Sunday, December 25, 2016

Forex Elearn

E-Learning sobre Forex La colocación de un comercio en el mercado Forex es simple. La mecánica de un comercio son prácticamente idénticos a los encontrados en los mercados que están negociando ahora. Un comercio de divisas es un comercio en el que una moneda se valora contra otra. Símbolos para negociar Símbolos de divisas Términos de divisas Terminología EURUSD Euro / Dólar estadounidense Euro USDJPY Dólar estadounidense / Yen japonés Dólar-Yen GBPUSD Libra esterlina / dólar estadounidense Dólar estadounidense / dólar suizo Dólar estadounidense / dólar suizo USDCAD Dólar estadounidense / dólar canadiense Dólar canadiense AUDUSD Australiano Dólar / Dólar Estadounidense Euro / Libra Esterlina Euro / Libra Esterlina Euro / Libra Esterlina Euro / Libra Esterlina Libra Esterlina / Yen Japonés Libra Esterlina / Yen Japonés El símbolo para cada contrato de Forex se basa en las dos monedas : EURUSD Euro Dólar vs. Dólar estadounidense. Además, cada contrato de Forex es un precio para la primera moneda en el nombre del símbolo, cotizado en la segunda moneda en el nombre del símbolo. En el caso del euro frente al dólar estadounidense, donde el tipo de cambio es de aproximadamente 1,30, se necesitaría USD 1,30 para comprar 1,00 euros. Cada contrato de Forex cubre un número fijo de unidades del primer símbolo en el nombre del símbolo, normalmente 100.000. Los precios de los tipos de cambio de divisas se mueven en movimientos de precios mínimos fijos llamados pips. Un pip es el precio mínimo que puede cambiar un tipo de cambio. Cierre de una posición Una posición abierta es una que está en vivo y en curso. Mientras la posición esté abierta, su valor fluctuará de acuerdo con el tipo de cambio en el mercado. Los beneficios y las pérdidas sólo existirán en papel y se reflejarán en su cuenta de margen. Para cerrar su posición, realiza un comercio igual y opuesto en el mismo par de divisas. Por ejemplo, si ha comprado un lote de EURUSD (al precio de oferta prevaleciente), puede cerrar esa posición vendiendo posteriormente un lote EURUSD (al precio de puja vigente). Martes 14 de Agosto de 2007 COMISIONES CERO Al negociar con otro comerciante como TradeStation, NO paga comisiones ni gastos de cambio de datos. El costo de negociar Forex está determinado por el monto derivado por los distribuidores y otros terceros del spread Bid-Ask. Acción de Mercado de 24 Horas El mercado de divisas Forex es un mercado de 24 horas sin interrupciones. Apalancamiento Forex trading a menudo permite obtener apalancamiento de hasta 100 veces el valor de su cuenta. Recuerde que si bien el apalancamiento puede ayudar a generar ganancias rápidamente, también puede producir grandes pérdidas catastróficas. Alta liquidez El mercado Forex, con un volumen de operaciones promedio de más de 1,3 billones de dólares por día, es el mercado más líquido del mundo. Esto significa que un comerciante normalmente puede entrar o salir del mercado a voluntad en casi cualquier condición del mercado por lo general sin tener en cuenta las limitaciones de tamaño del comercio. El término INTERBANK discutido en terminología FX simplemente significa 8216 entre bancos e instituciones grandes8217 donde se intercambia información sobre la tasa actual a la que sus clientes o pueden comprar o vender una moneda. Sin embargo, el término 8216Interbank8217 hoy también significa cualquiera que esté preparado para comprar o vender una moneda. Interbancario también implica que Forex no se negocia en un intercambio como acciones y futuros. Los precios cotizados para un Forex se basan en información de los principales bancos y grandes instituciones. Hay cuatro grupos primarios que negocian el mercado Forex: Primero. Los principiantes o comerciantes al por menor 8211 estos son los comerciantes a tiempo parcial, no profesionales que están especulando en la dirección del mercado 8211 no de cobertura, es decir, no utilizar estos mercados como parte de otros negocios internacionales. Segundo . Los distribuidores 8211 son los creadores de mercado, fijando los precios y poniendo los oficios. El tercer grupo, los comerciantes institucionales, trabajan en bancos o agencias gubernamentales. El comercio de grandes cantidades de dinero y el tamaño de sus operaciones se mueve los mercados. Estos comerciantes a menudo se negocian para liquidar cuentas de importación / exportación y otros negocios reales internacionales. Último . Son los Comerciantes Avanzados. Este grupo se compone de profesionales a tiempo completo de los comerciantes, personas de todo el mundo, sentado en pequeñas empresas de inversión, oficinas, o incluso sus hogares. Una vez más, estos comerciantes son generalmente especulando sobre la dirección del mercado no cubriendo. Forex o FX, es una abreviatura de divisas. Es una forma de negociar los tipos de cambio entre dos monedas diferentes. Básicamente, usted compra una moneda y vende la otra con el propósito de la especulación de inversión. El objetivo es obtener un beneficio cuando el valor o los tipos de cambio de las monedas negociadas se mueven a su favor. Forex tiene más volumen diario que cualquier otro mercado en el mundo. Teniendo lugar en las principales instituciones financieras de todo el mundo, el mercado Forex está abierto las 24 horas del día. Más de 90 de todas las divisas se cotizan frente al dólar estadounidense (USD). Las monedas más negociadas son el euro (EUR), el yen japonés (JPY), la libra esterlina (GBP) y el franco suizo (CHF). Aquí están mis consejos si desea jugar forex: Por favor, hacer un poco de ejercicio o la práctica antes de sumergirse en una inversión real. Nunca invierta más de lo que puede permitirse perder - verá esto casi en cada sitio y e-book, pero piense en ello, permita un poco de dinero para la inversión y no entre en esta locura. Cuando obtienes tu beneficio objetivo, no intentas empujar demasiado a ti mismo y quieres más. Pare a veces La suerte no vino en el segundo intento, al lado en este momento su emoción es más alta que su lógica. No seas codicioso. La pérdida de la parada de la salida es importante, no negocie sin pérdida de la parada de la salida. Casi la mitad de los comerciantes de Forex ya utilizan los softwares comerciales automáticos. Porqué Exploremos más profundamente las raíces del comercio para que podamos entenderlo mejor. Antes de que el Internet llegó a ser, el comercio de divisas es sólo para los grandes bancos y las instituciones financieras gubernamentales. Estaban limitados a eso. Ahora, ha crecido enormemente en número y hasta la gente común puede comerciar. Debido a mucha liquidez, los mercados de comercio de divisas pueden tener su propio tiempo de apertura y cierre. Básicamente, cualquier persona puede negociar 24 horas al día como superposiciones de mercado en un curso del día. Cuando Nueva York está a punto de abrirse, el mercado del Reino Unido está a punto de cerrar y cuando el mercado de Japón está a punto de cerrarse, el mercado del Reino Unido se abre, y así sucesivamente. Por esta razón, sería imposible hacer todo el comercio sin la subcontratación. Pero el uso de corredores puede costar dinero más la dificultad para encontrar un fiable y honestos corredores que pensarían más para que usted gane en lugar de ganar de usted. Afortunadamente, el software automatizado de comercio de divisas o expertos asesores (como lo que otros llaman) llegó a ser. Hay un montón de ventajas que esto puede dar thats explicar por qué casi la mitad de los comerciantes de hoy en día el uso de software de comercio automatizado, ya que puede dar un rendimiento significativo de su inversión. En primer lugar, ya que el mercado Forex es casi 24 / 7due a los comerciantes de todo el mundo tiene su propio tiempo de apertura y cierre, estaría lejos de ser posible ver todos estos oficios 24/7, humanos como somos. No podemos simplemente escanear o analizar todas estas operaciones. A diferencia de estos softwares de negociación automatizados que pueden analizar y escanear todas estas operaciones en curso utilizando datos de divisas en tiempo real, por lo tanto, las oportunidades más probables en ganar. Una vez que estos robots o robots, como algunos comerciantes cariñosamente llamar a estos softwares de comercio forex automatizado, escanea y encontró un mercado rentable, se invierte automáticamente hasta que cuando el mercado lo encuentre no rentable, volverá a escanear y encontrar continuamente otro mercado rentable donde puede hacer su Otra inversión. Y usted no tiene que vigilar, 24/7. Y ya no necesitarás la ayuda de los corredores. Incluso si usted es un novato, se sorprendería de cómo este software y hacer sus cosas. Puede utilizar las cuentas de demostración que le pueden dar la sensación de un comercio real. Eso también significa que está minimizando el riesgo de perder dinero real. Así que usted puede practicar el uso de dinero virtual hasta que se sienta cómodo con su sistema de comercio. Además, a diferencia de comercio manual, elimina el factor emocional en el comercio. Pero lo más importante, también elimina las comisiones que dimos a los corredores ya que ya no son necesarios. Sin embargo, si desea tomar parte en la toma de decisiones en el comercio, por supuesto, puede hacerlo, pero a menos que si usted tiene una larga trayectoria de la experiencia en el comercio, es aún mejor para que deje que el software hacer su trabajo. Preguntas más frecuentes: tendencia de la tendencia y asesoría de expertos de oro ssrc e ssrc forex e ssrc mq4 eaLive Forex Trading 8211 todos los días en nuestro canal de YouTube. Inversión, Educación y Apoyo. Resultados probados desde 2013. Qué ofrecemos? Productos de formación integral diseñados para todos los niveles de comerciantes. Nuestros servicios incluyen: Estrategias de acción de precios de 2016 (x3) Módulos de vídeo y manuales de comercio (desde los básicos hasta los más avanzados) 1 a 1 Servicio de consultoría comercial (manos en soporte) Software (para Mac o PC) (1 a 1 con nuestro jefe de comercio) Personal Trading Contacto a través de Skype Mensajería instantánea, teléfono y correo electrónico Estrategia en curso Actualizaciones que se adaptan a las condiciones del mercado Comentarios del mercado diario con configuraciones comerciales específicas / Ideas de comercio Qué hacemos Tenemos dos objetivos principales aquí: 1. Enseñar a aquellos que quieren aprender nuestros métodos y mejorar significativamente su desempeño comercial, mientras que la gestión estricta del riesgo. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer el más alto nivel de satisfacción del cliente mediante la constante presentación de análisis de calidad y ejemplos de comercio en vivo sobre una base diaria. En nuestra opinión, no hay mejor manera de aprender a trade. Basically, el dinero está siendo negociado en Forex. Cómo es que va a trabajar Ya que no estamos negociando algo físico, parece ser difícil cómo el comercio ocurrió en monedas. A diferencia del mercado de valores, donde podemos ver fácilmente el crecimiento de los beneficios o ingresos de una determinada empresa donde compramos una parte. Si los ingresos de esa compañía aumentan, digamos, por 100 en un cierto período, es decir, cada accionista obtendría el mismo aumento y vendería a otros inversionistas por un beneficio de 100. Forex, por otro lado, funciona de manera similar. El valor de una determinada moneda depende de cómo el mercado vea la economía o el futuro de un determinado país. Haga clic aquí para descargar una NUEVA herramienta de comercio y la estrategia de forma gratuita Cuando usted sabe o siente que la economía de un determinado país va a ser bueno, que normalmente le gustaría comprar una parte de ese mercado country8217s y luego espera que continuaría Ser bueno por un cierto período de tiempo y luego lo vende de vuelta al mercado y hacer algunos beneficios fuera de él como usted cierra su comercio. Es como si estuvieras apostando para que la economía de un país sea saludable en algún momento. Por lo tanto, en el forex, podemos encontrar la relación entre la economía de un país a otro otro país a través de la fuerza de su moneda. Si aprender la moneda de diferentes países es tan interesante conocer la economía diferente en todo el mundo, le hará encontrar interesante conocer y aprender más sobre divisas. Comencemos sabiendo los nombres de las principales monedas. Por cierto, los símbolos de moneda a menudo viene en 3 letras. Las dos primeras letras le permitirán saber a qué país pertenece y la tercera carta le informará la moneda del país. Por ejemplo, USD (una de las principales divisas), EE. UU. denota Estados Unidos y D significa Dólar o GBP (otra moneda importante) denota Libras de Gran Bretaña. Aparte de estas dos monedas mencionadas, entre las principales monedas se incluyen EUR o Eurozone, JPY o Yen de Japón, CHF o Franco de Suiza, CAD o Dólar Canadiense, AUD Dólar Australiano y NZD o Dólar Neozelandés. Estos se señalan como las principales monedas, ya que son los que se utilizan en el comercio más. A veces, las monedas se están llamando con sus apodos como el más común, dólar por dólares, por lo que no se puede utilizar el dólar por lo general para todas las monedas. O la gente suiza llama su moneda como Swissy. Curiosamente, buck no es el único apodo que el dólar puede tener. Algunas personas están llamando al dólar benjis, queso o Coco entre otros. Forex trading es cuando usted compra una moneda y vende otra moneda al mismo tiempo. Lo hace a través de un tercero llamado corredor o distribuidor. Siempre se negocia en pares de divisas como USD (dólar estadounidense) y EUR (EuroZone). Los pares de divisas comerciales se escriben como USD / EUR o USDEUR, lo que significa que usted comprará un USD y venderá EUR al mismo tiempo. Es como una lucha constante entre dos monedas dependiendo de la tasa de fluctuación de estas monedas. La tasa de fluctuación depende de la fuerza de la economía de ese país en ese momento. Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS De nuestro artículo anterior aprendimos cuáles son las principales monedas utilizadas ya que estas son las monedas que se están negociando más. Ahora, vamos a aprender qué pares son considerados como los principales pares de divisas. Pertenecen a los principales pares de divisas, ya que se consideran el mercado más líquido o el menos volátil. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de los comerciantes los utilizan para un comercio fácil. Contribuyen la mayor parte de la participación en el comercio con 85 acciones de las sesiones de negociación. Las principales monedas incluyen el USD como la moneda base o la moneda de cotización. El USD está siendo emparejado con las otras monedas principales tales como EUR / USD, USD / JPY, GBP / USD, USD / CHF, USD / CAD, AUD / USD y NZD / USD. Si no contienen USD, se consideran como los pares de divisas cruzadas o podemos llamarlos cruces. Las cruces son los pares de divisas que implicaban la otra divisa principal pero no emparejado con USD. Las cruces principales también se pueden llamar como los menores de edad. Son las otras monedas más activas que se negocian como GBP, EUR y JPY. Así que si el euro está siendo emparejado con la otra moneda, se llaman Euro Crosses. Ejemplos son EUR / CHF, EUR / GBP, EUR / CAD, EUR / AUD y EUR / NZD. JPY que es emparejado con la otra modernidad se llama cruces de Yen. Son EUR / JPY, GBP / JPY, CHF / JPY, CAD / JPY, AUD / JPY y NZD / JPY. Mientras tanto Pound cotizado con la otra moneda se llaman Pound Crosses. Son GBP / CHF, GBP / AUD, GBP / CAD y GBP / NZD. Hay otros pares de divisas que no pertenecen a los mencionados anteriormente. Son AUD / CHF, AUD / CAD, AUD / NZD, CAD / CHF, NZD / CHF y NZD / CAD. Dependiendo de su corredor elegido, hay veces que usted puede encontrar que involucró algunas monedas que son que usted puede encontrar raro en las sesiones de negociación. Se les llama pares exóticos. Se trata de monedas de países que muestran signos de economía emergente como Hong Kong o Suecia. Pero estas monedas exóticas son ilíquidas, por lo tanto, implica alto riesgo y son caras. Una razón de esto es porque no están siendo negociados la mayor parte del tiempo. Fue dicho por el Dr. José Rizal El que no sabe mirar hacia atrás de donde vino de nunca llegará a su destino.8221 Por lo tanto, para que sigamos adelante, echemos un vistazo a la historia de Forex. La Segunda Guerra Mundial se ha convertido en una experiencia caótica en todo el mundo. Y el aspecto económico del mundo ha sido muy afectado. Para ayudar a que la economía mundial vuelva a la forma, el gobierno occidental decidió establecer un sistema conocido como el Sistema de Bretton Woods, que es un acuerdo para que cada país acepte una política monetaria. Haga clic aquí para descargar una NUEVA Herramienta y Estrategia de Negocio GRATUITAMENTE Esta política apuntaba a estabilizar los tipos de cambio basados ​​en el oro. Pero en 1971, EE. UU. dejó de usar la conversión de dólares en oro, que a su vez, puso fin al Acuerdo de Bretton Woods. Dicho acuerdo se hizo poco práctico debido a las diferentes tasas de crecimiento económico de cada país. Las tasas de divisas ahora depende de la oferta y la demanda con la otra moneda como la libra esterlina se convirtió en una moneda libre flotante derivando su valor de dólar de EE. UU. Antes de la subida de los otros avances de la tecnología y la comunicación, era difícil calcular un tipo de cambio justo. Pero finalmente, las cosas cambiaron especialmente en los años 90, donde el mayor público puede tener acceso a Internet a través de la ayuda de la legislación de Al Gores para financiar la expansión de Internet. Desde entonces, los bancos comenzaron a crear plataformas comerciales que pueden ser fácilmente accesibles por sus clientes y pueden ejecutar los propios oficios. Estas plataformas de comercio ampliado que algunas otras entidades llamadas corredores ya están haciendo sus propias plataformas, así como para permitir que los comerciantes individuales o conocidos como corredores de divisas al por menor pueden comerciar a través de Internet. Ahora, no hay nadie puede detener a cualquiera que quiera unirse al mundo del comercio como cualquiera puede simplemente llamar a un corredor, abrir una cuenta, depositar dinero y comercio de divisas sin la molestia. Para darle una ideas en profundidad sobre los corredores, que vienen en 2 formas diferentes primero es el Mercado Makers. Ellos hacen que el mercado, lo que significa que hacer una oferta y pedir precios por sí mismos. Es como cuando pasas tus vacaciones en una tierra extranjera y no puedes usar la moneda que estás trayendo para que vayas a un cierto banco con su tasa fija para que comprar esa moneda utilizando la tasa de los bancos. El banco determina el valor de la moneda que está comprando y el valor de su moneda que está vendiendo. Si usted está negociando a través de estos creadores de mercado, se dará cuenta de que van a ofrecer pequeña propagación. Pero si usted habla de los millones de transacciones que hacen todos los días, usted encontrará la gran utilidad de estos creadores de mercado. La segunda forma de corredores se llama ECN o Red de Comunicaciones Electrónicas. El grupo encuentra la oferta y los precios que están disponibles para ellos que vinieron de diferentes bancos e instituciones. ECN es el nombre de estas plataformas de negociación que coinciden automáticamente con la mejor compra / venta a un precio determinado que provenía de diferentes bancos, comerciantes de mercado o de otros operadores que también es usuario de ECN. El comerciante puede tener la capacidad de fijar su propio precio, por lo que los corredores cobrará comisiones pequeñas comerciantes. Así que con pequeñas comisiones y asociadas con spreads estrechos, hizo que los usuarios de ECN pagaran costos más bajos. Ahora que usted sabe su historia de la divisa, quizá su tiempo para que aprendamos más para que podamos ser una parte del equipo de los comerciantes de la divisa. Forex Trading plantea una gran cantidad de ventajas en comparación con el mercado de valores o materias primas. En primer lugar y la razón por qué me encanta el comercio en el mercado de divisas es que no hay una ubicación central, lo que significa que usted no necesita estar en un lugar específico sólo para ser un comerciante. Incluso puede vivir en la cima de la montaña o en el medio del océano, siempre y cuando usted tiene su computadora y una conexión a Internet como Forex Trading se hace a través de lo que llaman una plataforma. Debido al hecho de que Forex no tiene una ubicación central, que trajo un montón de ventajas para el comercio de divisas. Usted no tiene que pagar a los corredores, ya que sólo obtendrá su parte a través de la diferencia que puede obtener de la oferta y el precio real por lo que no requieren que usted pague por la comisión de corretaje o comisiones. Dado que los comerciantes pueden ir directamente al mercado responsable del par de divisas que están a punto de realizar transacciones, no hay necesidad de intermediarios para hacer eso por usted. Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y la estrategia de forma gratuita A diferencia de los mercados en el futuro donde usted necesita tener un lote o el contrato de tamaños que se pueden determinar los intercambios realizados, lote de forex spot o tamaño de la posición puede ser determinada por usted. De esa manera, usted como el comerciante puede elegir las cuentas que desea comerciar, incluso tan bajo como 25, aunque no es recomendable debido al apalancamiento es muy importante para aumentar los beneficios y controlar más del valor del contrato, minimizando así su Riesgo de capital. Pero, por supuesto, uno debe practicar la gestión apropiada del dinero de riesgo como apalancamiento puede trabajar para usted o contra usted si no se gestiona adecuadamente. Pero sin embargo, Forex todavía tiene el costo de transacción más bajo. Otra ventaja es que, es un mercado de 24 horas, lo que significa que el mercado no duerme independientemente de donde se encuentre en la parte de este mundo. Una muy buena noticia para las personas que quieren operar a tiempo parcial sin sacrificar sus horarios. Y debido a esto, se ha convertido en mercado más líquido, por lo que puede estar seguro de que usted nunca estará atrapado ya que siempre habrá alguien que desee comprar la moneda que vende. Hay softwares (aunque todo depende de usted si va a utilizarlo) que puede ayudarle a cerrar automáticamente su comercio si usted ya ha alcanzado su nivel de beneficio deseado y / o su comercio va en contra de usted. El mercado Forex no es y no puede y nunca será controlado por una entidad o una persona. Así que si usted siente que está interesado con Forex por ahora, siempre se puede estudiar Forex y el comercio y luego tratar de desarrollar sus habilidades utilizando las cuentas de demostración, que son, por cierto, siempre libre. Así que con la educación adecuada y la formación, siempre puede estar listo para el comercio de divisas en cualquier momento. Uno de los factores importantes para tener éxito en el comercio es el comerciante debe saber buen momento. Un buen momento para saber cuándo hacer buen dinero. No es porque Forex Trading se puede hacer las 24 horas del día, se sigue que usted gana en cualquier momento del día. Como cuestión de hecho, hay momentos en que el mercado no se mueve en absoluto. Moverse hacia arriba o hacia abajo del mercado es el tiempo que puede ganar dinero en el comercio, así que, si no se mueve en absoluto, eso significa que no puede hacer ningún comercio. También, el demográfico general de los comerciantes que están negociando en ese momento puede afectar la actividad de pares de divisas durante ese día de negociación. Y aunque el mercado Forex es el mercado más líquido, hay momentos del día en que puede ser volátil. Por lo tanto, debemos aprender un buen momento. Aunque las sesiones de negociación varían debido al horario de verano (DST) practicado por algunos países durante el mes de abril y octubre, consideremos hoy el tiempo de sesión general de las tres sesiones más grandes, a saber, la sesión de negociación de Tokio, Londres y Nueva York . Con estos 3 sesión de negociación, puede dividir sus 24 horas con 8 horas por sesión de negociación. A medida que el sol se levanta en el este, tomaría Tokio a las primeras sesiones comerciales y asiáticos para ver primero la acción comercial. Empieza a medianoche hasta las 6 am GMT. Este comercio determina considerablemente los oficios de Tokio, aunque países como Rusia, China y Australia entre otros que están presentes durante este comercio pueden hacer una considerable cantidad de atracción en el mercado. Debido a la presencia de los comerciantes están tan dispersos, la extensión del tiempo de negociación es posible que conducen a una carrera que comienza a partir de las 11 pm a 8 am GMT. Antes de que se cierre la sesión asiática, comenzará la sesión europea. Dado que Europa no es tan dispersa como Asia, este tiempo de comercio es denso, ya que aquí se puede encontrar una gran cantidad de los principales mercados financieros que pueden hacer decir que la sesión europea en Londres se erige como la capital. Incluso las horas de la sesión de Londres comienzan a las 7:30 am y terminan a las 3:30, esta sesión se puede extender debido a la presencia de comercio a países como Francia y Alemania, por mencionar algunos. Por lo tanto, las sesiones europeas se pueden ejecutar entre las 7 am a 4 pm (GMT). Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia para la sesión de Asia GRATIS puede haber terminado más de un par de horas, pero la sesión europea todavía está a mitad de camino cuando la sesión de América del Norte está a punto de comenzar. Aunque Canadá, México y otros países de América del Sur dan su participación en esta sesión, su sesión de Nueva York que realmente marca la condición y el riesgo del mercado en sesión de América del Norte. Si hay una gran superposición del tiempo de sesión entre sesiones norteamericanas y europeas, mientras que existe una pequeña superposición entre Asia y Europa, pero hay una pausa en el mercado entre el cierre de Nueva York y la sesión de apertura asiática. La siguiente figura muestra el período de superposición y el momento de calma en un día. Una buena sincronización le ayuda a lograr un buen comercio. Este artículo aborda sólo las sesiones comerciales más grandes en todo el mundo. Hay son las sesiones de negociación que usted puede elegir como las sesiones de comercio de Sydney, pero estas tres sesiones de negociación mencionadas sólo le mostrará que el comercio de Forex puede ser un comercio de 24 horas. Hemos sido conscientes de que el éxito del comercio se produce cuando la volatilidad y la liquidez es alta. Eso significa, cuando hay tantos comerciantes que negocian ese tiempo. Elegir qué hora de negociar es una decisión crítica a hacer pues resultará al éxito o al fracaso en su comercio. Si ha habido un alto volumen de comerciantes de comercio que cierto tiempo, es el mejor tiempo de comercio, especialmente si usted está practicando día de comercio. Pero no todos los tiempos se hacen iguales, por lo que uno debe ser cauteloso en la elección de tiempo de negociación. Así que usted podría pensar que estas sesiones superpuestas sería el mejor tiempo de negociación. Sí, usted puede tener razón, pero no en absoluto. Hay ciertas características que puede que desee saber con estas sesiones superpuestas. En realidad, cuando decimos que las sesiones se superponen, no sólo en Tokio / Londres y Londres / Nueva York sesión, también podemos observar que hay sesiones superpuestas durante Sydney / Tokio sesiones. Pero sabiendo que no hay muchos movimientos que ocurren durante las sesiones asiáticas, no podíamos esperar alta liquidez durante este período y cuando llega la tarde, el europeo acaba de despertar de una siesta haciendo que la sesión de la mañana sea bastante aburrida. Normalmente, los comerciantes europeos están observando, analizando esta vez para que el podría estar listo para el comercio de la mayor acción del día, que es la sesión de la tarde Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS Innegablemente, el comercio de Londres / Nueva York La sesión es el período con el cual usted puede encontrar tanto el comercio en la acción. América y el mercado Europes poseen la capital comercial más concurrida del mundo, Londres y Nueva York. Uno sólo tiene que tomar nota de que si desea ver las tendencias, se puede establecer durante las horas de sesión de Londres como se desarrolla y viene la sesión de la mañana de Nueva York comienza. Con esta tendencia sucediendo, los comerciantes en los EE. UU. trataría de establecer sus posiciones después de aprender la tendencia que ocurrió antes de ese día. Pero cuando los comerciantes europeos decidan terminar sus sesiones de negociación, justo antes de la pausa para el almuerzo en Nueva York, los comerciantes estadounidenses pueden experimentar entonces intercambios bruscos. Es importante señalar sin embargo que es importante para las monedas de comercio que están activos para ese período de comercio. Al igual que durante la sesión europea, monedas como EUR, USD y GBP son las más activas en ese momento. Durante la sesión americana, casi todas las principales monedas están activas como USD, EUR, GBP, AUD y JPY. Sabiendo que el mejor momento para el comercio es una decisión importante que tenemos que ser capaz de encontrar más beneficios en Forex, pero la buena noticia es que no tiene un genio para saberlo. Todo lo que necesita saber es prestar atención a las directrices para que usted maximice las posibilidades de obtener beneficios. Al igual que cualquier organización, hay jugadores clave que constituiría Forex Market para que funcione bien. Para que usted pueda apreciar lo que toda la estructura, sería bueno si podemos tener un poco de estudio sobre lo que constituyen todos los jugadores en la organización. Antes del surgimiento de Internet. Forex Market es sólo para los grandes y chicos pequeños como nosotros nunca pueden participar o cosas por el estilo. Usted debe tener por lo menos 10-50 millones de dólares para jugar, que está destinado sólo para los bancos y grandes entidades. Obviamente, no es para cualquier gente común como nosotros. Pero con el aumento de la Internet, Forex Trading se ha abierto a casi todo el mundo oa lo que llamamos los comerciantes al por menor. Incluso si el mercado es un mercado de venta libre (OTC), tenemos una organización llamada así que determina los tipos de cambio basándose en la ley de la oferta y la demanda de moneda. Así que tenemos los bancos comerciales y grandes. Van a administrar su fondo de clientes y al mismo tiempo preservar su propio activo líquido. Estos superbanks determina el spread de oferta / demanda que los comerciantes normalmente mirarían hacia fuera para. Recibieron los grandes trozos de transacciones de otros bancos y de sus clientes. Para nombrar a un par de estos bancos son Barclays Capital y Citigroup. Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS Otro grupo que juega un papel crucial en Forex son los bancos centrales del Gobierno. Los bancos centrales mantienen los tipos de cambio de sus países para optimizar su propia gestión económica. Necesitan ajustar las tasas y controlar la inflación. Para hacer eso, o bien tendrá que interferir como si su moneda es ir demasiado alto o demasiado bajo, que necesitan para hacer algunas compras masivas o la venta de su propia moneda sólo para realinear los tipos de cambio. Un ejemplo de estos bancos centrales es el Banco Central Europeo o la Reserva Federal. Otro grupo que desempeña un papel muy importante en el mercado Forex son las grandes empresas comerciales que importan y exportan productos. Por ejemplo, una empresa de fabricación de alimentos, antes de que puedan comprar hojalatas, azúcar u otros materiales importados para producir frutas enlatadas, que necesitan para comprar dólares antes de que puedan comprar los materiales. Otra participación de las grandes empresas en el mercado de divisas es a través de estas fusiones transfronterizas internacionales y adquisiciones que hace movimiento de dinero la mayor parte del tiempo. Y por último el que constituyen en su mayoría del volumen de negociación (90) son los comerciantes al por menor. Incluso si los comerciantes de pequeña escala puede empujar a las grandes empresas y grandes bancos debido a la cantidad de pequeños comerciantes se puede encontrar en todo el mundo con diferentes colores y estilos de vida diferentes. Algunos tienen grandes cuentas y algunos tienen muy pequeños. Pero debido a la creciente popularidad de Forex en el mundo, hizo Forex Market el mercado más líquido. Una de las principales sesiones de Forex que mencionamos es la Sesión de Tokio, que también se conoce como la Sesión Asiática, ya que Tokio es Asias Capital for Finance. Es así, ya que Japón es el tercer centro comercial más grande del mundo. No sólo eso, los Yenes, la modernidad de Japans es la tercera moneda más negociada con su 16.5 parte en toda la transacción que negocia de la divisa y más de 20 de la transacción de la divisa de los mundos ocurre durante este tiempo. La sesión de Tokio abrió a las 12:00 AM GMT un domingo por la noche y esto marca el inicio de la sesión de negociación. Incluso Sydney ya está abierto antes de ese tiempo, no hay mucha actividad antes de la Sesión de Tokio abierta ya que hay un montón de cruces de Sydney que sólo comienza durante la sesión de apertura de Tokyos. Para poder darle una idea de qué esperar en esta sesión, heres el rango promedio pip para las principales monedas. El rango promedio de pip determinará las oportunidades de ganancia / pérdida en su comercio. Haga clic aquí para descargar una NUEVA Herramienta de Negociación y Estrategia GRATIS Estos datos se basan en el desempeño de la Sesión de Tokio de mayo de 2012. Por lo tanto, los valores no son absolutos y están sujetos a cambios dependiendo de la volatilidad del mercado y de otros factores que puedan afectar a la negociación como la característica de la sesión de mercado. Algunos de los que nos pueden ayudar a saber más de sus características son: que los jugadores no son sólo de Japón. Hay transacciones realizadas offshores como en Singapur, Australia. Hong Kong y China. Que los participantes en la sesión de Tokio están formados en su mayoría por exportadores / empresas comerciales y bancos centrales. Japón, junto con su jugador clave-China, depende en gran medida de la exportación para que pueda esperar transacciones diarias. Que hay momentos en que la liquidez de los mercados es tan delgada que es necesario esperar pacientemente para poder negociar. Que ya que Tokio pertenece a la región de Asia Pacífico, es probable que vea más de Asia Pacífico pares de divisas como el AUD / USD o NZD / USD en comparación con los pares de divisas que no pertenece a las regiones de Asia y el Pacífico. En el momento en que la liquidez es delgada, es posible que desee permanecer dentro de la gama promedio de pip para dar a los comerciantes una ocasión favorable para las operaciones de día corto, así como ruptura de operaciones a partir de entonces. Que uno debe ser consciente de los datos económicos, ya que es cuando la mayoría de la acción tiene lugar. Que los comerciantes deben aprender cómo es el movimiento es Tokio está haciendo, ya que establece el tono de toda la sesión de Asia Trading. Por lo tanto, esto le ayudaría a organizar y saber cuál sería la mejor estrategia para hacer. The big moves made by preceding session (i. e. New York Trading Session) there will be a consolidation in Tokyos Trading Session. Remember, news makes a very important role in Tokyo Trading Session, so its very important to know the current news and trade from the major countries such as Japan, of course, New Zealand and Australia. But of course China is not to be ignored. News from China can create volatile movement in the market. As Japan and Australia being one of the biggest exporters rely mostly on Chinas demand. So whenever we can see Chinas data, there will be great movement in AUD and JPY. Knowing the structure of the market can give us a clear idea how the Forex Market can be more advantageous. I would assume that you know or heard already about stock market. You can always see the news like CNN about the results of the NYSE, NASDAQ so on and so fort. To give you a clear view of it, Stock Market is a centralized market. Since it is a centralized market, there are specialist that goes in between that can control the prices in the market. This is so to make a balance in the market. Seemed unclear law of supply and demand can be applied here. If in the case that there are more seller than to the buyer, these specialist can widen the spread in the market until the number of sellers would equal the number of buyers. Thus the sellers would be left with many stocks. So to avoid this situation, specialist will set the prices of the stocks to the point that sellers cannot enter into the trade. This is important in stock market to set an equilibrium in the market. Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE However, in Spot Forex, it is decentralized therefore, there is no single entity which can manipulate the market. It has no central market that would set the price into one for a certain currency pairs at any given time at different currency dealers. At first, I thought of it as hard and scary to deal with but then I realized. this is a great news since you are given a number of choices and mind you, these dealers will give the best quote as possible because of such strong competition among them. As we all know, competition is the best way for traders to get the best deal. You might think how chaotic Forex Market could be since there is no central market that traders and dealers go thru. You are wrong. In fact, Forex Market is an organized organization. They have a set of hierarchy just like any organization. On top this hierarchy is the interbank market. This group comprises the group from the smallest banks to the biggest bank in the world. They deal with each other either directly or electronically. If they deal electronically, they will use either the Reuters Dealing Trading Platform or the Electronic Brokering Service. These two companies are in constant competition since there are only two companies that the banks can be used. Although both companies can offer the same currency pairs but one company can be more favorable than the other as to liquidity wise. For example, EBS can be more liquid in EUR/USD, USD/JPY and the like, Reuters is more liquid in the other currency pairs such as EUR/USD or USD/JPY among others. Even if the involved market can see the prices these companies are offering, they cant simply deal with those prices since the prices will still depends upon the credit relationship that has been established by both parties. Just like when you loan at a cooperative, you as a member does not have the same privileges if your credit standing is not good as compared to the other members. The same principle is being used here. If the involved party is having a good credit standing, they could have the better privilege as to receiving the best rate and the best deal. Now, lets go down to the ladder and meet the next in line in the hierarchy. They are the Hedge Funds and Commercial Companies, Retail ECNs and the Retail Market Makers. These entities does not have a tight relationship with those that participated in the interbank market, the rates they offer is slightly higher than those of the bank or those that participated in the interbank market as they do their transactions in through banks. At the bottom of the hierarchy is the retail traders. Before, if you are not a company or a bank, it is very hard to join trading. But because of the gift of technology, common people can join now using trading platforms. We can say to ourselves that our participation is of little value, but the total consolidation of these retail traders can poke those at the higher hierarchy as this group contains the most share of the total volume in the Forex Market. Traders participating in Asian Session are about to close when European traders are just beginning theirs. Just as Tokyo has been the center of trading in Asia, so is London in Europe. Even way back in history, because of the strategic location of London, it has become the center of trade in the entire Europe. London has become the apple of the eye for most traders garnering about 30 forex transactions around the world. Below is the list of average pip range for major currencies played in London Session during the May 2012 session: Click Here to Download A NEW Trading Tool and Strategy For FREE Again, this data does not necessarily represent an absolute value and will still vary depending on the market condition like liquidity and so on. EURCHF was not included here as the value was fixed at euro at 1.2000 during this time. You may find some interesting facts about this certain session which are as mentioned below: reasons that make London session the most traded sessions, aside from the fact that London is the center of financial and economic activity, the London session crosses the two major trading sessions ( New York and Tokyo). This helps this particular session acquire a high liquidity rate and a possible low transaction cost. again, because of the good number of trades taking place, it helps London Trading session volatility to be high. during lunch break, volatility tends to go down until the New York trading session will start. At the end of the London Trading Period, European Traders normally lock in profit, therefore trend may tend to reverse. You can trade almost any currency pairs during this session because of its liquidity. But you may opt pretty well to the major currency pairs, EURUSD, USDGBP or USDJPY. These pairs are the mostly affected as well when there are news that would come out during this session. Although yen crosses is a good move too, expect a wider spread. Our Trade Results. Please find below our trade results that we have been publishing since we started. These trades have been placed using our trading methods we provide in our training material. We believe that it is very important, for credibility purposes . to show you our results using our trading methods. Click the images to expand. 6th October 2016 8211 Small gain today trading the USDCAD Long up to its initial resistance level. Live trade wrap up video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 5th Oct 2016 8211 After being stopped on the NZDUSD yesterday for circa GBP 420 loss, we re-entered the position and have banked over GBP 890.00 NET. Live trade wrap up will be uploaded onto our YouTube channel. 26th Sep 2016 8211 Nice start to the week shorting the USDJPY. Live trade wrap up video has been uploaded to our YouTube channel. Watch it here: youtu. be/KDCiZh6insg 19th Sep 2016 8211 Last week8217s trades. X2 losers and X1 winner still NET positive on the week. 14th Sep 2016 8211 EURUSD trade cut and a good exit price on the USDJPY sees a nice gain on the day. Live trade wrap up video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 9th Sep 2016 8211 USDJPY long trade banked and done for the week. Two trades this week and two winners. Live trading update video will be posted onto our YouTube channel 8211 have a great weekend all 6th Sep 2016 8211 Nice little profit to start the trading week. EURUSD intraday long, live trade wrap up video will be on our YouTube channel. 1st Sep 2016 8211 We closed our GBPUSD long position today for a profit of GBP 240 (NET). Live trade wrap video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 31st August 2016 8211 Small gain on the AUDUSD intraday short today. Had to abandon the trade due to price doing the complete opposite of what we were looking for Live trade wrap up on the YouTube channel, also currently long the GPBUSD and will update accordingly. 30th Aug 2016 8211 Intraday trade closed on the NZDUSD using our strategy. Live trade video will be uploaded onto our YouTube channel. 26th August 2016 8211 This week8217s trades NET PampL GBP 268.15. Head over to our YouTube channel to watch the end of day wrap up videos on all of them. 23rd Aug 2016 8211 As per our End of Week Technical Report, we bought GBPUSD early this week and have closed out for a small profit. Live trade wrap up video will be uploaded onto our YouTube channel. 16th August 2016 8211 EURUSD trade opened to start the week. Closed today, live trade video will be placed onto our YouTube channel. 10th Aug 2016 8211 As per yesterday8217s call on the EURUSD, we8217ve banked on it today. Live trade wrap up video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 9th August 2016 8211 A flat day today. Live forex trading video on our YouTube channel will explain the ins and outs surrounding the booked positions. 4th August 2016 8211 A loser today Lost 0.8 on the USDCAD. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 2nd August 2016 8211 Today8217s trades on the EURUSD and NZDUSD. Video wrap up is on our YouTube channel. 26th July 2016, EURUSD trade cut for (-) GBP 336.88 loss but USDJPY hit our limit for () GBP 1,794.89. Net profit banked () GBP 1,449.36. Live video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 21st July 2016 8211 Absolute chop fest on the USDCAD today. Had to cut the trade because it was too range bound and lacked any momentum. The good news is that it was cut for a tiny 0.12 loss. Live video wrap up will be posted later today. 19th July 2016 8211 GBP 969.60 banked trading AUDUSD short. Live video wrap will be posted on our YouTube channel. Please note, one of our partner brokers 8220Go Markets UK8221 has re-branded to 8216INFINOX8217. As a result, their Metatrader 4 (MT4) platform has not been moved over for Macs yet and is only running on Windows. Until that transition has been completed, I will be posting the trade screenshots from the mobile MT4 app. 11th July 2016 8211 Mentioned the possibility of a USDCAD trade in our Weekly Video yesterday. Banked around 45 points resulting in a GBP 280 profit. Live video on the YouTube channel. 10th July 2016 8211 All trades from last week (4th to the 8th July). Videos are all on our YouTube channel. 27th June 2016 8211 GBP 388.17 banked trading NZDUSD. Please ignore the 12 second trade on the EURGBP, that was a copier test and the NET result will be rebated to us next month. Live trade video will be uploaded to our YouTube channel. 22nd June 2016 8211 Our USDCAD trade that we opened a couple of days ago has now been closed for a small profit. Live trade video with reasons for closing has been uploaded to our YouTube channel. 16th June 2016 8211 1 to 1 profit banked on the EURUSD trade before the England game today. Live video will be on the YouTube channel. 14th June 2016 8211 All about the AUDUSD today. Just over 300 GBP profit banked NET. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 9th June 2016 8211 EURUSD long position closed leaving us pretty much flat for the week. Will see if any other setups arise tomorrow. Video is on our YouTube channel. 8th June 2016 8211 EURUSD trade closed for a small loss, position reversed. Live video can be viewed on our YouTube channel. 31st May 2016 8211 Great start to the week and a good end to the month, nice bit of profit banked trading GBPUSD today. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 25th May 2016 8211 Trade now closed on the USDJPY. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 24th May 2016 8211 Stopped on the sterling trade to start the week off. Video is on our YouTube channel 18th May 2016 8211 Another profitable trade overnight on the EURUSD. Closed during the London session for a nice little profit. Trade video is on our YouTube channel. 17th May 2016 8211 Another winner on the USDJPY trade. Mentioned this in yesterday8217s video. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 16th May 2016 8211 GBPUSD and USDCAD trades closed on Friday. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 10th May 2016 8211 EURUSD trade cut for a minimal loss. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 4th May 2016 8211 NZDUSD Swing Short. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 26th April 2016 8211 Swing trade long on the USDCAD cut for a 0.015 loss. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 20th April 2016 8211 USDJPY trade closed. Live video wrap up is on our YouTube channel. 19th April 2016 8211 EURUSD Long trade closed. Live video update is on our YouTube channel. 17th April 2016 8211 Friday8217s intraday trade on the EURUSD. 11th April 2016 8211 Two trades today. Big lesson in having your winners larger than your losers. Live trade video is worth a watch. 4th April 2016 8211 Just under 40 points banked trading GBPUSD today from an intraday long signal. Live video is worth a watch on our YouTube channel. 29th March 2016 8211 25 pointer banked on the EURUSD today taken with a half lot size. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 22nd March 2016 8211 Live Trading is back. 25 point move banked trading the NZDUSD from an entry on the 21st. Live trade video is definitely worth a watch on our YouTube channel. We8217ve moved our copier service from FXTM to Go Markets8230hence the delay in posting trade results. 25th Feb 2016 8211 A good day today. Had a couple of intraday trades on the AUDUSD. The first was opened just before the London open and our asset class analysis was telling us to cut it fairly quickly. We did and banked a small profit of 3.6 points of normal risk. However, later on in the day (mid morning session), our multiple asset analysis was telling us that we could buy again. We did and we banked a nice profit of 12.45 points worth of normal risk. Live trade video will be put on our YouTube channel. 24th Feb 2016, Nice intraday move on the USDCAD banked today8230adds to the profit this week. Trade cut due to sentiment shift 8211 live trade video will be posted on our YouTube channel. 22nd Feb 2016 8211 Today8217s live trading update provides the MOST IMPORTANT element of successful forex trading. We banked just over 27 points of normal trade risk today trading the AUDUSD 8211 this ONE trade makes up for ALL of last week8217s net positions. We pointed out the potential in yesterday8217s video and took advantage of it today. Visit our YouTube channel to see the full video. 21st Feb 2016 8211 Trade log from last week8217s trading. Due to price being too close to our entry points, we could not provide the live, end of day trading update as per usual. Long story short, the choppy market reactions to oil (which dominated risk sentiment) caused us to have a choppy week too 8211 we lost just over 21 points worth of normal risk. However, this is a very small loss when taken into account the number of trades and risk profile we set. We can afford to risk up to 50 points of norm risk on a SINGLE trade idea 8211 but we8217re only down 21 points for the ENTIRE week. This is good risk management and it8217s what separates the winners from the losers. 15th Feb 2016 8211 Good start to the week today. 11.7 points worth of normal risk banked trading the EURUSD south in 3 hours. Sentiment was aligned nicely and the move was fairly swift. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 10th Feb 2016 8211 Nice little prop trade long on the GBPUSD today. Banked just over 19 points worth of normal risk. Live trade wrap up video is on our YouTube channel. 9th Feb 2016 8211 Funny old day today. We finished it with a small profit, but there is a bit of a breakdown in key asset correlations that we look at. In cases like these, something has to give 8211 we8217re not too sure what will yet, but it8217s safe to say that there will be a big move coming in the oil market and it8217s likely to spill into commodity currencies8230 8th Feb 2016 8211 A good start to the week. 12.1 points worth of normal risk banked trading the EURUSD from an intraday setup during the London open. Live video wrap up is on our YouTube channel. 3rd Feb 2016 8211 AUDUSD update. We entered a trade short on the AUDUSD yesterday at 25 of our normal size. We then saw the market weaken further and we added another 25 to the position. The market did continue to weaken but found support during the Asian session hours (2am 8211 4am UK time). We8217ve seen some pretty volatile moves in the FX markets today and to be frank 8211 they8217re all over the place. As a result, we decided to CUT the trade and take the 24.9 point loss. This means that we are virtually FLAT for this week (a position we8217re happy with given the amount of fake outs we have seen). Due to the movements we8217ve seen today, we doubt there will be any viable setups until next week (especially seeing as though Non Farm Payrolls are out this Friday). Nonetheless, this is a good insight into the realities of trading 8211 you can8217t always be 8216involved8217 and sometimes it8217s better to just sit in cash and wait. 1st Feb 2016 8211 One loser and one winner today. The loser was the EURUSD, which was taken at half the normal size. HOWEVER, we noticed a beautiful trade setup on the NZDUSD which had EVERYTHING aligned (momentum, sentiment, end of day signal, weekly alignment etc). We lost 19.1 points on the EUR but banked 42.1 points on the NZDUSD. Great example of winners being larger than losers. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 29th Jan 2016 8211 Here is our closed trade on the EURUSD that we opened two days ago on the 27th Jan. Notice how our exit price lined up nicely with the reversal price point for today8217s trading. We banked just over 13 points of normal risk. This means it8217s been another profitable week over here Live video is on our YouTube channel. 27th Jan 2016 8211 See image below for a detailed description. 24.8 points of norm risk banked. 27th Jan 2016 8211 Yesterday we opened a trade SHORT EURUSD from an intraday setup. We took this trade at half the normal size because there was NO end of day signal attached. Unfortunately, we were stopped out for 8211 18.25 points of normal risk. HOWEVER, yesterday we noticed a trade LONG on the USDJPY (which also had the end of day signal attached). As a result, we entered this trade with FULL SIZE and banked out 2 hours before the FOMC rate decision. We banked 24.8 points of normal risk, which more than made up for the EURUSD intraday stop out. Live video explains in more detail on our YouTube channel. 21st Jan 2016 8211 The EURUSD has been the focus for us due to its range bound nature in early 2016. It8217s been playing with our emotions a little this week, with no follow through or session alignment from the trading centres around the world. On Tuesday we lost 31.2 points on a short attempt and yesterday I closed out the long trade for a loss of 22.3 points. HOWEVER, we couldn8217t help notice the asset correlation and the short opportunity (despite event risk today). As a result, we gave it one last go at full size and banked a satisfying 86.2 points today 8211 putting us up 32.7 points for the week. Live video explains in more detail on our YouTube channel8230GREAT example of 1 winner making up for 2 losers 19th Jan 2016 8211 Looks like we were faked out of the short EURUSD trade that we got triggered into early this morning. Price looked like it wanted to continue to break lower during the LDN open, but the US session saw us head in totally the opposite direction. Total hit on the trade was 31.2 points 8211 we have now reversed the position and are long. Interesting to note that we were looking for LONG EUR trades yesterday on the pair but we did not get entered. It8217s rare8230but sometimes the market does play games with you Live video is worth a watch on our YouTube Channel. 14th Jan 2016 8211 3 out of 3 on the EURUSD this week 21.1 points of normal trade risk banked going long today. Profit taken at key resistance zone, possible re-entry during US session. 12th Jan 2016, 8.3 points worth of normal risk banked trading EURUSD intraday today. Price action was showing signs of reacting the key 1.0850 zone where we decided to take profit and re-evaluate heading into the next session. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 11th Jan 2016, 13.6 points of normal risk banked trading EURUSD today. Closed out due to a couple of factors that we cannot disclose Live video is on our YouTube channel. 7th Jan 2016 8211 2nd trade this week, called it in our End of Day Commentary on the 6th. 21.2 points banked worth of normal trade risk. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 5th Jan 2016, Over 17 points of normal trade risk banked trading AUDUSD short today. Setup taken from an END OF DAY position, exit Daily amp Monthly S1. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 22nd December 2015 8211 Great end to the year. Just over 20 points of normal risk banked trading GBPUSD short from yesterday. Thanks for following us and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year 21st December 2015 8211 GBPUSD choppy today However, think we8217ve caught this one right now. Click the image to read full description. 17th December 2015 8211 AUDUSD trade opened Tuesday closed for 108 pips. Live video is certainly worth a watch on our YouTube channel. 16th December 2015 8211 FED DECISION TODAY We got a rate hike8230but the overall market reaction was very strange. Nonetheless, we8217re still holding our AUDUSD short No other positions to report on yet. 15th Dec 2015 8211 AUDUSD in focus today. Ok, so we wanted to SELL the AUD to start the week but there were no setups yesterday. As a result, we entered a trade SHORT this morning, but explained that it was not the best setup due to certain price principles being invalidated overnight. Long story short, we got stopped out of that, re-entered long a quarter of our normal position size, got stopped out of that, BUT then we noticed that price flushed down As a result, we had to give it another shot (3 strikes and you8217re out) and we8217re currently holding that exact position now. We also had a small long on the USDJPY but we had to CUT that due to risk exposure reaching our daily allowance. As far as closed positions are concerned, we8217re down a total of 17.7 points (over 3 trades)8230but we8217re up almost 30 points on this single trade. Live video certainly explains today8217s activities better so make sure you give it a watch on our YouTube Channel 11th December 2015 8211 No 8216end of day8217 position trades today, just an intraday AUDUSD short play. Took it at half the normal size and the trade ran for 7.4 points of normal risk profit. Live video is provides some great tips and insight into our analysis too 10th December 2015 8211 Trading update PART 2 So, in our previous post we were long the NZDUSD and then we posted that we8217ve closed out for a small profit due to lacking momentum. We then noticed a setup on the USDJPY and took it at normal size. Banked out for 12 points of normal trade size profit. Video explains on our YouTube channel. 10th Dec 2015 8211 Only position we took today was the NZDUSD long (which we8217re still in). Dotted green line is our entry and the dotted red line is our stop loss. Our target is up at 0.68. Will update tomorrow what happened as we will probably have to hold this overnight. UPDATE NZDUSD TRADE CUT 0.67623 DUE TO LACK OF 4 HOURLY FOLLOW THROUGH MOMENTUM. TRADE CLOSED 17:47PM 9th December 2015 8211 EURUSD trade continued from yesterday. So you saw us get stopped yesterday out of a EURUSD short. As certain price levels were breached, we actually reversed the trade yesterday afternoon. This morning we were up at a key price point and there was a lot of fighting between buyers and sellers. As a result, we decided to do the safe thing and close out with 16 points of normal trade risk (which pretty much makes up for yesterday8217s EURUSD stop out). Good lesson to be learnt here though 8211 we could have sat in the short and moved our stop further back and further back because we were 8216adamant8217 that prices should fall. However, we didn8217t. We CUT the trade quickly and even reversed the position. The lesson is you have to be adaptable and respect the market if you8217re wrong. 8th December 2015 8211 Stopped out on EURUSD earlier today for 8211 17.2 points of normal trade risk. Market was fairly volatile as certain price points (which normally shouldn8217t be breached) were treated with no respect whatsoever. As a result, we switched our bias to the long side and are targeting 1.0930. Will report back tomorrow8230 7th December 2015, 27.3 points profit trading AUDUSD today. Trade was taken at half our normal size. Closed the trade 0.73 to wait for a bounce to re-enter short during the US session8230this never happened and price ran away from us Ah well, at least it showed our analysis was correct on the bigger time frames. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 3rd December 2015 8211 20 pip on NZDUSD today. Didn8217t think that we would get an opportunity due to the ECB meeting today, but this looked like a trade worth taking this afternoon. Volume was half our normal size due to the volatility seen in other pairs. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 1st December 2015 8211 NZDUSD trade overnight hit target during the Asian session. 30th November 2015 8211 Live forex trading today. Click to expand so you can see the written analysis of the events today. 27th November 2015 8211 Today8217s live trading on USDCAD and NZDUSD. Good example of volume adjusted trading. 26th November 2015 8211 US holiday meant not much movement today. However, we did enter a longer term trade on the GBPUSD. Read full description by clicking the image. 25th November 2015 8211 Yesterday you saw us finish the day down just over 7 points of trade risk. Today we8217re up over 30 points in closed positions and we still have a trade running on the Kiwi Dollar (NZDUSD). Live video is certainly worth a watch. Click the image to read our full description. 24th November 2015 8211 X2 Position trades today and X1 Intraday trade. Full description written on top of the image (click to expand). 23rd November 2015 8211 Good start to the week with USDJPY (making up for Friday8217s choppy movement). Live video is on our YouTube channel. 20th November 2015 8211 No live trades today due to meeting arrangements. However, screenshot and review posted for you. Unfortunately, USDJPY market was just sideways in the end 8211 this is something we don8217t like. 19th November 2015 8211 Live trading today. Great example of the reality of trading returns. You8217ve seen us lose 23 points Tuesday, 11.6 points yesterday (after we closed USDJPY for a small profit), but we8217ve banked over 41 points today. Trade was placed on AUDUSD. Click image to read full description. 18th November 2015 8211 Update on AUDUSD trade entered yesterday. Click image to read description. Live video is on our YouTube channel. USDJPY trade cut for small profit, will update in detail tomorrow during live video. 17th November 2015 8211 Swing trade on GBPUSD. Please click the image to read the description in the yellow box. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 13th November 2015 8211 Yesterday we finished flat, with a short position running on the NZDUSD. Today was pretty much a continuation of yesterday8217s position, which really didn8217t go anywhere. Nonetheless, we traded defensively trying to pre-empt the move lower. However, the market just wasn8217t ready to break. This is the reality of trading 8211 sometimes the market will not move enough and you will have days where you cannot bank8230due to the range bound nature. We finished the day pretty much flat (down 4 pips). The live trade video shows good risk management and a good attitude towards the frustrating bounces. 12th Nov 2015 8211 We wanted to position ourselves ready for a NZDUSD sell off today. Our target was 0.6470, but the market sharply reversed from 0.65 (round number amp weekly lows). Our analysis, so far, is that the Kiwi can still push lower. As a result, we8217re still holding a short position. As far as closed trades are concerned, we finished FLAT on the day. We have just over 22 points (normal size) risk on this position and will pick it up tomorrow morning. Live video is worth a watch 11th November 2015 8211 US Bank holiday this afternoon so no live trades unfortunately HOWEVER, took a position trade long on the GBPUSD for a 39 point profit. Yesterday8217s AUDUSD was closed in the evening for a 1.1 pip gain. Trade terminal shows x2 days worth of history so that you can see the position adjustment etc. Live video will be on our YouTube channel informing you why we closed GBPUSD and AUDUSD. 10th November 2015 8211 Today we chose to focus on the commodity currencies (AUDUSD/NZDUSD/USDCAD). However, after the first hour of LDN trade, it was clear that the market wasn8217t sure which way to move across ALL the pairs. As a result, we were chopped up twice, once on AUDUSD and secondly on USDCAD, but managed to finish the day down less than 10 points due to risk management and a short AUD in the afternoon. Live trade video is definitely worth a watch (though it is long) because it shows you how you can have a great plan, a good method, but if the markets are not ready 8211 you8217re getting chopped up. 9th November 2015 8211 Played the markets safe today due to Friday8217s volatility. Had a nice move on EURUSD. Live trade video is on our YouTube channel. 6th November 2015 8211 Closed our SWING TRADE short on the AUDUSD for 50 pips profit. Trade was taken at half normal size. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 5th November 2015 8211 Only one trade taken today and that was closed for breakeven. Due to the Non Farm event risk tomorrow, markets wanted to take profits today which created unsettled price action. Important to point out that as a trader, you must be willing to accept that opportunities will NOT come everyday. Live video is on our YouTube channel and offers a great heads up RE broker providers. 4th November 2015 8211 A flat day today as far as day trades were concerned (marginally up). GBPUSD longer term swing position was stopped out for less than 6 points loss. All things considered, a relatively quiet day as far as trading was concerned for us. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 3rd November 2015 8211 We only traded the London session today because this is where the majority of moves took place for us. By the time we entered the US session, the markets had moved enough already and we were not willing to trade at the current price levels. In any case, we banked just over 31 points today (normal trade size). Live video is on our YouTube channel. 2nd November 2015 8211 Just the one day trade today on GBPUSD. Quick 10 points banked before the 9:30am PMI release. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 30th October 2015 8211 Some good trades in here today as far as RISK:REWARD ratios were concerned. Good run on AUDUSD this afternoon and NZDUSD overnight. USDCAD chopped on data but analysis was spot on. Trade volumes were adjusted throughout the day to compensate for the risk . We finished the day down 9.8 ticks, a small loss, but I think this could have been avoided by not being as aggressive trying to pre-empt the AUDUSD breakout. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 29th October 2015 8211 A flat day today. Market moves over the last 24 hours just wanted to retrace. No continuation, just profit taking by the look of the price action. Hopefully tomorrow will provide better movement 28th October 2015 8211 Today was pretty much a 8216scratch8217 day due to the FOMC rate decision this evening. We tried a small short on GBPUSD this morning and took a tiny 10 tick loss. Live video is a short one this time but it8217s worth a watch 27th October 2015 8211 Live trading. Interesting points in today8217s live trading. Took an amended volume size long on the USDJPY and was stopped out during the Asian session. Tried the EURUSD short early morning (amended size again) and was stopped out. After 8am, we took the final AM trade on the EURUSD short and the trade did move in our favour (10 points or so), but we trailed our stop to minimise risk (4.8pips) and were stopped out on the rebound. So, x3 trades taken, 22.8 pips down. However, we8217re currently in a SWING SHORT on the AUDUSD which is up over 30 points at the moment. Will report on how the trade plays out in tomorrows live trading 8211 great lesson on RISK:REWARD trading in the live video. 26th October 2015 8211 Total loss for the day was just over 20 points over x2 trades. Both trades did move into profit but the sentiment quickly shifted against our initial bias. However, the risk was managed and 20 points over 2 trades is well within our RISK:REWARD parameters. Live video will be on our YouTube channel. Ok, so today was a tough one We were out of action yesterday due to the ECB event risk, and the markets are always difficult to trade the day after such volatility. Most of our trades were placed on GBPUSD and a surprise RATE CUT by the People8217s Bank of China didn8217t help However, we traded our plan and finished the day down just over 9 points. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 21st October 2015 8211 Tight ranges on the currency pairs in focus today. A few trades were taken with full explanation in the live video. Finished the day 19.5 points. Video is definitely worth a watch on our YouTube channel. 20th October 2015 8211 Long day as far as trading was concerned for us. So we started off with a longer-term swing short on NZDUSD, but got stopped out during the London session. After which, there were really only three meaningful trades that we placed on the AUDUSD and the EURUSD. To end the day, we lost 18.9 points on the swing short and just over 10 pips for the day trades. Unfortunate element was that the NZDUSD absolutely tanked in the US session8230which proved our analysis was correct at least Live video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 19th October 2015 8211 Afternoon Trading. Got chopped up on the NZDUSD this afternoon. Price action was choppy throughout the day, but we thought we would try and get in on the break down early. This wasn8217t the time for the breakdown and the market just wanted to continue ranging. However, we did recognise the trade8217s probability and reduced the risk by half. Live video will be on our YouTube channel. 19th October 2015 8211 Spotted a trade first thing on EURUSD this morning. Market ran to our target within 20 minutes. Live trade video will be on our YouTube channel. 16th October 2015 8211 So we spent the entire afternoon session watching EURUSD and GBPUSD for potential signs of weakness. The cash equity open saw the EUR and GBP bid agains the greenback and we couldn8217t do anything about it However, we noticed a potential opportunity to catch a few pips on GBPUSD via a stop hunt through the lows. This was very close to the 16:00 London fix, which isn8217t a good thing, and we were hit with choppy price behaviour around the key support for the London session. We managed to close the trade pretty much at breakeven. Live video will be uploaded onto our YouTube channel because we added an 8216end of week8217 analysis too. 16th October 2015 8211 X2 trades were taken this morning. The first was placed on GBPUSD, the second was placed on NZDUSD. Live video will be on our YouTube channel. 15th October 2015 8211 Tricky session today. Only a small trade this afternoon on the USDJPY. Live video will be posted on our YouTube channel. 15th October 2015 8211 x3 trades taken this morning. Down 11.5 points in total. Live trade video will be on our YouTube channel. Interesting point to note is that it took x3 trades to cause the 11.5 point loss. Will evaluate the markets this afternoon to see if there are any viable opportunities. 14th October 2015 8211 This morning8217s live trade on the EURUSD. Profit banked within 10 minutes. Live video will be on our YouTube channel. 13th October 2015 8211 EURUSD AM trade. Quick 10 points banked trading the EUR this morning. Live trade video will be on our YouTube Channel. 12th October 2015 8211 Live trading on EURUSD this morning. Just over 11 pips banked. Live video is on our YouTube channel. 9th October 2015 8211 Live fund trading. More defensive trading today guys 8211 big moves this week in some asset classes so Fridays can become tricky. As always, live trade video will be posted onto our YouTube channel. 13.8 points banked. 8th October 2015 8211 Live trades for the fund today. Due to our analysis, we had a feeling that today would be a transition from the short term trend we8217ve been in for some asset classes. As a result, we traded very defensively to make a gain of 15.1 points for the day. Two trades were taken, live trade video will be posted on our YouTube Channel. 7th October 2015 8211 Another live trade for the fund today. 20.1 pips banked on the EURUSD. Live video will be posted on our YouTube Channel. Please note, info is covered due to client confidentiality. Our LIVE TRADING is BACK However, please bare with us on the resolution and the lack of specific information. Due to the fund that we8217re managing, a lot of confidential information is stored on the trade terminal. As a result, we8217ve had to section off the recording and screenshot the entry and exit separately. In any case, this form should be better than no live trading at all Check out our first live trade on the AUDUSD today, live video will be posted on our YouTube Channel. 7th July 2015, 710 banked trading USDJPY within a few hours Made this trade call during our 10am update to clients. Live trade video will be on our YouTube Channel. 2nd July 2015 8211 The GBPUSD rollercoaster day Non Farm Payrolls were also released this afternoon and we8217re up a massive 22 NET Live video of all three trades will be placed on our YouTube channel. 1st July 2015 8211 Nicked out by roughly one pip for a small loss on GBPUSD this morning Our stop shouldn8217t have been so close and we8217ve been scrutinised by our clients on why we put it so tight. Our clients got into this position and banked on it due to their stop placement In any case, live video will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel. 26th June 2015 8211 GBPUSD long trade cut due to stalled price action (and other things we can8217t just give away). Got out with a small profit of 102.00, live video will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel. 24th June 2015, 537.50 banked trading EURUSD this morning. Live trade will be on our YouTube Channel. 19th June 2015 GBPJPY Short. Ok guys so we rarely trade this pair but we noticed the potential for a good RISK:REWARD trade yesterday. These trade types tend to fail a lot but the reward is often far greater than the risk so we gave it a go. I can truly say that this was the most boring, choppy and annoying trade this year 8211 it was really awful Anyway, we FINALLY closed the trade when London shut up shop at 4:00pm on Friday for a 128.99 profit. We were hoping for 600 but the market just wasn8217t ready. Live video will be on our YouTube Channel. 18th June 2015 8211 EURUSD Trade Closed with 226.20 profit. Trade was opened during the evening (10pm UK time) and stop had to be in a safe area due to inability to monitor the chart. Stop was placed 160 pips away, so trade had to be placed at 6 per pip because we never risk more than 3 on any single trade. The stop could easily have been less and trailed higher, but we couldn8217t monitor the position. We did trail the stop up during the London session, but closed out as the markets seemed like they wanted to have a 8216movement b8217 towards the downside. Live video will be published on our YouTube Channel. 16th June 2015, 264 Banked Trading EURUSD on a prop move from S1. Live video will be on our YouTube channel. 16th June 2015 8211 We noticed a setup to go long after a pretty significant drop off on the GBPUSD. However, it seemed that the market wasn8217t ready for a rise this morning and the pro traders were taking their profits ahead of the 9:30am inflation data. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 15th June 2015 8211 Banked a quick 20 points trading GBPUSD down to 1.55 this morning. 400 was the close out profit. Live trade video will be posted on our YouTube Channel. 12th June 2015, 650 banked within 1 hour trading GBPUSD this morning. Precision exit from the market was spot on Live video will be on our YouTube Channel. 8th June 2015, 882.50 banked trading GBPUSD within the hour We noticed a great opportunity to sell into strength on the back of Obama comments RE the USD strength. Live video will be on our YouTube Channel. 4th June 2015. 948 banked trading PURE PRICE ACTION on GBPUSD this morning Live trade video coming shortly8230 3rd June 2015 1,252.50 banked trading our 8216Prop8217 setup on the EURUSD. We noticed a great, technical setup on the EURUSD which produced 83.5 pips profit Live video will be on our YouTube Channel8230 29th May 2015 8211 AUDUSD trade closed for a 78 loss. We entered the trade early and we were aiming to test recent lows. Price did get fairly close but was supported during the US Session. As a result, we decided to go square and close the position. 29th May 2015 8211 ANOTHER Pure Price Action trade today. 418.50 banked trading EURUSD to the topside. Full Course on price action trading coming soon8230 29th May 2015, 502 banked trading GBPJPY. This was done using NO INDICATORS. The trade was taken using two timeframes for analysis. We will be releasing our 8216PURE PRICE ACTION TRADING8217 course shortly. 27th May 2015 8211 LIVE Trade on GBPAUD. 762 banked using the DAILY and 1 HOUR chart only Video will be on our YouTube Channel for viewing. This trade was placed using the 8216FREE STRATEGY8217 we provide when you register your email with us. 22nd May 2015 8211 Cut our EURUSD long today with a 68 profit. The market was showing signs of reversing so we had to close out. 21st May 2015 8211 So we took a high risk LONG trade on USDCAD, a few minutes before the release of the FOMC minutes yesterday. This was in anticipation of a quick USD run to the upside. Unfortunately, the minutes were not clear at all. As a result, we saw the USD come off its highs. We held out until today, it had a good run8230but we saw it reverse during the London close. Trade was closed for a total loss of 229.59. Live video will be on our YouTube channel. 19th May 2015 8211 Banked a nice profit of 721.80 trading AUDUSD. We made this trade call during our 8216Morning Market Commentary8217. Live trade video coming shortly8230 18th May 2015 8211 LATE NIGHT TRADE8230So we lost 117 earlier trading GBPUSD due to trailing our stop and increased volatility. However, we noticed that as the US Session got going, the market still wanted to sell off. So we shorted, made up the loss and some The trade was closed just before 21:00 UK time. Live trade video will be on our YouTube Channel. 18th May 2015- Stopped out for a small loss on GBPUSD. We made the trade call during our Morning Market Commentary. The price moved 50 pips in our favour and we trailed our stop to minimise risk. Unfortunately, the market reversed in the afternoon and stopped us out for a loss of 117. NOTICE the size of the loss in comparison to our wins8230that8217s what separates us from the majority of retail traders. Live trade video will be on our YouTube channel. 15th May 2015 8211 Unfortunately, the remaining third of the position we opened yesterday on GBPUSD was stopped out this afternoon. This was for a 3.50 loss on the back of very weak US data 15th May 2015 8211 We have just closed out of our SPECIAL, LIVE TRADE we placed for our 8216Free Trading Strategy8217 subscribers. We banked 1,020 using this strategy TODAY In the video, we go into exclusive depth and provide the exact reasons for entering. This video will NOT be available to view on YouTube 8211 it is solely for the subscribers who signed up. If you want to see it, enter your email address on the landing page 14th May 2015 8211 So today we traded the news LIVE for the first time8230and we called the reaction SPOT ON We entered a GBPUSD short and banked 368. We still have a third of the position running. Live trade video will be on our YouTube Channel. This is probably our biggest MUST WATCH video for 2015 12th May 2015, 333 banked trading EURGBP within the hour. This trade was actually pointed out by one of our clients earlier in the morning. Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 8th May 2015, 328.50 banked trading just after Non Farm Payrolls. This trade was opened and closed in 7 minutes Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 8th May 2015 8211 So we made a loss of 276 on our AUDNZD swing trade. Live video will be on our YouTube Channel. NOTE: Losses are part of the game 8211 we need to make sure that those losses are smaller than the gains8230.that8217s the key 5th May 2015, 540 banked QUICKLY trading USDJPY. We called this trade setup during our Afternoon Market Commentary and our 2pm 4 Hourly Update. Live video will be on our YouTube Channel. 5th May 2015, 990 banked trading GBPJPY 8211 swing trade. We noted the setup during our morning analysis and this is how it ended. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 1st May 2015 8211 What an end to the week 2000.20 banked trading USDCAD using the DAILY CHART as the signal The trade was held open for 2 days 8211 live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 28th April 2015, 1475 banked trading EURUSD Called the trade with almost perfect commentary. This is a must watch on our YouTube Channel We feel that knowing when to exit the market is more important than your entry. Look at where we closed out earlier, in our live video we stated the reason why. Take a look at the price action since we closed out our position8230 24.04.2015, 934.50 banked trading EURGBP. Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 23.04.2015 8211 Stopped out for a loss of 340 on our EURUSD trade today Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 22.04.2015, 607.50 banked trading EURUSD this morning. Called the setup in our Market Commentary and capitalised during the London session. Live trade is on our YouTube Channel. 21.04.2015 8211 Took a trade LONG on CADJPY. Was up roughly 300 but saw the market put in a key reversal. Managed to cut the trade with a 17.50 profit. 20.04.2015, 1,007.50 banked trading USDCAD. We noted this setup in both our Morning Market Commentary, and our 4 Hourly Swing Update. Live video will be on our YouTube Channel. 15th April 2015, 2,060.86 banked using our longer term, swing trading strategy. The live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 9th April 2015 8211 1,892 banked trading EURUSD. This is the trade idea we called during our Afternoon Market Commentary. Live video will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel. 8th April 2015 8211 945.00 banked this morning trading EURUSD. Closed 3 lots of the position and left the final lot running to see if we could squeeze more profit. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 7th April 2015 8211 USDCAD live trade. We opened a long position on the USDCAD and closed half at the first resistance level. We have banked 348.73 already and left the remainder of the position running. We will update on the remainder soon8230 30th March 2015 8211 Cut the EURUSD short trade due to increasing volatility in price action. Got out with a small profit of 176.00 Live video is on our YouTube Channel8230 26th March 2015 8211 Shorted EURUSD Through S.5 Rejection to S1.5 for a 43 pip move 876 banked. 20th March 2015 8211 FED WEEK So due to the extreme volatility this week, we had no trading setup until today. Unfortunately, the trade didn8217t move in our favour and we were stopped out. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 13th March 2015 8211 Typical Friday the 13th fashion8230129.19 loss on AUDUSD Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 12th March 2015 8211 Took a short trade on EURUSD from a swing low break to pivot. 174.11 banked. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 12th March 2015 8211 Screenshot for today8217s trade in reference to account history below8230 12th March 2015 8211 Closed out our GBPUSD trade for -39.85 loss. Happy to be out, price action was very erratic (see image above). 11.03.2015 8211 We opened a swing trade short on the AUDJPY on 9th and closed it today for a total profit of 403.76. This trade was placed at a 1.0 lot position size. Our 8216PIP8217 profit was 73.9 pips. 09.03.2015 8211 Tried to call the bottom in USDCAD with a very tight stop. Position was closed for 8211 48.44. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 6.03.2015 8211 Today8217s Loss on the AUDUSD. Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. (-207.62) 5.03.2015 8211 AUDUSD trade. 737.39 banked. Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 4th March 2015 8211 Took a long on USDCAD, closed half at 1:1 risk reward and trailed stop to just above breakeven. Managed the trade and took a 243.65 profit. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 3rd March 2015 8211 Closed GBPUSD Short for 397.43 Profit. Got out due to support level test on 60min chart. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 2nd March 15 8211 First trade of the week and month8230stopped out for -121.02. Live video is on our YouTube Channel. 27.02.20158230So we got scared and closed the USDJPY position today We were up 350-4008230but then saw a MASSIVE seller bar come in and we closed the position. If this had occurred during the week and not the last trading day of the month, we would have let it run. However, as today was a Friday and it was also the end of the month, big traders usually adjust their positions and it creates irregular volatility. Live video on our YouTube Channel8230 26.2.15 8211 3rd trade for today8230304.97 Banked during the US Session trading USDJPY. Live Video is on our YouTube Channel. 26.2.2015 8211 Just took a higher risk trade on EURUSD8230unfortunately stopped out for -11pips in an attempt to call the intraday bottom Live video will be uploaded on our YouTube Channel. 26.02.2015 8211 Banked Profits on AUDUSD in 15 minutes this morning 421.058230 492.61 banked during 25.2.15 US Session. Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 598.85 banked on 25.2.2015 trading GBPUSD. Entered the position during London Session close yesterday. Took profit during EU Session this morning. Live video is on our YouTube Channel8230 24.02.2015 8211 Breakeven Trade on AUDUSD. Entered short during London open, was up around 170, but decided to close the position on a retrace back to our entry. 23.02.2015: 355.14 banked this morning trading GBPUSD. Closed half of the position at mid-point and trailed stop above swing high. Price retraced a couple of pips above the SL and we were closed out of the position. Wanted to let the trade run with minimal risk but got out of the trade with a decent risk:reward Attempted to BUY USDJPY up to test the PIVOT. Offered a good RISK:REWARD ratio but the trade was closed at roughly breakeven (-7.67). Good example of risk management and volume increase as a warning signal. 19.02.2015, 1,007.03 banked trading NZDUSD this morning. Clients received info on this pair during Morning Commentary8230live trade video will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel 18.02.20158230So this morning we attempted a long BEFORE the LONDON session, which is something we rarely do, and unfortunately the trade didn8217t work out. Remember though 8211 losses are inevitable and what makes the difference is your RISK:REWARD Ratio. On to the next one 2nd Trade of 17.2.15 8211 USDJPY Long, 230.26 banked in 1.5 hours. 489.22 banked trading EURUSD on 17th Feb 2015. Trade was closed within the hour Live video on our YouTube Channel8230 12.02.2015: 1179.64 Banked Trading EURUSD8230Live trade video will be on our YouTube Channel So we got into a AUDUSD SHORT this afternoon and made over 300 in 1 hour. This made back the EURUSD loss from earlier in the trading day (see below). Live trade video will be on our YouTube Channel 11.02.2015: 538.26 Net Profit Banked Today. Took x2 Trades on GBP/USD and EUR/USD. Lost 196.19 on EUR/USD but made 734.45 on GBP/USD TOTAL PROFIT 538.26 10.02.2015: 514.70 banked within 3 hours8230live video on our YouTube Channel 2nd Trade of the Day 8211 9th Feb 20158230Total Profit for the Day 1,268.52 Live trade video for both trades is on our YouTube Channel8230. 9th Feb 2015: 996.36 Banked in 3 Hours Trading AUDUSD. Called the potential trade in our 8216Morning Commentary8217 04.02.20158230597.18 Banked in 35 Minutes..Called it BANG ON in our Morning Commentary Live Video is on our YouTube Channel. 30.01.15 8211 423.16 Profit in 4 hours 500 banked in 30 Minutes 28th Jan 2015 The most common questions we receive about FX trading from beginners are: 8220how much do I need to start with8221 8220how much can I make8221 8220how much do I need to make similar profits to you82218230 Guys, here is our trading performance over the last 3 months. We8217ve taken a respectable amount of 3,924.62 and turned it into 15,238.04 Thats almost 400 in 3 months. Hope it8217s inspiring 27.01.2015 8211 581.83 Banked in 4.5 Hours. We noted this trade setup in our weekly market update and capitalized the following day Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 22.01.2015 8211 434.72 Banked in 2.5 Hours8230Visit our YouTube Channel to view this live trade in action 09/01/2015 8211 1,519.70 Banked Using Our Brand New Forex Strategy 75.9 Pips Banked Within 24 Hours. 1,608.55 Banked Using A Brand New Trading Strategy. For those of you who don8217t have a lot of time and prefer medium term trading, we have developed a brand new strategy especially for you. Live Trade Video is on YouTube. What a brilliant start to the year..-70 loss on the EURUSD Thought we could capitalise on an intraday short squeeze, we were up 450 (18pips), but price rolled over and stopped us out for a 2.8 pip loss (live video is on our YouTube Channel). On a positive note however, a 70 loss is tiny in comparison to our wins8230THAT8217S THE KEY HOW8217S THAT FOR CONSISTENCY Our trading performance over the last month8230(live trade videos all on YouTube) 1,582 Banked in 4 Hours. This was placed on Non-Farm Payroll day 8211 live trade video is on our YouTube channel 25.11.14 8211 2,000 banked in 6 hours. Live trade video is on our YouTube Channel. 20.11.14 8211 2,110 Banked Within 3 Hours. Live Trade Video is on our YouTube Channel. 11.11.14 8211 1,000 banked in 5 hours trading GBP/USD. Live trade video of this trade has been posted onto our YouTube Channel. 10.11.14 8211 2575 banked in 3 hours. This trade was placed just using the 4 Hourly Chart. 06/11/2014 3714.30 Banked Trading EURUSD. This particular position we held overnight to capitalise on price falling even further the next day. There is a live trade video of the above that shows our entry and exit with trading commentary on our YouTube Channel. 08.10.14 8211 1500 banked in just under 1 hour. 1,190 Banked in 3 Hours and 20 minutes. Live trade video for this trade is on our YouTube Channel. 3.10.2014 8211 600 banked in 3 hours using our simple, powerful trading strategy. 900 banked in just under 1 hour trading the EUR/USD 8211 30/09/2014 633 Banked in 35 Minutes 8211 29.09.2014 1692 Banked Within 5 Hours 1,038.00 Banked in 6 Hours Trading x2 Currency Pairs 1,002.00 Banked within 38 Minutes. 22.09.14 8211 594 banked within 3 hours. How is that for consistency 15.09.2014 600 banked within 7 hours. 26.08.14 8211 620 banked trading GBP/USD. 22.08.2014 8211 582.46 banked trading USD/JPY within 2 hours. 13.08.2014 8211 750 banked today trading EURUSD. Poor retail sales data was released from the US, which weakened the Dollar. 12.08.2014 8211 900 banked trading GBP/USD. We spotted an early, intraday reversal signal and followed the market throughout the trading day. We closed the position at the end of the day because there is important data which will be released tomorrow. This is from the UK with regards to the inflation report and it will have an effect on the price of GBP. 31.7.2014 8211 Banked 616 profit within 4.5 hours. Brilliant trade setup with the Euro being in beautiful downtrend. 30.7.2014 8211 751 Profit in 5 Hours. This was a textbook trade with the currency pair in a great downtrend. 693 Profit (within 20 minutes) Banked Today Trading the British Pound against the US Dollar. The Pound was due a correction and today was a great entry signal to ride the second 8216movement8217. We have highlighted our 8216Entry Exit8217 points on the chart. Just below the chart you will be able to see the terminal with the exact entry/exit prices along with the entry/exit time and closing profit. 9th July 2014 8211 Statement Update. 1,000 into over 6,000 within 2 months. We will continue to upload our statements to show how powerful our strategies are. 21.05.2014: 200 profit banked in 2 hours using one of our FXEL strategies. This was a beautiful setup with very little risk and every chart was aligned nicely. We will be uploading more examples and doing more videos with similar position sizes to prove that a good living can be made by trading with a small account. 300.00 Profit in 4.5 hours. This trade was placed at 10 per pip to show what is possible even with a fairly small account. Our clients trade on average between 5 and 15 per point. Our vision here is to get you to achieve 100 pips a week initially. Multiply this by the 10 per pip, you are looking at 1000 per week 8211 tax free as the target. There is also a trade video on the link above that shows exactly you why we entered the trade 8211 live The above image shows 815 profit banked within 4 hours trading the USDCAD on 06/05/2014.We sold the USD against the CAD and made profits as price fell. Gold trade from 23/04 to 24/04. Entry signal was generated during the US Session and profit was hit the next day. 995.94 Net Profit. 1,180 Profit Within 2 Hours. We sold the AUD against the USD on Friday 11/04/2014 due to a number of rejections. Great example of anticipation that price will fall. Here is an example of a trade that DID NOT go to plan. We were aiming for around 1,000 8211 1,500 profit. Our FXEL strategies gave us the warning that it is time to take the trade off of the table. We still got out with 125 profit. 930 profit banked within 4 hours using one of our FXEL Strategies. Perfect example of a precision trade. 455 Profit Banked within 1 Hour. This was rather a cheeky trade as we were trading with a 8220Movement B Correction8221 8211 we teach our clients how to implement this strategy in their trading. 2,045 profit trading EURUSD within 3.5 hours today. Stop loss was kept extremely safe and take profit was just above the S2 Support Level. This was using one of our FXEL Strategies. 1,330 Profit Trading GBPUSD using one of our longer term strategies that catches the change in sentiment from buyers to sellers. Here is an example of where a trade DID NOT go according to plan. However, due to the professional nature of our strategy, we still came out in 455.00 profit in under 2 hours. The beauty about our system is that the market will provide you with clear signals that the momentum of the move is fading and it is time to get out of your position. 1,705 Profit Trading EUR/JPY Overnight between 11:15pm (GMT) and 12:30am. This is an example of one of the strategies that we teach being executed during the overnight Asian Session. 1,275 Profit in 6 Hours on 25/03/2014. This trade was made by one of our Senior Traders using a Trading Application available on smartphones - it is exactly the same as viewing the PC Screen. 1,885 Profit in Under 10 Hours. This trade was made whilst we were on the move visiting clients through our iPhone Application. You can do this effectively just by using your smartphone 8211 you don8217t need to be sat in front of the screen wondering when to get in and out. We have received a lot of contact regarding our trade size of 50 per point (how much we need, what we use in our account etc). As a result, we wanted to post a trade example at the size most of our new clients trade (5 per point). As you can see, 100 profit was made in just over 30 minutes 8211 there is still good money to be made using our strategy even if you are a complete beginner. 1,410 Profit in Under 5 Hours Using our FXEL Strategy (This is with reference to the 1,030 profit trade within 2 hours below) The 8216yellow line8217 shows our exit from the market. As you can see, it was a prime example of the level of precision using our strategy. This image was taken 30 minutes after we closed the position and banked the money. 1,030 Profit Banked in Under 2 Hours 1,030 Profit in Just Over 1 Hour 1,250 in Under 2 Hours 1,690 Profit in Just Over 1 Hour 1,505 Profit in Under 2 Hours 2,490 Profit in Just Over 10 Hours 1,255 Profit Within 4 Hours 1,095 Profit in Just Over Seven Hours 1,220 Profit in Just Over 8.5 Hours 1,035 Profit in Under 2 Hours 968.82 Profit within 24 Hours Using one of our Longer Term Strategies 500 Profit in 30 Minutes Trading Gold 3,275 Profit in 4 Days Using one of our Longer Term Strategies 1,075 Profit in Under 3 Hours

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