #Choqok #Concordance #CrawlLight #CrypTooLinux #Cutlass #Darkness_Entertainment #Dedit #E17 #Eagle_101 #Eggames #EoD #ErEnUa #FDO #FabBSD #Fink #FossAK #FreeSBIE #GNUWorldpp #Haiku-de #Haiku-fi #Haiku-se #Hell360 #Hell360-WoW #INHOLLAND #IRCBP #Infourman #Invertika #Johtaja #K3RNEL #L-SMASH #L2C #LWJGL #Liblia #Libre-en-Nord #MCGW #MaNGOS-CIA #MacIrssi #MacManager #MacPorts #MacVim #MapGuide #Mera #MidnightBSD #MorbidFlorist #Nagios-Devel #OctarineParrot #Ogitors #Open2x #OpenCoffee #OpenDocumentPHP #OpenGUI #OpenPandora #OpenVRML #PHPizabi #PPARPG #ProCore #Puzzle-gis #PySoy #QXCore #RDX #RDX-Dev #Radakan #ReactOS #ReactOS-Dev #Relic-Addon #RippleFX #SASHA-dev #Sectron #SharpE #SharpOS #Shellium-radio #SimBot #SmartServ #TASers #TeamOnyx #TikiWiki #Ttech-NOC #VIM #WebGUI #WoWUIDev-Commits #WolfPlex #XJedi #XVIRC #Yakuake #Zed #[HUN] #^^ #a #aMSN-Skins #absynth-ftp #aceunit #acreloaded #active #adage #adelikat #adempiere #adium-devl #adiumdocs #adytum #aeacus #aegir #afrimesh #agar #agavi #ai4j #aichallenge #aikiframework #aitel #akiirc #akonadi #akregator #alekos #alfajor #alfanous #allacrost #allefant #allegro-dev #allegro-ds #alltray #aloe #alpine-devel #alternc #amanda #amarok #amarok. de #amarok. dev #amarok. neon #ambient #amp #amp-vcs #amsn #anarchNet #androbuzz #angband-dev #angelion #angstrom #ankhsvn #annodex #annvix #antaria #anti-irc #antimatter #aoc-dev #aolserver #ape-project #apertium #aphatis #apollon #appcelerator #apr #aprsdroid #arago #arana #arbore #arc #arcane #arcane-dev #archetypes #archipel #archlinux-stable #archlinux. it #arcomage #arianne #arianne-devel #arkana-fts #arkhart #armagetron #armphone #armtomips #arora #artc #artec #arukAdo #as2documentor #asgaartech #asiotec #askoziapbx #ass2m #assuma #asterisk-commits #asx #asynchia #atlantisos #audacious #augeas #aurman #auroraux #austriangeekforce #autonomo. us #autopackage #autosec #autowikibrowser #avahi #avaneya #avination #avl_commits #avogadro #awemud #awi #b1naryth1ef #baaa #backpress #backtrack-es #backtrack-linux #backtrack-linux-dev #banana #barebox #batman #baya #bazaar #bbPep #bbPep-dev #bbdkp #bbot #beaker #beclan #benethugs #beosimkit #bepo #berkano #besen #beyonwiz #bfm #bigmakweb #bigtop #billreminder #binaryriot #bioclipse #biocluster #biogeomancer #biojava #bioperl #biosinteractive #bitbucket #bitchx #bitcoin-dev #bitcoin-gentoo #bitcoin-poolowners #bitcoin-stable #bitcoinconsultancy #bitminer #bitsrc #bitten #bitweaver #bizhawk #blabloobla #black-scalpel #blaggart #blender. ir #blendercn #blenderpovray #blenderpython #bloat #blosxom #bluebream #blueman #bluez #bmslug #boinc_dev #bongo #bos #bos-commits #botball #botolatori #botwiki-bots #bountysource #bpbible #bpython #bravo #brisa #brlcad #bsdforge #bsdinstaller #bsdschlampe #buddypress-dev #bugs-bug-genie #bungeni #buubot #buzztard #bzextreme #bzflag #bzflag_cia #bzfx #bztraining #c5d. dev #cake #calendarserver #calligra-commits #callistopbx #callweaver #canorus #cappuccino #caravel #carrier #cartoworks #castle #cat-v #catchemrpg #cc #ccdevnet #cdk #celengine #cerealbot #cgminer #chakra-devel #chan-sccp-b #chandler #chaox #cherbot #cherokee #chestnut #chilon #chromium-commits #chromium-mac #chunkymonkey #church #cia #cia-test #ciatest #ciavctest #cinderella #circe #circuits #citadel #civiccommons #civicrm #civtool #civx #clam #claroline #clear-dev #cncnet #cocoadevhouse #cocos2d-javascript #codedesigner #codelite #codepwn #coder-keymaps #codespeak #codingbox #coffeescript #cogito #coldstorage #colloquy #colloquy-mobile #cometbox #commits #communi #communityos #compiz-dev #compiz-fusion-dev #conky #connectbot #conspiracy #constellation #copix #cordage #coreboot #corerender #corsix-th #cortexrp #couchapp #couchdb #couchdbkit #covide-commits #crabgrass #crack-lang #craftd #crane-dev #cream-browser #create #cryogenix #crystalspace-commits #cs-obexftp #csoft. net #cspoker #cstar #cube2 #curl #cutebox #cvs2svn #cyb0rk. net #cycles #d. sdc #d. tango #dagd #dailycomics #daimonin #daloradius #dalug-farm #dangerdeep #daniel15-test #dark-mark #darkbeginnings #darkf #darkhope #darkserver #darktable #darwinbuild #dasher #dataflow #dayplanner #db2 #dc2 #ddclient #deadtime_de #debian-bots #debian-islamic #debian-np #debian-utopia #debian-xfce #debichem #dejavu #deluge #demlinks #demudi #denemo #desert #desmume #desrr #desura #dev. openoffice. org #dgamelaunch #dgplug #dhackers #dhvani #digicsp #digikam #dil #dinecraft #dipbrowser #disciplined #discorporate #disorderlyzen #dist #distutils #djagios #django-south #docbook #doctrine. dev #documentcloud #doi #dokuwiki #dolibarr #dolphin-emu #domainhunter #dominionpython #dongle #doomsday #dpdb #dracut #dragonplayer #dreambot2 #dreamcastdev #drizzt #droiddev #dropline #drupy #dtolabs-hackathon #duby #dunelegacy #dwimd #dynjs #dynpet #dzlug #e-commits #eLinux #easyrpg #eathena #ecell #eclipse-commits #ecommits #edacious #edevelop #edrn-ic #eduke32 #efirc #eforge #efte #egloo #eiffel #eigen #eim #einit #ejbca #ekg2 #elco #elementallight #eligius #elinks #elixir #emacs-build #emc-devel #emesene #enano #encoded #encoded-dev #encore #encreecia #enflame #englobe-dev #enigma2 #enso #entertainer #enzo #epidoc #erc #erights #erok #etherboot #etherboot-test #etherpad #eti08 #euphoria #eventmachine #evocri #evocri-dev #evol-dev #ex-crawler #ex-sml #exceptioner #exherbo #exiflow #exp(erience) #eyeos #eyeos-dev #ezc-commit #fabtest #fahmon #fakenes #fakeware #falcon #falconpl #fbstd #fceu #fcm-dev #fdo-commits #featureserver #federation-dev #fedora-admin #fedora-fa #fedora-i18n #fedora-noc #feedkit #fennec #ffmpeg-devel #ffmpegdev #fidelis #fife #fire #firebird-test #first812 #fived #flashrom #flexget #floss-seminar #flossmanuals #flowpaint #flusspferd #fnordeingang #fnux #fontmatrix #foonas #forgeplucker #fossadopters #fowl #fpc #fpc-dev #francogrid #freebasic #freebasic-ext #freebsd-doc. de #freebsd-src #freeciv-dev #freecnc #freecode-chat #freecodeteam #freecol #freedroid #freedsa #freegamer #freegeek-distro #freekies #freekoda #freenet-dev #freenet-testers #freenode-dev #freenode-gms #freenode-registry #freeorion #freesci #freesg #freesmartphone. org #freeze-ng #freoffice #frequency #fresco #friendpaste #frogatto #frogatto-dev #frontpress #frost #froxlor #froxlor-dev #fruitcut #ftimes #fudforum #funmwlangs #fusion #fusionforge #g7obs-software #g7software #gTANK #gaeth #galago #galaxymage #gallery #gally #gamekit-2d #gammu #ganime #gasell #gdal #gdtc #gearbox #gearedstudios #geep #geiser #gemcutter #gemrb #genkdesvn-dev #genkdesvn42 #gentoo-cn #gentoo-commits #gentoo-docs-pl #gentoo-hu #gentoo-kde4-live #gentoo-pms #gentoo-sunrise #gentoo-tw #gentoo-xeffects #gentoo. de-commits #genymobile #geodjango #geolabs #geonetwork #geoserver #geoshell #geotools #geshi #getpaid #gfire #ggi #ggz #ghns #ghostscript-logs #giews #gift #gift-fasttrack #gimp-de #git-ciabot #gizmokid2005 #glc #glest #glibc #glipper #globs #glorylab #gloster #glotpress #glpi #glscene #gluon #gmplot #gmusicbrowser #gnash #gnash-bb #gnewsense-dev #gns3 #gnu-smalltalk #gnue-commits #gnuherds #gnupdate #gnustep-dev #goblincamp #gobolinux #gochabotdebug #googlewaveservsers #gooseproject #gosu #govtsanct #gp2xemu #gpe #gpe-project #gpephone #gphoto #gpm #gpmi #gpsd #gpxe-test #gpytage #grass #grassyknoll #gregorio #grenouille #gridarta #grisbi #grml #growl #grub #gsb #gscript #gsmp #gsulinux #gtk-gnutella #gtkdc #guifications #guilug #gumby #gumstix #gunicorn #guppy #gvsig #haack #hacdc #hackable1 #hackndev #hackutos #hadjin #hadoopy #haiku #haiku-commits #haiku-dev #haiku-es #haiku-jp #halyard #hamper #handbrake-dev #happymars #hardenedlinux #heartseed #hedgewars #helium #hellanzb #herb #hfst #hft #hftirc #hgsubversion #hippoecm #hoku #homecmos #hookbox #horde3d #horizonos #hornetq #horsecocks #hotwire #hpanel #hsm #hszt #htc-linux #hts #htsql #http://sexi. php #httpd-dev #hubbaz #humano2 #hurd #hwmultd #hypertriangle #hypertriton #hzlug #i-mscp-dev #i-scream #i9 #ibot #icecap #icecast #icecrawler #icinga-devel #idealist #idempiere #idms-linux #ifem-os #ignition-project #ignitionserver #iia #iitm-linux #illumos #illumos-docgen #illumos-docs #illumos-pl #ilovekbb #imagevis3d #imaperyx #impuls #incarnadine #indefero #infiniterecursion #infinityperl #infinote #infobot #initng #inkscape #instagib #interact #interhack #intuxication #inyoka-ng #ioke #iolib #ioquake3 #ipkungfu #ipodlinux #iquip #irad #irc #irc. #irc. hft-community. org #irc. lagzero. net #irc. svannon. thruhere. net:8067 #ircd-ten #ircopoly #ironbabel #ironstar #irrealia #irrlicht #irrlichteroids #irssi #isbg #islandlabs #islegend #ispman #iterm2 #itoy #ixcoin-dev #jadif #jaitools #jalimo #jallery #japi #jboss #jbossmessaging #jerklib #jetty #jinzora #jitescript #jlibdc1394-dev #jmol #johnson #jolie #josl #jqCalDav #jruby #js. io #jsjoIRC #juicejs #junethack #jungleos #juo #jupiter #justjournal #jzbot #k3b #kagu #kaltura #kalypto #kalzium #kamap #kamefu #kanopya #karatasi #kartoon #kate #kbfx #kblogger #kboard #kbugbuster-isi #kchmafie #kde-accessibility #kde-artists #kde-bindings #kde-cn #kde-commits #kde-docs #kde-edu #kde-games #kde-git #kde-i18n-it #kde-imaging #kde-in #kde-ir #kde-l10n-de #kde-mac #kde-multimedia #kde-polishing #kde-solaris #kde-sysadmin #kde-telepathy #kde-utils #kde-windows #kde-www #kdenlive #kdevelop #kexecboot #kexi #kf-engine #kftpgrabber #kget #kismac #kite #kivy #kiwi #kiwi-ltsp #kiwix #klibc #klik #kmess #kmobiletools #kmymoney #knowledgetree #kobby #kod #koda #kolekti #kompare #kon #kontact #konversation #kopete #kow-framework #kowaleba #kpdf #kphotoalbum #krecipes #kss #ktichu #ktichu-dev #kubuntu-devel #kuja #kuliax #kvirc #kvirc-de #kwatchman #kwin #kyuba #laborejo #lac #ladranix #laniuscms #latomic #lawka #lazarus-dev #lazarus-ide #ldc #ldstech-commits #ldtp #ledger #leechcraft #leonov #levitation #lewellyn #libav-devel #libcaca #libcloud #libdc1394-dev #liberty-eiffel #libffi #libirc #liblas #libmsn #libmv #libnetpp #libomvtk #libopencm3 #libopenraw #libravatar-commits #libre. fm #libreoffice-dev #libresoft #libstrl #libtorrent #libuv #licq #liferea #lightfeather #lillebu #limechat #limesurvey #linaro #lincity #linuxcoe #linwizard #lipdb #lipsofsuna #litecd #lizardbot #ljsdcdev #lnet #loblaw #lockerproject #logilogi #logram-project #lomp #lookout #lordsawar #love #loveclub #lpms #lscube #lsdev #luabind #lucid #luvit #lyceum #lycus #lyxportable #m0n0wall #machina #maemo-commits #mageia-commits #mageia-sysadm #mageia-web #maglev-ruby #magmawiki #mahara-commits #maienm #mailagent #mailmanager #maintain-dev #makehuman #makinacorpus-mediamobile #makingthings #mameexecutor #mamona #mana #manaplus #mancrib #mandriva-commits #mandriva-kde #mangler #mangoscms #mantishelp #mapnik #mapproxy #mapquery #mapserver #marble #marinemap #masterbot #mayanna #mbca #mcdevs #mcfc #mcproxy #mduft #mediagoblin #mediaportal #mediawiki #mediawiki-codereview #mediawiki-i18n #mediax #megamek #meinheld #mekensleep #melia #menareants #meow-language #merb #merc-devel #mercenariesguild #mercurial #mes-fsf #metacrs #metalink #metavid #meteorcms #metta #metware #microcosm #mifoscommits #migol #mikachu #minbif #minbif-fr #mineserver #minetest #minidbot #minion #miranda-fr #miranda-im #mirrorbrain #mistrzowie_pocisku #mixxx #mldonkey #mmorpg-dev #mms #modb #modeshape #moin-dev #moksha #mol #monast #monkeyd #monkeystudio #monoosc #moonitor #moop #mootools #mopidy #morevna #morphix #mort #moss4g #movabletype #movabletype-ja #moxie #mp3d #mpc-hc #mpc-hc-dev #mplayerdev #mpq-tools #msn #mt-daapd #mt-tk #mt4j #mttj #mudlet-dev #mudwalker #multiverse #mumble #munix #murrine #muse #musescore #musewik #musicplay3000 #mutekh #mutt #mw-editcount #mwcollect #mxchange-devel #mycustombb #mygandicloud #myko #mypaint #myserverproject #naev #naina #naith #namcub #namecoin-dev #narwhal #navit #nbtoolbox #ncms #nebula #nekeme #nel #nemerle #neokiller #nepomuk-kde #ner #netfilter #netjuke #netsukuku #netsurf #netty #netus #neufbox4 #neuframework #neverball #newsphpeek #nexentachanges #nice #nilmbugs #nitdgplug #niti #nocturnal #node. js #nodeca #noit #nomercy #noodle-lang #norganna #nosferatu #notepad++ #nouveau #npanday #ns-3 #nslu2-linux #nt2 #ntfs #nufw #nutyx-gnome #nuvie #nxos #nyah #oahong #oam #objectrealms #objfw #observium #octaforge #oe #ogitor #ogre3d #ogstudio #okawix #okular #omaha #omgui #ominos #oniria #ooc-lang #oodt #oomtk #open-bldc #openMSX #openSoldat #openWidgets #openacs #openbabel #openbravo #openbravo-es #openchronos #openclipart #openemu #openerb #openerb-dev #openerp-fr #openezx #openfoam-extend #opengameart-gamejam #opengrid #opengroove #openkore #openlancer #openlayers #openlp #openlyrics #openmapi #openmetaverse #openmobl #openmodeller #openmoko-cdevel #openmoko. pl #openmsx-builder #openmulticopter #opennic #opennms-devel #openpattern #openplans #openscada #opensim #opensim-dev #openslide #opensmash #opensolaris #opensolaris-dev #openspeak #opensuse-buildservice #opensuse-edu #openswan-dev #opensync #opentts #openviewer #openviewer-dev #openwebbeans #openwengo #openwiz #openwrt-devel #openxenmanager #openxpki #openzim #opie #optia #opticks #opus #orango #orbited #orbno #org-mode #oriongame #ortzirc #osarchive. osbn. co. cc #osccms #oscdcovers #oscommerce #osdrawer #osgeo #osgeo-commits #osirion #ospkg #ossec #ossimplanet #osstechs #osuosl-commits #otrunk #outrage #owb #oxygen #packman #paintown #palinux #paludis #panda3d #panda3d-devel #panda3d-editor #pandora_fms #panelone #parmaja #parpg #parpg-sprint #parsix #parted #parti #partkeepr #pawiki #pbook #pchat #pcsx2 #pdf #pdune #pedigree #peerblock #peerfuse #performous #perian #persevere #pfSense #pfsense-hackathon #pgpkeys #phennui #phex #phoenixz #photoncrm #php-hub #php-qt #php2press #phpDR #phpc-website #phpediawiki #phpinvoice #phpmyadmin #phps #physicality #pictochat #picviz #pida #pidgin-commits #pidgin-commits2 #pieforms #pillar #pinax-dev #pingus #pircb #pisidepo #pitivi #pitsilemu #pixelords #pkg-e #pkgbuild #pkgng #pkgsrc #planeshift-build #planeshift-devs #planeshift-mods #plasma #plasma-mediacenter #playwoods #pld #plexydesk #plof #plone-framework #plone. org #plone4artists #plonegov #pluk #plumi #pmp #pms #po #pocoo #poe #poker3d #pokersource #policyd #pollka #pollute #polypaudio #pootle #portableapps-dev #portage-c #portato #posterity #postgis #postgresql-apt #powdersim #prads #prboom #precipicedev #prelude #preludefr #priiloader #primis #prnl #proaudio-overlay #processhacker #project-neon #project-regen #projectpier #projectxnovaes #promogest #propcomm #propel #pry #psp-cube #psycle #ptxdist #pulseaudio #punt-dev #pva #pvpgndev #py-postgresql #pyLoad #pycat #pycsw #pyday #pykol #pykota #pylib #pyload-dev #pylons #pymei #pymt #pynetstat #pynogio #pypentago #pypy #pyrobot #pysand #python-babel #python-commits #python-dev #python-docs #python-genshi #python-ir #pythonpaste #pywikipediabot #pyxa #qb #qbittorrent #qgis #qtablet #qtd #qtvlm #quadrivium #quagga #quanta #quantomatic #quantumcore #quassel #quassel-announce #quassel. announce #quassel. de #quassel. test #quetoo #quicksilver #quokforge #qutecom #qxt #radeonhd #rafgame #rafkill #rain #raiv #raiv-dev #randomchannel #raster #reactos-pl #reactos-web #realXtend #realxtend-dev #redcar #redditgamejam #redeclipse #redfoot #refactorphoenix #reflex #reg-module #rekonq #remote-exploit #renraku #repo. or. cz #repsnapper #residual #reviewboard-gsoc #reviewboard-students #rheia #rhrevolt #rhythm-station #riak #rigsofrods-dev #rion #rion-overlay #rmccue #roadsend #rockbox #rocketscience #rodin #roguestar #ronja #roo #roregister #rpgmaker. es #rsbac-dev #rsget. pl #rsibreak #rssowl #rtorrentweb #ruby-osx #ruby. mn #rubybot #rubyforce #rundeck #runlikeabun #runningbear #ruty #s3d #sagengine #saggui #saiph #salix #salt #sam #samba-commits #samuraix #sand-irc #savonet #scenic #scourge #scplugin #screen #scribus #scriptdev2 #scummvm #sd2iec #sdcolleges #sdlroads #seahorse #seastar #secooradm #secret-service #seed #seeseekey #semantic-mediawiki #semanticscuttle #seociety #sequel-pro #serf #sflc #sflc-backports #sfz #sge-sanguis #sgine #sguil #shadow #shakesoda #shaman-arch #sharpMcLibrary #shellium-mmorpg #shimmer #shimmie #shipsimu-dev #shipsimu-devel #shogun #shorewall #shotgun #siddhi #siedler2.5 #siege #signserver #sigrok #sigrok+ #sigs #sii-dev #silverstripe #sim #simavr #simplecodes #simplepie #simversity #sip-communicator #sipana #sisuite #sit #skap #skelax #skycastle #skyos #slackbuilds-net #slackware-fr #slimevolley #smartirc #smc-project #smipl #smradius #snalp #snep #snes9x #snort-gui #snowcap #so2 #social #softcircuit #solfege #solid #sonata #sondar #sopl #spacedatawiki #spacehero #spaceplanets #spartanix #spartanix-dev #spca50x #spipcarto #spiral-project #spqr #spring1944 #springlobby #spritzle #spux #sqlalchemy #sqlalchemy-devel #starb #starnoth #stellarium #stepmania #stk #stoq #stratagus #strategoxt #streber #stuntrally #stupidities #stwinglounge #subgraph #subtle #sugar #summon-arm-toolchain #sumwars #supertux #supybot #supytweet #sutraphp #svg-edit #svn-dev #svnkit-dev #svnprecursors #swaste #sweep #swsg #sydbox #syllable #symbo1ics #symfony #sympy #synce #synecdoche #synfig #synircd #systemd #syx #t-net #t2 #tacidsky #tacobeam #tacobeam-wow #tactic #tactical_rogue #tahoe-lafs #tahoe-lafs-cia-stream #tahoe-notices #tangiblebit #tankbobs #tarmac #tasemu #tasveer #tbos #tbt #tbu #tcl #tdist #teampr0xy #techessentials #techgurufloyd #technotux #teeworlds #teeworlds-dev #teiiddesigner #terralinux #testchannel #testingCIA #testipeli #textual #tfm #thannoy #thealternateworld #theavoraproject #thebuggenie #thekowsklan #theora #thinksynth #thinkup #thinstation-br #tht #tht-developers #tikiwiki-br #tiled #timekpr #tint2 #tinykrnl #tinypickle #tinyproxy #titanium_dev #tmw-xml #tobikko #tom #toonloop #tor-ramdisk #torment #torrentlocker #tp #tpb3d-dev #tradutores #traffic-server #transifex #transmission #tremulous-atsc #tremulous-dev #tremulous-oc #trizpug #trojita #trueleague #tryton-commit #tucan #turklug #turmeric-dev #tuxanci #tuxdroid #tv-viewer #tvtime #twin #twisted-ts6 #twitter4r #tyche #typepad-dev #tyrian #uadetector #uarch #uavp #uavp-dev #ubuntu-bots-devel #ubuntu-installer #ubuntuusers-webteam #uc #ucimf #uclibc #udb #udi #udig #ufs #ugr-devel #ulatencyd #ultrastar-ng #umawg #umbrello #umit #unizone #unknown-horizons #us #usbauth #usf-bot #usvn #uzbl #v8 #v8-gearbox #valsok #vandalproof #vanrees #vba-m #vbm #vegastrike #vertimas #vexi #vice-dev #videolan #vikingboard-dev #vikings #vimperator-dev #visit #vithon #vlmc #vmware #vongogo #vorbis #vp8 #vulture #vuurmuur #w-announce #w8upd #warmux #warmux-fr #warpapps #wartime-private #warzone2100-dev #warzoneresurrection #web-league #webjob #webkit #webkit-gtk #webkit-inspector #weboob #webos-internals #webpin #webshox #webwork #weedit-editor #werewolf #wes #wesnoth-dev #wesnoth-es #wesnoth-la #wesnoth-ne #wesnoth-umc-dev #wesnoth-utbs #whispyforum #whitespaceio #whitix #wikia-dev #wikiaccess #wikifetch #wikiflock #wikilovesmonuments #wikimedia-fr #wikimedia-hg #wikimedia-irc #wikimedia-toolserver #wikipedia-bag #wikipedia-connectivity #wikipedia-en-acc-c #wikipedia-en-accounts-devs #wikipedia-en-afc #wikipedia-en-ar #wikipedia-mwbot #wikipedia-userscripts #wikipedia/BAG #wikka #winehackers #winehq #winemaker #wing-linux #winsm #wirc #wired-devel #wmfs #woas #wok #wolfgame2-test #wordpress-core-plugins #wordpress-dev #worldwind-dev #wormux #wormux-fr #worxpanel #wournal #wowace-cia #wowace-ciatest #wraith #wreckit #wrtlzsh #wtfhax. net #wxFormBuilder #wxMUD #wxruby #wxwidgets #wzdftpd #x-wrt #x264 #x264dev #x3ng #xana #xbmc4xbox #xbsp #xcb #xchat #xchat-gnome #xebra #xfce-commits #xine #xiphos #xivo #xmc #xolotl-hybrid #xonotic #xplc #xpontus #xprous #xreal #xreal. de #xronos #xsbs #xsm #xspf #xtemu #xtreemos-dev #xwiki #xylic #xymon #xynilex #yabause #yacomas #yacy #yajl #yam #yamos #yast-commits #yaxim #yentubot #yoper #youki #yous #yt #yukon #yzis #z-fight-club #zabbix #zachthibeau #zaf #zambezii #zambezii-dev #zanata #zbz-dev #zco #zeitgeist #zentific #zeromq #zest #zfec #zipit #zlin #znc #zombieswtf #zoo-project #zope #zsnes #zsnes-docs #zypp irc. oftc. net (170) #CIA362E58F87 #DeforaOS #FLTK #IncrediBL #acal #aes2501 #auroraux #awesome #bash-completion #bdavenport #bongo #brdesktop #chocolate-doom #dalug-farm #davical #dccg #deb-handbook #debbugs #debexpo #debian-a11y #debian-ayatana #debian-bluetooth #debian-boot #debian-br-cdd #debian-cd #debian-changes #debian-cli #debian-custom #debian-desktop #debian-dev-ref #debian-dkms #debian-dpkg #debian-eeepc-devel #debian-forensics #debian-g-a-i #debian-games #debian-gis #debian-glibc #debian-gnome #debian-haskell #debian-hurd #debian-id #debian-in #debian-irc #debian-it #debian-jr #debian-kbsd #debian-kernel #debian-lists #debian-live #debian-med #debian-mozext #debian-multimedia #debian-mysql #debian-nagios #debian-newmaint #debian-ocaml #debian-proftpd #debian-publicity #debian-python #debian-qa #debian-ru #debian-ruby #debian-science #debian-security #debian-vim #debian-voip #debian-www #debian-zenoss #debian-zope #debpartial-mirror #debtorrent #delta-studios #devscripts #dieclique #dmo #doom-tech #dpo #dup #ecto #exppsy #fai #firebox #fofix #freebsd-clang #freedoom #galette #gcc-commit #griffith #heraia #heresy #ikiwiki #inc #isotomaops #jak #jqcaldav #kernel-commits #kg-games #kg_games #libssa #livia #llvm-cia #logcheck #lscube #lumina #lyx #mingw-w64 #mixfix #monkeysphere #monotone #morgana #myon #noteternityenginerelated #obsidian #odamex #odamex-dev #oftc-dev #openbox #openida #openinkpot #openttd #openvcp #oprofile #osm-dev #ottd-rcon #pentabarf #pentadactyl #po4a #poe #poweradmin #powerdns #psas #quakeforge #quodlibet #rcons #reflex #remood #reportbug #salt #sandbox #savane #savannah #scilab-codereview #scilab-commits #shadowconflict #simgrid #simpledoomeditor #sisu #smoothwall #smuxi-devel #solaris-xen #spbot #stepmania #swig #tails #testyten #transportempire #transtruct #uldunad #uuu #vcs-home #vcs-pkg #wmii #xbdev #xeobb #xine #yaybu #zabuton #zumastor irc. rizon. net (96) #4you #Altair #Arkania #CacheWoW #ChitChat #CosmosWoW #Darkness_Entertainment #Deepy #DenverPhoenix #Descent #EdTelecom #Fimbulwinter #Foresters #KPS #KPsNDen #LSMASH-dev #OpenMC #Piero #Pieroalt #Poolside #RAthena #Rworld #SolarCore #Spurious #TARDH #TrioraCore #TwilightCore #VLS #Valhalla #Wayfinarer #WoWIsraelGM #WowPacketParser #aciddev #anope #arcemu #ascdb #ascnhalf #ascnhalf_manager #auction #d #das-computer-board #dereka #dev #draenor #emoba #euroserver #fading-away #fagotistas #ft-server #fworld #gtg #gwlpr #h #hanasub #hpbirc #indiss #jDirectus #jishaku #k #kito #kovensky #madauction #mangocommits #mangos #mautom #neocore #neodev #opticraft #pre-bc #project_skyfire #remnantsofchaos #rintaun #risg #rstaff #sanyabot #scriptdev2 #shameimaru #skycore #sniff #strawberry-pr0jcts #sun++ #tcwm #tranquility #trilliumDEV #trilliumEMU #trinity #trinity-es #trinity-fr #twlscripts #udw #vendetawow #vortex #wov #wowemuf #wowtorrentmax #wpp irc. quakenet. org (73) #5on5.csp #6on6 #DDRace #SilexBoard #TeeFoot #TukiOPtus #abNC #acse #anv #assaultcube #blytracks #botserv #brokenthorn #cArnCS #chaosforge #clansphere #clansuite #commits #css. europe #css. gs #cube #cubelister #cubicmatter #deep-thought. dev #eacpracc #elite. invite #elitesunucu #eqdkp-plus #ezquake #fps-cups #frozen-north #fte #gamerfm. dev #gametransfer #haxx. pro #heatwave+> #high. area #internal. staff #jaddie #jonturk #lead-chat #life. game #loldev #nexuiz. dev #payperfrag. css #pisg #praccnation #private. css #probots #progather #pyhkal #racenet #sauerbraten #semi-pro #shroudbnc #skilled #skilled. merc #sremu #steel-talons #teerace #teeworlds-dev #teeworlds. de #thebadasschoobs #top. arena #topstars. ru #turnuvam #ultrastardx #wander #whydb #wowbot #xeronet #xone #xplanethosting efnet (50) ##203 #Lord_Nano #Tcl #Tcl/Tk #Tcldrop #allegro #archwg #bitchx #bukowski #bx2 #casio #cjdns #despotify #dns-p2p-dev #dolphin-emu #eggtcl #fgfsdhglmdfg #flatcraft #freebsd-xfce #fusion-devel #globelan. svn #hm2k #irssi #java. no #jpcsp #libsl #litesim #messdev #nano_junk #neg9 #nulldc #omvviewer #opensim #opensim-dev #opensl #openviewer #openviewer-dev #pcsp #pcsx2 #pcsx2dev #planet. opensource. dk #poe #portsjanitors #priiloader #reflex #webbasert. dev #wiim #wraith-devel #xmule #zrouter bots. esper. net (45) #AlterGaming #AlterGaming. MP #Crazykitteh29 #KZDoom #arc #bananacode #bigbrother #blockbox #botb. gamedev #bread #bukkit #canary #canarydev #chrizc #commandhelper #craftbook #craftirc #craftnode #day7 #drift #else#if #herochat #iConomy #iffa #lavalit #luacraft #luacraft-dev #mc++ #mcdefcon #mcsharp #middlecraft #minercpp #myne2 #openbor #qcraft #splats #srb2fun #srb2ogl #srb2python #townships #umc #warrior #worldedit #xsrb2 #zdoom irc. gimp. org (42) #abiword #banshee #banter #beast #beijinglug #clutter #coaster #commits #conduit #control-center #dashboard #deskbar #evo-mapi #evolution-mapi #galaxium #garnome #gedit #gegl #gimmie #gimp #gitg #gnome-art #gnome-commander #gnome-shell #gnome-zeitgeist #gossip #gtkglext #javascript #ldtp #libpeas #libwpd #lsr #mono-commits #mugshot #pdfmod #python #snowy #sparkleshare #tasky #tasque #the-board #tomboy irc. geekshed. net (35) #CIACENTRAL #ConexiTech #Craighton #Hell #Johtaja #JohtajaSchools #Zetacon #bots #code #commits #communica #dsbsd #engineering #ericjess #franklinservs #gio #grabbie #henco #iYorkie #jack #jake #kvirc #mark #micozza #noy #phil #programming #propeller #reapercon #scrollbars #streamdesk #thepcguy #thetechtalk #tim #tweak irc. gamesurge. net (28) #Deja-vu #FateGaming #ShockZone #amserver #c2 #crush-dev #dhx #fLife #falloutfans #firemod #hopmod #jamietechop #maxdev #mindless-forum #nurfedui #opengalaxies #opensteamworks #revsurfmod #sgoc #siyam #sp4nk. client #sp4nk. intern #tf2items #thehunted #topaz #winsm #wiremod #wutang undernet (27) #600 #A. L.B. A #Ajuda #Copacabana #DNS #EggConsole #EggGuard #GNUWorldpp #HelpRo #KaZe. Ro #Robotic #UbixOS #Update #coder-com #csnorge #dragontriv #hack. and. slash #irssi #komarec #leaw #poe #root:proxy #titan #undernet. now #vecinii #wWw. KaZe. Ro #wippies irc. esper. net:5555 (23) ##Spouty ##crow #MineDev #MutinyClassic #MutinyCraft #SinZBot #bananacode #brotoaster #bukkit #bukkitdev #c&t #fcraft #glowstone #lahwran #lethaldrive #mcpkg #minequest #monstercraft #rymate #spectrumstudios #spoutdev #worldguard #xanderortiz irc. deltaanime. net (22) #Sereon #Tempest #TibiaTekBot #VanRO #Xaoswow #animetabase #arctic3d #athena #aurora #ctro #ctro-staff #eadp #flux #freya #inro #magistar-networks #magistawow #roregister #serenityro #tpgame #ttbdev #xeoservers irc. freenode. org (21) ##comment-on-commits #XJedi #acawiki #civsession #defusion #dotbot #etorrent #exherbo #hyperserv #keeperfx #meta7-dev #multimangos #oe-lite #quadrivium #renhanced #sharism #spiritsword #teditor #thenesis #wfto #zeitgeist irc. synirc. net (16) #GGG #JustCause2 #XZ #catteproject #diamondmine #dmadmins #dmexecs #dmowners #dmstaff #dmsurv #gibbed #hCraft #persona3 #salr #wom #womsurv irc. perl. org (16) #angerwhale #barcelona. pm #cia #cxgn #fennec #makemaker #mojomojo #net-twitter #openguides #perl5i #poe #reflex #sdl #test-more #twirc #xims ircnet (15) !6e6wpekg2!eof #Eggames #LOAD. hacknslash #XVIRC #angry_agenda #bfm #faruk #freetz-devel #hyperreal #irssi #lorewiki #lvdict #powerdns #tunneler irc. infinityirc. com (14) #Cedric #Cedric-Devel #GeekBouncer. staff #Luke #commits #communitypi #drunks #iYorkie #infinity #jack #opers #phurl #russell #taylor irc. technoirc. net (13) #Dom #Mithril #Projects #SPUNet #SPUNet-Devel #TechnoDevs #TechnoIRC #commits #databot #lettucebot #matthew #null #php irc. emulationnetwork. com (13) #ArcAddons #ArcManager #Pathway_of_the_Damned #Squire-DB #StarPlusPLus #arcemu #arcemu-commits #arcemu-scripts #arcemu-support #dpdb #fanatix #tracker #whydb irc. atheme. org (13) #Atheme. qa #appliancekit #atheme #audacious #cardinal #charybdis #dronebl #libaosd #memprof #mowgli #rpplugins #scylla #swift irc. chatspike. net (12) #FVG #FoxDen #coding #defender #inspircd #inspircd. coders #inspircd. docs #inspircd. qa #praxis #sex #skyakdar #uesptech irc. kottnet. net (10) #Bot42_Dev #CSharp #F16Gaming #Lua #accessed #clanx #clientz #ddrace #swinefrontier #teeworlds irc. epiknet. org (10) #BookOfYmir #bigblue #dev4vlm #esub_dev #frA #goth_fr #jerrycraft-dev #pypeul #vlm_dev #woestaff irc. technoid-irc. net (9) #AnopeWeb #CIA #Micozza #bot #edgy #jack #martyni #pastebin #technoid irc. shadowfire. org (9) #blazed. dev #growbook. dev #nzb #promods #pyIRDC #savi-dev #seriesorganizer #twilight. dev #werewolf. dev irc. mcintec. net (9) #Matt-Tech-Services #Projects #andrew12 #bots #dev #linux #mcintec #minecraft #opensource irc. icq. com (9) #Gideon #Lockdown #Nexus #Pentagon #TaraRose #Uptime #YuGIOh #cruciphix #shanker irc. devnode. org (9) ##botters #commits #danopia #devnode #galaxyproject #mononet #ruffy #sehwoo-dev #wbot irc. wyldryde. org (8) #IllusionOS #Trimba #Zach #commits #dst #engineering #help #krutiMedia irc. (8) #inzource #irrealia #marionette #rubyonrails #sharesource #tty2 #tty2-dev #tty2-en irc. thinstack. net (8) #dev #ebest97 #ethrik #k #matthew #null #shadowircd #xelhua irc. netbsd. se (8) #f-spot #gnome-zeitgeist #gtranslator #introspection #online-desktop #planner #seed #tasque efnet. xs4all. nl (8) #backtrack #bsdmips #despotify #fftesten #nano_junk #openviewer #php. doc #wraith calvino. freenode. net (8) ##untitled #blankon #digitalnetworks #moonstonemedical #samygo #vocxo #wxCode #wxGUIDesigner punch. va. us. dal. net (7) #UbixOS #brastagi #indonesia #lool #moonemu #php #tcl ircnet. choopa. net (7) #aponmaailma #csc-chipster #pajaohtu #samitestaaciata #tarkisto-dev #tkt-tap #tsoha irc. swgemu. com (7) #OpenDev #SWGContentDevs #eclipse #jedicouncil #projectperfection #swgemuqa #themedevents irc. skyirc. net (7) #Caro #PostPone #X-BOT #moroMC #moroPuter #php2irc #teeworlds-dev irc. irc-hispano. org (7) #EUDEV #EuskalIRC #develito #irc-dev #ircu #opers #tucan irc. indymedia. org (7) #crabgrass #hyperactive #koumbit-status #riseup-status #seaccp #tech #tsolife irc. hanirc. org (7) #ciatest #sdj #wow_dev #zbxe #zbxe_dev #zbxe_doc #zbxe_region irc. anynet. org (7) #agoks #alientrap #darkplaces #neither #openarena #twilight #venr2 chat. freenode. net (7) ##jenni ##sophia #XJedi #arcemu #impresscms #janus #phpfusion irc. mmoforge. org (6) #Asgard #MobAI #ascent #openascent #sandshroud #test irc. connecttek. net (6) #Brenden #chakora-tracking #cooper #matthew #mithril #vaginaproject irc. alphachat. net (6) #AlphaOS #Lillith #charlie112 #projects #russell #xelhua emupedia. com (6) #NCDB #TNDB #general #nocos #obdb #prewow irc. windfyre. net (5) #CIA #ComputerCoder #darkgamer #dev #jack irc. tsk. ru (5) #C-Benchmark #bss #realtime #scws #tspsg irc. toxictech. net (5) #Development #Matt-Tech-Services #ToxicTech #projectupdates #toxic-development irc. tauri. hu (5) #bash. hu #bug #dev #tdb-dev #whisperity irc. spotchat. org (5) #inspircd #kde-testing #kvirc #nutime #znc irc. ospnet. org (5) #aj00200 #bbot #drove #jHS #sllabs irc. mibbit. com (5) #cafekoopa #medicalhelp #twinstar-dev #twinstar-manager &pictochat irc. ffirc. me. uk (5) #fireboltcms #loggeh #tehircbot #test #thetechlounge irc. darkdragononline. net (5) #CellAO #CellData #DomoEmu #Oblivion #faolan www. oftc. net (4) #bongo #doom-tech #mindless-forum #netconf ohnopublishing. net (4) #baud #distren #ohnopublishing #slatepermutate leguin. freenode. net (4) ##anthroserv-commits #Roodle_LMS #tuxxedo #yaupspe kr. hanirc. org:6664 (4) #gayserbia #s #sara #wow_dev irc. zeronet. us (4) #Projects #commits #nt #nttalk irc. xploitirc. net (4) #VR_Staff #divinitydb #emoba #glinoth irc. x10hosting. com (4) #avestri #avestribot #freedns #test irc. wenet. ru (4) #development #eggdrop #kde #mangos irc. tennoko. org (4) #ODE #illubit #kansub #subkai irc. staticbox. net (4) #conspire #epiphany-project #sam #unicorncastle irc. smart-serv. net (4) #Omega #SmartServ-Staff #commits #smartserv-dev irc. raitian. info (4) #GeIRCB #scdb #scscript #skycore irc. p2pchat. net (4) #PeerProject #quazaa-dev #shareaza-dev #skulls irc. ookoo. org (4) #2 #Nexway #freya #swell irc. nsib. ru (4) #gmonly #guild-flame #micronet #wowacadem irc. lavishsoft. com (4) #isxaion #isxeq2 #isxeve #isxvg irc. krikket. net (4) #1 #cia #commits #xeobb irc. iphone-battery. org (4) #CIA #bzflag #ichat #subversion irc. icefyre. co. cc (4) #CIA #Commit #IceFyre #IceFyre-SF irc. funcom. com (4) #BeBot #budabot #coders #vhabot irc. foonetic. net (4) #ConceptLabsOffTopic #dx-cc #pctydbots #shellqdb irc. darkmyst. org (4) #Deliverance #Mytharria #pol #poldistro irc. chatsurge. net (4) #DC. Bot #DC. GameCP #ircreview #k irc. bodrog. net (4) #Linux #botok #fiatalok #informatika irc. badnik. net (4) #lain #openitg #sm-ssc #zonic irc. azzurra. org (4) #Eggames #KVIRC #archlinux #osdrawer irc. ajaxsbot. org (4) #ajax #dev-com #help #oper irc. SinIRC. net (4) #Zaphyous #html #imgmon #kusabax chatpox. com (4) #Bucharest #cservice #leaw #usernames chat. divinitycoding. net (4) #cs4500 #divine-bots #main #sophia truwowonline. com (3) #developers #developers:mitten_buzzword #launcher shell. maio. me (3) #k #maiome. lobby #trollocity magistar-networks. com:6660 (3) #Xeoservers #magistar-networks #mythicro magistar-networks. com (3) #XeoServers #magistar-networks #mythicro irc. zomgirc. net (3) #Omega #commits #zomg irc. unrealircd. com (3) #unreal-qa #unreal3-devel #unreal4-devel irc. torrentmax. org (3) #WoW_TorrentMax #gm #pretest irc. teksavvy. ca (3) #Tcldrop #ratbox-monitor #xmab irc. swiftirc. net (3) #darkex #delta-x #development irc. sporksmoo. net (3) #bunker #dev #sporksircd irc. smurfnet. ch (3) #IARL #OpenCTRL #bitlair irc. rizon. net:6669 (3) #WoWILDev #phrozen #wlk irc. rebelwrath. com (3) #dev2 #development #softdev irc. openkore. com (3) #1 #erok #openkore irc. nfx. cz (3) !59TXZratbox! ratbox #rpgplanet-dev irc. morbidnet. com (3) #chat #kc-ircd #townsquare irc. malkier. net (3) #bots #malkier #yacp irc. macpwn. net (3) #BNC #chat #nightcoast irc. icefyre. org (3) #Commit #IceFyre-Main #ZachThibeau irc. gtaxlnet. co. cc (3) #GTAXLnet #gtaxl #macs irc. golfex. net (3) #cord #custom #staff irc. flux-net. net (3) #Pictochat #underWorld &# irc. eu. rizon. net (3) #Trinity #WoWIsrael #sniffitzt irc. esper. net (3) #guardian #lahwran #sk-dev irc. efnet. net (3) #Tcldrop #dolphin-emu #mgweb irc. edkoindustries. com (3) #dev #nttalk #winprj irc. eclipseirc. com (3) #EclipseIRC #Zach #dev irc. debian. org (3) #debian-i18n #debian-l10n-indonesian #debpool irc. cyberarmy. net (3) #bukowski #cryogenix #passkey irc. collectiveirc. net (3) #Jobe #qdbs #rss irc. codehaus. org (3) #archiva #continuum #redback irc. ascentemu. com (3) #acpf #antrixmanager #general irc. afternet. org (3) #evilnet #evilnet-commits #ircdriven (3) #HacksForLifel337 #Triora #sopl irc-guide. org (3) #Mageia #anope #atheme cia. project-404.evoirc. org (3) #Project-404 #help #tom zwischenwelt. org:7777 (2) #iris #sfz wina. ugent. be (2) #zeus #zeus-dev timothyb89.homelinux. org (2) #jepiar #jtelirc spartairc (2) #Development #Lobby smekerul. zapto. org (2) #RaDiOsMeChErIt #wWw. KaZe. Ro server1.netbookwashers. info (2) #helios #k rtkgaming. com (2) #rtk #staff retribution. nightcoast. net (2) #chat #greggaz puppy. (2) #blizzarseGM #tyringe nightfox. co. cc (2) #LightProject-Dev #Matt-Tech-Services manor. wa. us. im-paranoid. org (2) #Wp-WoW-Gms #wolfpack-wow machine.7sinz. net (2) #FreeBSD #tiko jackmcbarn. no-ip. org (2) #foe-allinone #nomx irc. ztecnet. net (2) #1 #k irc. yTalk. us (2) #bots #chavabot irc. wonderland-online. net (2) #commits #lifetodeath irc. v8d. org (2) #Development #bottlecap irc. us. itaek. net (2) #cBin #lobby irc. unlimitednet. org (2) #CService #WhiteHat irc. tornadoirc. com (2) #damdevil #iTechNet irc. tbn. ms (2) #tbn #wow. dev irc. stormbit. net (2) #StormBit #test irc. soulacetech. com (2) #KopOp #lobby irc. sorcery. net (2) #EZdoom #kaboom irc. slacked. org (2) #dev #vaporwarestudios irc. skulltag. net (2) #3 #projectinfinity irc. shankshock. com (2) #terraria #terraria-dev irc. shadowkitsune. net (2) #Contra #clancc-tc2 irc. ruchat. org (2) #ircd #ircd-uranium irc. rinet. ru (2) #rion #rmdc irc. relaydb. com (2) #development #relaydb irc. ragnarok. gs (2) #PaganRO #Sereon irc. pwncraft. net (2) #PwnCraft #dev irc. playwow. eu (2) #Foresters #commits irc. p2p-network. net (2) #net-bittorrent #waffles. fm-staff irc. ozinger. org (2) #bakerly-codereview #ernia irc. (2) #iphone-wireless #rverse irc. nyug. org (2) #openttd #photo irc. noyhillel. evoirc. org (2) #noy #tom irc. notandy. com (2) #geekcouch #mohammedalnsour@roketmail. com irc. nixtrixirc. net (2) #Corinth #quazaa-dev irc. netpark. at (2) #fusion #luki irc. necrotic. net (2) #cohemu #sysadmininkudzu irc. mozilla. org (2) #songbird #sumoaddon irc. mintirc. net (2) #botball #sporks-dev irc. mibbit. net (2) #cafekoopa #medicalhelp irc. meedios. com (2) #greeni #meediossvn irc. maio. me (2) #maiome. lobby #trollocity irc. magistar-networks. com (2) #magistar-networks #mythicro irc. krey. net (2) #openminds-devel #se1_1011 irc. karma-irc. net (2) #DevNet #Karma-Anope irc. k1ngdom. net (2) #Commits #chat irc. jcink. net (2) #commits #suddencraft irc. ircstorm. net (2) #gms #innerrealm irc. irchighway. net (2) #22 #pokeworldupdates irc. irc-chat. net (2) #neostats #opensource irc. icefyre. info (2) #Commit #Commits irc. hft-community. org (2) #slightx #staff irc. hft-community. net (2) #hftirc #staff irc. hellface. com (2) #dev #pre irc. graal. in (2) #graal #graal. dev irc. gamerzwow. net (2) #dev #network irc. g33xnexus. com (2) #damnation #precursors irc. freenode. net (2) #XJedi #indlinux irc. foreverchat. net (2) #console_stream #www. facebook. com irc. (2) #CIA #GIR irc. euirc. net (2) #ua. tools #zfxce irc. enterthegame. com (2) #flipcode #fte irc. electricsheepcompany. com (2) #sheep #sheeptest irc. einirc. de (2) #42dev #i2p-dev irc. e-nvite. us (2) #help #xchat irc. digitaleternal. com (2) #krocoland #projects irc. darkfission. net (2) #Projects #darkfission irc. dark-storm. net (2) #Shadow_Footer #marci irc. darenet. org (2) #Dev #thelab irc. d-t-net. de (2) #cia #cia-bot irc. cwictech. net (2) #mcdefcon #underrealm irc. choopa. net (2) #Uranus #ring irc. chatzona. org (2) #EuskalIRC #Linux irc. chatkingdom. net (2) #2361769 #Sorcerer-IRCd irc. ccs. neu. edu (2) #dds #openvz irc. cat. pdx. edu (2) #acm #karmabot irc. bombshellz. net (2) #bombshellz #vomun irc. blitzed. org (2) #gpxviewer #ndse irc. barton. de (2) #ngircd #ngservices irc. atrum. org (2) #ctpug #sutekh irc. atlantisirc. net (2) #lobby #programming irc. atheme-project. org (2) #janus-ng #naspro irc. arloria. net (2) #TrueForce #commits irc. antaresirc. de (2) #Evil-Co. de #commits irc. anirena. net:6667 (2) #mmorpg4free #sandscroll. dev irc. VortexIRC. com (2) #Avalon #vortexirc irc. EvoIRC. org (2) #EvoIRC #tom irc.7chan. org (2) #Whgs. whs. com #kusabax ding. theplace2be. info (2) #bps-software #testdev danopia. no-ip. org:8067 (2) #cia #pentagon (2) #bbc #sopl chatter. lu (2) #ops #x WoW. XploitIRC. Net (2) #commits #emoba Galaxy. Flux-Net. net (2) #commits #computers Drunkendevs. com (2) #chat #ichat yankee. w-irc. com:8760 (1) #cia xi. icefyre. org (1) #izibb xeqt. podzone. org (1) #wow wtwrp. de:6666 (1) #Dev wow-infinity. ru (1) #answer white. darkdragononline. net (1) #celldata vtk. ugent. be (1) #medewerkers. ict verne. freenode. net (1) #wowhat uslug. org (1) #wiki the. last. gewt. net (1) #TechLive-Dev svannon. thruhere. net:8067 (1) #feed stfu.7sinz. net (1) #tiko sjgr. servegame. com (1) #changelog silver. ztecnet. net (1) #chatpoints scojr. mine. nu:3333 (1) #chat satya. huntana. com (1) #simplex rtd0.nld. mononoke. in (1) #dev rootedker. nl:5002 (1) #CIA rickroll. zomgirc. net (1) #blend rc. myunderworld. org (1) #coder-com razzle. ath. cx:7777 (1) #chat razzle. ath. cx (1) #lobby ray. blafasel. de (1) #puerto psisrv. ath. cx (1) #ntdev physibots. info (1) #physibots pepsi2.zakx. de (1) #cia oygen. localcoast. net (1) #greggaz motoko. dairc. eu (1) #TAUhardrive4476 moodle. dyc. edu:9111 (1) #Lacrimosa mirzapur. ath. cx (1) #k miami3.fl. us. relaydb. com (1) #Development luna. tartana. tk (1) #tartana lug. mtu. edu (1) #wolfgame london. uk. whatnet. org (1) #townslife lolwut. themafia. info (1) #LolWut koopa2.dyndns. org:6999 (1) #pictochat jetstream. gtaxln. co. cc (1) #CIAinfoPROJ jail. theeggman. info (1) #qa ircd. suroot. info (1) #infantry irc2.wowtemplars. es (1) #wtemplars irc. zybourne. net (1) #neckbeard irc. zetairc. net (1) #devlogs irc. zepler. net (1) #srobo irc. zdaemon. org (1) #linux irc. zachthibeau. com (1) #emucraze irc. xtil. net (1) #sm-ssc irc. xs4all. nl (1) #spelunking irc. xeronet. org (1) #help irc. xelix. net (1) #kaiser irc. wowtemplars. org (1) #wtemplars irc. wowtemplars. es (1) #wtemplars irc. worldnet. net (1) #newworld irc. woomoo. org (1) #dev irc. whotookspaz. org (1) #AWOS irc. what-network. net:6667 (1) #macosaur. us-dev irc. warpspeedirc. com (1) #ws-dev irc. (1) #html-wg irc. w-irc. com:8760 (1) #cia irc. voodoohosting. com (1) #rss irc. villageirc. net (1) #smfcommits irc. verbalnode. net (1) #NodeIRCd irc. venomirc. net (1) #Naruto755 irc. vanbaak. info (1) #1236265 irc. uwcs. co. uk (1) #1 irc. utech. ru (1) #games_utech irc. uriirc. org:16667 (1) #d3dx irc. unspecific. net (1) #eth01 irc. unixfreunde. de (1) #freebsd-commits irc. united-irc. eu (1) #tamcore irc. unholyalliance. se (1) #unholyalliance irc. uk. mibbit. net (1) #cafekoopa irc. tynian. org (1) #yaifa irc. truncate. us (1) #k irc. tonster. com (1) #cataclysmos irc. tomduff. net (1) #chat irc. 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